The Liebster Award

I want to thank Manoj Mehra for nominating me for this awesome The Liebster Award! His blog is about people, emotions, life and much more so be sure to check it out by clicking here. 

Rules For The Liebster Award

1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
2. Share 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) asked you.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers and make them happy!
5. Make up to 11 questions and ask them to your nominees.
6. Notify your 11 nominees.

11 facts about me

Honestly, I’ve done so many of these I’ve run out- just check out my About Me page if you’re interested or other Liebster Award posts.

My questions for nominees

1. Do you read a newspaper daily? If not, why don’t you read it?

No but I read the news online so I’m not sure if that counts.

The Liebster Award using laptop gif

2. What do you do when you are sad?

Cry, eat and then get over it…

cry eating gif

3. What’s the worst thing have you done in anger?

I’ve said some things I regret.

The Liebster Award im sorry gif

4. Which day of the week do you like the most and why?

Friday because I have the weekend to look forward to!

 it's friday gif

5. Which one thing you regret that you should have done it but you didn’t?

I wish I had appreciate the good ol’ days when they were happening.

 regret gif

6. What is life according to you?

I think it differs for everyone but for me life is doing what makes you happy and chasing your dreams.

 what is life gif

7. One person with whom you share all your feelings?

My bestie and a lot of times with my sister as well.

emotions gif

8. Which is your favorite season of the year and why?

Fall and spring!

The Liebster Award fall gif

9. What is your favorite pastime?

Reading, listening to music, watching TV.

10. What is your favorite song?

Imagine by John Lennon. If you’ve never heard this song please do so immediately- it’s beautiful.

imagine john lennon gif

11. What is your favorite food?

Anything Korean or Indian.

mukbang gif

My Nominees

Anyone who wants to do this award please feel free to and use the same questions I did!

For more award posts click here.

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This Post Was Sponsored By Caden738, check out his blog at

51 responses to “THE LIEBSTER AWARD #12”

  1. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you!!

  2. Very nice! Gonna go see your others! What’s your favourite Indian or Korean food? IM CURIOUS!

    1. Thank you! My favourite Korean food is kimchi fried rice and my favourite Indian food is Idli Sambhar!

      1. Mmm! I love it when my kimchi fried rice has a little char in it and I’ve never tried Idil Sambhar, it looks so good!!!

        1. Omh yasss I love kimchi fried rice like that!! You should try Idli some time it’s delicious!

  3. Congratulations on the award and a great post.

    1. Thank you so much!

  4. Congratulations

  5. Loved your answers. I love Friday too. I too regret many things which I said in anger.

    1. Thank you so much!!

  6. Nice one… is this a community of bloggers? How can I be a party oof this… I wrote blogs, which I find good and informative, but never seem to get a good traffic on it.. can u help?

    1. Thanks! I have a share and promote page you can check out

  7. Congratulations! 😀

  8. Korean and Indian are my favorite too! There are no good Korean barbecue places where I live but when I lived in LA they were everywhere. And give me a garlic naan covered in lamb biryani any day.

    1. Yesss garlic naan and biryani are amazing and my favourite Korean food is probably kimchi fried rice it’s so good!

      1. We would be good lunch friends for sure lol

        1. Lol for sure!

  9. Congratulations, Pooja

  10. Thats fantastic, congratulations !

    1. Thank you so much!

  11. You are getting all kinds of awards girl!! DAMN :]

    1. Haha thanks 😊

  12. my favorite song as well!

    1. Ooh yayyy!!

  13. Congratulations! I love Imagine by John Lennon too

    1. Thank you and that song is amazing!

  14. Congratulations dear

  15. BIG congrats on your award!! Well done

    1. Thank you so much!!

  16. I am nominating you for the 30 questions tag in my post Friday September 20 because, well, I always enjoy how you answer 🙂

    1. Wow thank you so much!!

      1. You’re welcome

  17. I never read physical newspapers, but I do love physical magazines and books. I used to love reading the news stories from NYT and Washington Post on Snapchat, but now I listen to the NYT podcast & just read their articles online.

    I hate saying things that I regret, so now I try to remove myself from tense situations to calm myself before I speak!

    1. Yeah I enjoy the Washington Post too and I almost always read their stuff online.

      It definitely helps to take some time out and calm down before saying something.

  18. Congratulations! 🙂

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