An Interesting New Find

woman in the kitchen cooking | n Interesting New Find

It’s pretty easy to find negative news right now. It sometimes feels like everywhere you look there’s just so much negativity. And I understand why- it’s important to spread awareness and make sure people understand the seriousness of the situation. However, personally I don’t like spending a lot of time looking at negative stuff because it does tend to affect my mental health. If you have anxiety or depression you can probably understand where I’m coming from. That’s why I was kind of excited when I found a blog that’s trying to spread some positivity. So, here is my interesting new find:

The Interesting New Find

The interesting new find is a blog called and it seems like they’re trying to bring some positivity at a time when it’s pretty negative out there. So I thought I would share the blog with you guys. One of the things I loved about their blog was that they created games for kids to show them how difficult culinary-related work is. That way they can learn to appreciate those working in this industry when they grow up. I thought this was super cool. I think there are certain things we need to teach children from a young age. And this is a fun way to teach them to be grateful for those working in the service sector. It’s a fun way to keep your kids occupied while they are at home that also teaches them to value those around them.

They also realised that most of us are stuck at home right now which may mean that we may not always being super healthy. I’ve definitely relied on running from one class to another as exercise so far and now my body is just like girl what are you doing. That’s why they created a body fat calculator, a weight loss calculator and a workout calculator for those of you who want to workout from home and track how much weight you’ve lost and how many calories your workout is burning.

And as you guys know I’m a big fan of cooking. And I’ve been trying to experiment with food since I’ve been stuck at home anyway. I was happy to find that they have an ingredient converter which basically helps you convert the amounts from the metric system of measurement to the imperial system or vice versa. That’s super helpful for me because I only know the metric system. And when people are like add 2 pounds of blah blah blah I’m like whatttt? So I really found this helpful when trying out new recipes.

Let Me Know!

So yeah, thought I would share that with you guys. Hopefully it was a nice distraction from everything going on right now. Let me know in the comments if you’ve started baking bread because apparently that’s a thing now?!? And let me know if you’ve tried any new dishes!!

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53 responses to “An Interesting New Find”

  1. Liked your post. Some people are doing puzzles, playing board games, anything to connect and not be on our devices as much. Which is a good thing. Good times to chill.

    1. Thank you and yeah it’s the perfect time to chill!

      1. Your blogs are awesome

        1. Thanks!!

          1. Do follow me too for unique recipes

  2. I absolutely love cooking. Def going to check it out! thanks 🙂

    1. Hope it helps! I love cooking too and found the converter super helpful!

  3. I too tried few new things

    1. That’s great!

  4. Baking my own bread is my ultimate goal but im taking it one step at a time. One thing’s for sure, I’ve finally had the motivation to learn new things to cook. Thanks to online recipes and tutorials.

    1. Yeah I’ve been trying a lot of new recipes these days too although I haven’t tried to make bread yet.

  5. Glad you have found this really amazing!
    And thanks for sharing, Pooja!

    1. Thanks and hope it helps bring some positivity to other people as it did to me!

  6. Beautiful sharing .I like this art.

    1. Thanks!

  7. This is definitely something I need to check out because my diet since being trapped in doors has only gotten worse. X_X

    1. Haha I understand it’s pretty easy to go downhill when you’re stuck at home with a bunch of junk just lying there!

  8. Thanks for sharing Pooja. Why not learn the essential art of cooking now that we are all homebound

    1. Yeah I think this is a good time to pick up skills like cooking since you’re stuck at home anyway!

  9. This is amazing. Having to do the conversions really suck. This is a great post. This lockdown has got me into cooking chicken. Until not, I used to be terrified of cooking and always used to eat out.

    1. Yeah I find the conversions very frustrating! I’m glad you’re picking up cooking I think it’s a great skill to have!

      1. Definitely. I’ve been cooking on my own for nearly two years! 🙂 But only basic recipes. Now I am advancing into slightly complex ones. 🙂

        1. Same I’ve been sticking to the basic recipes for the last few years but now I’m trying new things which is difficult but fun.

          1. Yes, especially when it turns out to be great! 🙂

            1. Yes of course!

              1. Take care, Pooja!

  10. Sounds like a great resource!

    1. It really is!

  11. Yes. There are many apps in the play store which does just that..

    1. Yeah I know but personally I would rather support a fellow blogger who’s trying to spread some positivity in a negative time. It’s much harder for bloggers out there to get an audience and users than it is for apps/app creators. Just a personal opinion and choice of course.

  12. Cool website! I could definitly use an ingredient converter, thanks for sharing!

    1. Hope this helps! It makes cooking so much easier!

  13. Thanks for the tip! My wife is really into cooking, so I’m sure she’ll love this site! She just started her own blog with a few recipes / instructional videos– might be of interest! Cheers!

    1. Yeah I think she’ll find it helpful and I’ll definitely check out her blog!

      1. Awesome– thanks!!

  14. Oh yes I agree….I’m quite good at having a negative little rant myself but it’s certainly better for my mental wellbeing to focus on constructive things instead! Thanks for sharing the website, my kids will benefit for sure.

    1. Yeah it’s easy to go down the negativity hole but staying positive is definitely better for your mental health!

  15. Thanks for the distraction! And I’ll have to check out the ingredient converter. Hopefully, May will bring good tidings. Fingers crossed!

    1. Let’s hope so and yes do check out the converter it’s super helpful!

  16. This was super useful. We really need to sieve a lot of negative news nowadays.

    1. Yeah with everything going on we need to remember the positives too.

  17. Great post and thanks for sharing! Cooking has been a very good therapy for me these past months!

    1. Thanks! Yeah cooking can be very calming and I think this is a great time to cook since we’re stuck at home anyway.

      1. I have so many pins saved on Pinterest I want to try!

        1. Same I’ve found so many new recipes I’m looking forward to trying!

          1. Looking forward to maybe seeing some!

            1. I will definitely be posting them and looking forward to seeing some of the recipes you’ve found too!

  18. this is a cool resource. especially now that there’s so much more time for cooking

    1. Yeah I feel the same way!

    2. Yeah definitely!

  19. I think we all needed this time ..Just for ourselves, of course those who got infected and died may rest peacefully, and those who live can have finally time for things what they wanted to do. This is the time where ideas and creativity takes the turn and youre very right that in times likes this, positivity is needed. Thanks! 🙂

    1. Yeah I think one of the few positive things about this situation is that we get to pursue some things we have been putting off. Thanks for the comment!

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