5 Things I Miss While Studying Abroad

Things I Miss While Studying Abroad

Studying abroad has been an incredible journey and experience for me. It has allowed me to grow as a person by forcing me to get out of my comfort zone and really experience a lot of new things. However, there are some things that I miss while studying abroad  and I thought I would share them with you guys.

The Food

You guys know I’m a foodie and I love trying new foods and finding new places to eat. However, at the end of the day I kind of really crave the food I had back home sometimes. As great as trying new food is sometimes you miss the good old food you were so used to. As much as I love the food here in Canada I also really miss the food back home. I guess since we’re so used to the food back home nothing ever compares to it. One thing you’ll really miss while studying abroad is home food, especially home cooked meals.


If you are moving abroad to study on your own one thing you will really miss is your family. Meeting new people and having new experiences is great but you will end up missing your family too. Sometimes you just want to share a meal with your whole family or watch a movie with them. It’s one thing I really cherish whenever I go back to Kenya and I try to spend as much time with them as I can.


I have made a lot of amazing friends while studying abroad and met some really incredible people but there’s a bound you have with your friends back home that’s just different. There’s something about growing up together that makes you closer in a way that takes years. My high school friends that have kept in touch with me are an important part of my life and I do really miss them sometimes. However, I am very grateful I was able to make some really great friends here too.


A lot of times I see friends and family members having experiences back home and that FOMO starts creeping up on me. I really miss some of the experiences I can only have in Kenya especially when my friends and family are able to experience them. I’m happy that they get these experiences but I just wish I could be there with them.


I am very lucky to have a really lovely place to stay in Canada but sometimes I kind of just miss home you know. Nothing ever compares to your home that you have so many childhood and teenage memories in, that you grew up in. It’s a mix of having family around, having good memories there and just plain old being used to it.

Your Thoughts

Have you studied abroad or are you currently studying abroad? If so what did you or do you miss about home? If you haven’t lived abroad what do you think you would miss most about home if you ever do end up living in a different country? Let me know in the comments below!

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59 responses to “5 Things I Miss While Studying Abroad”

  1. I’ve never travelled abroad but I’m staying far from home. So these are relatable to an extent.

    1. Yeah I think it’s a similar experience as long as you’re not staying at home.

  2. Although I study here in my country I got in a university somewhat far away from my hometown, sometimes I only go home during weekends but if I have exams I’m like out for a month or maybe the whole semester. I specifically miss my mom’s cooking, for me hers is like the best comfort food. haha and I miss my siblings too, my dogs, and yes home. Just being at home and not worrying about what food you’ll have for dinner (because mom’s got you) or not having to sleep alone. Those were the things I missed. <3

    1. I seriously miss my mum’s cooking so much as well. Even if I use her recipe to make something it doesn’t turn out as good as hers lol. I live with my sister but I miss our cat a lot too.

  3. I have not studied abroad but I did teach abroad in Brazil. Such experiences change us and how we view life. I have had 11 international trips. I loved each of them and my life was enriched.
    One thing that can be hard is reentry to a person’s home culture. Having had such a huge experience and finding people who can relate to it.

    1. Yeah it can be difficult to re-assimilate with your own home culture after being away for so long. You are so lucky to have so many experiences abroad though I would love to travel that much some day!

      1. I am sure you will travel 🤗

  4. I can easily relate with you.

  5. Me too! More so during this quarantine period! Being stuck in the house alone really made me miss home
    It’s good to know someone else is going through the same struggles I’m going through while studying abroad 😂
    Good post!

    1. Yeah same- this quarantine made me miss home a bit more than usual because now I don’t have a lot going on. You are definitely not alone!

  6. These tips are useful for everywhere not only abroad. In your country too.

  7. You of Indian origin ??

    1. No, I’m Kenyan

  8. I wasn’t fortunate enough to study abroad, with all the enriching experiences that entails, but I have been fortunate to spend time working abroad.
    That is what I regret so much about Brexit – it narrows the opportunities for our children. It puts obstacles in the way of travelling, working and studying abroad.

    1. Yeah it does narrow the opportunities which is very sad. Living abroad really gives you so many amazing experiences and lessons.

  9. Oh all in all it must be fun studying abroad! You’re very lucky!! Hope you’re doing well 😂

    1. Yes for the most part it is amazing!

  10. I nominate you for a award see in my blog.☺️

    1. Thank you!

  11. There’s no place like home, but how wonderful that you are having this study abroad experience. And it seems like you are taking full advantage of the opportunity. Enjoy!

    1. Yes I’m definitely very lucky to have such amazing experiences here!

      1. how much longer will you be studying abroad?

        1. I have about an year left to finish my degree

          1. bu then there’s grad school – perhaps in a different country! 🙂

            1. Ooh yes that would be so amazing!

    1. Thank you!

      1. You’re welcome my friend stay blessed

  12. Great post! I’ve never studied abroad but if I did I know I’d miss my family and dog the most! Also… fomo is REAL!

    1. Thanks! Yeah it’s definitely tough being away from your family/pets and most of all your mum’s cooking lol!

      1. Omg yes!!! The meals 😍

        1. Nothing compares to a home cooked meal!

  13. I can connect to all these points you mentioned…. I miss my family, my home, my old friends, everything….

    1. It’s definitely difficult moving to a different country.

      1. Yup… It is….

  14. Hello, Pooja! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, I’m leaving the link here https://themindfulmodus.com/2020/06/11/liebster-award-2020/ I know you have tons of awards in line, but I really think you deserve this! Congratulations! ❤️

    1. Thank you so much I really appreciate it!!

      1. It’s my pleasure and congratulations! ❤️

  15. I agree 👍🏻but I have found almost all Indian foods here in Canada ….🥘.. it depends on the area where you live I guess..😊👍🏻

    1. I have found Indian stuff in Canada too but I’m Kenyan and I would love to make Kenyan food here but it is very difficult to get specific ingredients in Canada for most African foods.

      1. Ohh..Okay..That makes sense 👍🏻

  16. Food is the main item you must miss. Thank you for the post!!

    1. Yes especially because I find it difficult to find Kenyan products here. Thank you!

  17. I feel you, Pooja! I miss everything and everyone back home. What I miss the most is sharing a meal with the whole family. We have a rule where everyone should be eating in the dining room at the same time every dinner. Even if we’re done eating, we’re still there sharing stories and all.

    1. Yeah we do the same thing back home- we always have dinner together and I have really missed that time spent together. Unfortunately, it’s these little things that we miss the most!

      1. Right! How I wish we can go home easily.

        1. Me too- I’m looking forward to when I can go home for a bit!

  18. I can relate to missing friends and food, for sure! I studied abroad for only one semester while in Undergrad and while I loved the country… a part of me missed home!

    1. Yeah as fun as studying abroad is a small part of you does always miss home a bit!

  19. I lived in Costa Rica for 3 years. Being away from my family was definitely the hardest thing about it

    1. Yeah it’s very tough to be away from family for sure.

  20. I struggle being in am unfamiliar place without the safety net of people I know. I really enjoy trying new things, but travelling anywhere by myself, even within my home country, can be a bit stressful. If I had to pick somewhere, I’ve always loved snow, so as I commented on Camilla’s post: maybe Canada is the place for me if I ever go back to study!

    1. Yeah I used to be that way too which is kind of why I forced myself to move. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. Canada is a great place if you love snow although the snow can get annoying sometimes lol!

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