How To Make Money Online In 2021

How To Make Money Online

How To Make Money Online

This is a question I get almost constantly and I thought I would write a post dedicated to this topic. I have written about this on an earlier post. However, if I remember correctly that post concentrated more on making money blogging rather than online in general. Because at the time I was taking some time off social media. I wanted to do a little updated version of the post because it’s been a while since that post. And I thought I would rather talk about making money online rather than just blogging. Because some of my readers are not bloggers. But they do use social media. And from the DM’s/emails I have gotten they would be interested in learning to make money from their social media pages too.

Here are some of my favourite tips and tricks on how to make money online. However, I have so many more tips which I plan to write a much longer PDF about. Let me know in the comments if this is something you would be interested in reading. Because I don’t want to make it if people won’t be interested in downloading it since it does take a while to create. And I plan on being super detailed so it will be quite long.

So please let me know- any thoughts you have on the PDF would be super helpful for me. And it will help me figure out what you guys are looking to read about which will help me write something that you guys actually find beneficial. If you have any suggestions on what you would like me to write about on the PDF, any specific topics you would like me to cover let me know about those as well.

Create Content

How To Make Money Online

I know this one sounds obvious but you need to put a lot of thought into what you are providing your audience. You want to create content that people will be able to interact with. As a content creator you probably just want to put out content that you enjoy putting out. Which is totally okay. However, if you want to make money online and are planning on making online work your primary source of income you need to put more thought into the content you are providing.

Is it content that is going to be beneficial for your audience? Is it content that is going to drive traffic to your blog or your social media pages or whatever you are choosing to use in order do you make your income? I know that as a content creator you may not want to think about things like these however it’s important to think about them if you want to make an income online.

You want to create content that will keep readers, followers or pretty much anyone you are targeting constantly coming back. And they need to trust you enough to want to invest in you. Because at the end of the day when you are trying to sell something either that you created or that you are promoting for someone else you want people to buy it. And if sponsors see that your engagement levels are high and they are getting a lot of traffic from your page/pages they will want to keep investigating in you and may even recommend you to others.

Furthermore, if you are selling something yourself your audience needs to trust you enough to want to buy it. This is one of the best ways to make a larger income online or at least enough to be a full-time blogger/influencer. Don’t only rely on one way to make money- have multiple streams of income because online work isn’t like traditional work. You aren’t guaranteed a certain amount at the end of each month and multiple streams of income make sure that you will make enough to survive even on slower months.

The last reason why you should take your content seriously is because it’s the first thing everyone will look at. Your potential followers, your potential sponsors and probably your parents if you’re Gujarati like me. This is your chance to make a wonderful first impression especially if your follower count isn’t high. A lot of people ask me if they can still make money online if their follower count isn’t that high and it’s totally possible. If your follower count isn’t that high give your potential followers and clients something else to look at like your engagement rate and your valuable content.

Stan Yourself

How To Make Money Online

Yes, I have officially become one of those annoying Gen-Z kids that say “We Stan…”- kidding of course! But seriously- you need to be your biggest fan. Make sure people can’t escape you even if they want to (not in a Buffalo Bill meets Jason Voorhees kind of way). Post content regularly, cross promote it on all your pages/sites/etc. And make sure your audience engages with it as much as possible. This will tell the algorithm that you just put out something valuable. And it will push your content too if it sees that your engagement rates are high because it will assume other people will be interested in it.

Once your content is everywhere you have a much better chance of growing as well as meet potential clients/sponsors. Plus, you get on the algorithm’s good pages which is for some weird reason very important. Perhaps even more important than humans liking you and your content.

Join Platforms

Joining platforms that help connect influencers with brands/clients are extremely helpful. And have been one of my main sources of finding clients that would like to work with me. As an influencer it’s hard to reach out to thousands of brands a day. Send them all your data only to have one or two of them accept to work with you eventually. This happens a lot and not everyone has the time or patience to do this. With platforms like these you don’t need to reach out to random brands. But rather to specific brands that are already looking for content creators like you. Sometimes they even reach out to you and you don’t even have to do any of the work of finding clients.

If you are interested in the specific platforms that you can join check out this Instagram reel I made with the names of all the platforms I think are great especially for smaller influencers. Click here to view it.


If you only pick up one thing from this entire post, let it be this one. Research RESEARCH RESEARCH. We are living in a time where so much information is constantly available to us. So, make sure you take advantage of this and do some proper research.

When I say research I mean multiple types of research. First, figure out what your brand is, what it is you want your audience to be paying for. And what type of sponsors are you looking for. Once you have this figured out do some research and find out what is popular in your niche, what content gets traffic and sponsors in this niche.

You also want to research your “competition.” By which I mean look at other people in the same niche doing what you hope to be doing- making some cheddar. If you are looking to make money on social media, look at what tags they are using, what their images look like, what times they post at and more. Also look at companies/brands/services/etc that have sponsored them and reach out to those companies or brands or etc.

Don’t make it sound super obvious that you found the company through them. And if possible don’t mention them at all. Instead, in your email mention that you noticed they were working with influencers in your niche. And you wanted to reach out and ask if they would be interested in working with you. Give them your follower count, engagement rate etc so they can go through all the information and decide whether they would like to work with you or not. If they choose not to work with you be professional about it and thank them for their time. DO NOT freak out and throw a tantrum because this will get you blacklisted really fast.

Also, when I say do your research I DO NOT mean plagiarise other influencers work because that is never okay. Come up with your own content, just draw inspiration from them and if you do end up using their concept or something make sure to give credit where credit is due.


Are you interested in making money online? Would you be interested in learning more about making money online? Or perhaps even learning how to make blogging/social media your full-time job? Are you currently making income online? If so what are some of your tips and tricks? How is your day going?

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Lifesfinewhine Services

87 responses to “How To Make Money Online In 2021”

  1. Yes absolutely
    I would love to get a more detailed article on making money online. The pdf will definitely be of help…go ahead and create one.

    Joining platforms has been of help to me. I’ve met a couple of potential people and I do recommend it as well

  2. Interesting. I even joined Instagram to see what you were talking about. Not sure if I’ll stick with it. I have a ton of stuff I do…but will see if it fits. I think FB lets me cross post…so will see 🙂 Might be cool if you have time let us know if PDF becomes available. Thanks!

  3. I would love to see a PDF of what you have to say about online work. Things have really changed because of the pandemic and online work is not going away!

  4. Thank you for the information.

  5. I occasionally do surveys and play trivia games etc. in exchange for gift cards. I seldom use the site these days but accumulated $110 in gift cards since April 2020 (I’m not even that active on the site). Others have made much more in gift cards depending on how active they are.

    Another thing I occasionally do is reviews in exchange for free products but they’re samples usually, and I rarely get free products these days. It can be fun though 🙂

  6. I am interested and anxious to see what you have to share

  7. Certainly, it is something most of us all mulling about, to get little more smooth with our reaching out and may branding yourself a little before reaching out to brands. Thanks. An important article in these times.

    Nara x

    1. Glad you found the post helpful!

      1. Pleasure, Pooja!

  8. Thanks for this post – definitely helpful! <3

    1. Glad to hear that!

  9. Thanks for the great post its really helpful Pooja

    1. Glad to hear that!

  10. This is helpful. Thank you. Hoping to see much more contents regarding online money-making, esp. when corona is becoming more adamant with each passing day, I think online money-making would be much more fruitful to fight the frustration. Thanks again. 🙂

    1. Glad you found the post helpful and there will definitely be more in the PDF. I absolutely agree that at a time like this online work will be super helpful.

      1. Yes. Exactly.

  11. Great tips and I would use them if I wanted to make money from blogging. You make it all sound really easy P 😉

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post and it’s actually a lot easier than people think! 😊

  12. Great advice. I haven’t been paying attention to these issues, which is why my growth is slow. LOL. Research is very important. Research, research, research…

    1. Lol I ignored them for like the first two years of my blogging and now I regret it 🤣 Research is everything!

  13. Good tips for those who wish to monetize 🙂

  14. This is great. I wish to monetize my contents and I’ll be looking out for more tips on your blog.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post and more tips coming soon.

  15. Nice work

    1. This awesome

  16. Great working sharing with us

  17. Great advice! Looking to move more online so this post is right on time

  18. Wow that’s amazing to suggest everyone for growth money in online platforms…. 👌👌👌

  19. Really useful tips!

    You may have already been nominated but I think you deserve a Golden Bloggerz Award! You’re blogging advice is really helpful. You can find the details here: Congratulations! 🎉

    1. Thank you so much I’m honoured- I’ll definitely check it out!

    1. Thank you!

  20. These are really great tips! Creating good content is obvious but so important. Also I almost spit out my drink at the Buffalo Bill part. LOL!

    1. Lolll! Creating good content is like super obvious but very overlooked sometimes 😣

  21. But is it actively possible?

    1. Yes it absolutely is. If you put hard work, time and research into it it’s definitely possible.

      1. Thanks… I thought so!

        1. No worries and good luck!

  22. I love it

  23. I like it

  24. Interesting points

    1. Thank you.

      1. My pleasure 😊

  25. Nice content

  26. I totally agree with this. That is why I started my blog too. Lots of people have been suffering financially due to covid. Most heartbreaking. I with everyone financial freedom in 2021.

    1. Yeah it’s sad but a lot of people were really set back over the last year because of covid any many lost their primary streams of income.

      1. Exactly. If I can help one person with the online opportunities I post then I will be happy.

  27. […] How To Make Money Online In 2021 — Lifesfinewhine […]

  28. […] How To Make Money Online In 2021 — Lifesfinewhine […]

  29. […] How To Make Money Online In 2021 […]

  30. Once again another really helpful blog post! Will definitely try keep them all in mind, though I must say I’m not looking forward to research, as it can be quire bothersome and tiring at times haha, will give it a shot though!

    1. Thanks! Yeah research is quite annoying but it’s also worth it 😊

  31. […] my personal opinion, this is the type of blogger you need to aspire to be if you would like to make money out of blogging. […]

  32. Happy to join nice job

  33. […] How To Make Money Online In 2021 […]

  34. Very true! new follower here.

    1. Thank you!!

  35. Reblogged this on Lifesfinewhine and commented:

    I’ve gotten a few comments and DM’s asking me about this so I thought I’d reblog this post.

  36. Research, research and Research. Thank you for the tips. Well done 👍

    1. Hope they help!

  37. a wonderful set of tips, although I never heard of the word stan before…

    1. Thanks! Oh wow I’ve never met anyone who didn’t know what Stanning someone was. It’s basically like a word for obsessed or love a lot. It originated from Eminem’s song Stan about an obsessive fan.

      1. you forget how old I am… 🙂

        thanks for the explanation!

        1. I refuse to believe you’re that old lol 😂

          1. I mentioned it to my students yesterday; they were all familiar with the term. and got a chuckle out of my cluelessness 🙂

            1. Haha yeah I’m sure they’re heard it before 😂

  38. I would be extremely interested in a longer article regarding working online full-time. I have four kiddos living with me, one with very special needs and find it impossible to work outside the home. Anything you can help with would be awesome! Thanks, Pooja!

    1. I’ll keep that in mind and write about that- I was actually working on a post like that already so it should be up next week or so. I’ll just make it more detailed!

  39. […] How To Make Money Online  […]

  40. […] How To Make Money Online  […]

  41. […] I do have another post about How To Make Money Online and one about How To Make Money Blogging, I thought I would write another post about making money […]

  42. […] Related Post: How To Make Money Online […]

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