How To Get More WordPress Followers

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How To Get More WordPress Followers

I know many WordPress bloggers are more focused on creating content rather than growing their site. And that’s wonderful. However, I know many bloggers would also like to grow their blog and that’s great too. Having a larger following can help a lot if you are hoping to make an income off blogging, sell items on your site, attract sponsors and more. That’s why I decided to write todays post on “How To Get More WordPress Followers.”

One thing I dislike about a lot of articles I have read about gaining followers is that a lot of them encourage spam-like techniques. For example, things like posting very often, leaving your link in the comments of other blogs, following every blog that follows you etc. These methods will get you followers but not authentic ones and these techniques don’t work in the long run. They often just get you spammy followers that will never interact with your site again.

That’s why, in this post I want to show you how to get more genuine followers. Followers that will actually interact with your posts. For me, one of the best parts of WordPress is the interaction and I think that’s what keeps blogging fun. Plus, if you are hoping to make an income through blogging it helps to have genuine and interactive followers rather than spam followers. Here is how you can get more authentic WordPress followers:

Quality Content

The most important thing, in my opinion, is the quality of the content you publish. Your content really makes or breaks your site. If you have original content, content that people genuinely enjoy your followers will grow organically. Make sure your content is easy to follow, easy to read and easy understand. Write in a language you are comfortable writing in. Writing in a popular language like English won’t help grow your site if your post is filled with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Another big no is stealing other peoples content. I know multiple of my posts have been stolen over the years and so have posts by other bloggers on WordPress. And not just stealing of posts word to word, but also stealing parts of their posts, ideas etc. No one wants to follow an unoriginal post filled with stolen content. If you can’t come up with original content maybe you shouldn’t be blogging right now. Wait till you’re ready to produce your own content.


SEO is really important for your site if you are hoping to grow it. Although SEO targets Search Engines which means more followers outside of WordPress it also helps get followers from WordPress. I have noticed that the WordPress algorithm relies heavily on how SEO friendly your post is. If your post is SEO friendly, WordPress is much more likely to push it on WordPress as well.

I won’t get into too much detail about SEO because it’s a long topic. Instead, I’ll just add links to the posts I have created on how to make your site more SEO friendly. Feel free to check these out. And if you feel like you don’t have enough time to make all these SEO changes yourself, feel free to view my services page (linked at the end of the post). I offer multiple SEO services and can do the hard work for you.

Related Post: SEO For Dummies
Related Post: SEO For Dummies #2
Related Post: SEO For Dummies #3
Related Post: SEO For Dummies #4
Related Post: How To Increase Your On-Page SEO

Find Your Niche/Niches

Having a niche or niches is important. I am not a firm believer in having just one niche and sticking with it even when you no longer feel called to create content for that niche. I do however think that it helps to have some direction for your site. If you have a multi-niche blog make sure you have categories for each niche because not all your followers will be interested in every niche you write about. And maybe have a specific day for each niche, don’t just post random posts on random days. As someone who does have a multi-niche blog, I can assure you that this will help a lot. You will be way more likely to get followers if your blog looks put together and is user/reader friendly.

Have A Schedule

Having a schedule that works for you helps a lot with growth. Most people will not follow or remain active on a blog that posts randomly out of the blue. They may not realise when you have posted or whether you’re even going to post ever again. Because that happens sometimes, people just stop posting and abandon their blog.

Having a schedule will let your readers know when to check your site or at least what day. It’s okay to miss your schedule once in a while but try to stick with it as much as possible. Even if you post just once a month, try to post on the same date every month.

Related Post: How To Schedule Your Posts #1
Related Post: How To Schedule Your Posts #2


I hope you found this post “How To Get More WordPress Followers” helpful. As I mentioned in the introduction, I wanted to focus on methods that will get you genuine followers. Not just followers that follow you and then you never see them again. Interaction is what makes blogging fun and I think thriving for a more interactive blog is always a good idea.

Did you find this post helpful? What are some methods you use to grow your site? Do you use any of the methods I mentioned? Have they been helpful? Let me know in the comments below because I would love to hear from you or simply stop by and say hi!

For more blogging advice please click here.

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71 responses to “How To Get More WordPress Followers”

  1. Thanks i needed this

    1. Hope it helps.

  2. Very informative, Pooja, and thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks and hope it helps.

  3. 👍thank you so much 🙏 ✨ your posts are always interesting and Knowledgeable .Im Really learning a lot about blog writing through your contents 🙏

    1. Thanks so much, happy to hear that 😊

      1. My pleasure 🤗

  4. Very good advice to get WP followers through genuine techniques, instead of relying on spam like methods. Agree with you Pooja that followers must interact with one another, otherwise there is no use of getting followers.
    There is no short cut, one has to be patient, and post original and quality content as per some schedule. No one can grow his/her blog with shoddy methods, and fake followers.
    Genuine followers will always interact and engage with you.

    1. Interaction is the best. This shows interest and appreciation. I’ve seen, if I show genuine interest in someone’s site. They will come automatically to mine. However, liking their stuff randomly won’t get me anywhere.

      1. Agree with you Devang.

    2. Yes, exactly. There are no shortcuts to grow your site. You have to put in the time and work. You would rather do that and have genuine followers rather than no likes/comments.

  5. Okay, this is one such blog of yours where I will be brutally honest 😆
    Yes, I agree with these things and I’m working on them more seriously. I have to work on my schedule. I remember, you have suggested me that before 🙂. When I first started blogging, my focus was only workout blogs and occasional health blogs. Now, after a year, I’ve made it bit more flexible and trying stuff that can others can enjoy. This is not a self promotion, but many of the blog ideas are inspired from your blogs. I have received decent response and I want to thank you for that. I have also changed my writing style and made my more relaxed. I see your writing style is very friendly. I love that.
    I believe in credible interaction rather than random likers. I’ve seen many new sites, they are getting good likes and many followers. It’s because they are randomly following people and people follow them, once in a while they drop likes and they get likes. This trick doesn’t work with me, as I know they don’t care about my content. I believe that’s pointless, because like that we don’t know anything about the content of our followers. People who follows me, I love and read their content with sincerity and no matter what, they will always come back to read my blogs. That’s another thing, I’ve learnt from you. I think I need a blog about “Things you learn from Lifesfinewhine”. 😜
    One more thing I do is observe. Your comment section is best place for observation. I see people who leave credible comment. Something that’s heartfelt and not robotics. I read their work and interact with them. They become friends automatically.
    I consider this as a mini blog and that means I don’t need to publish anything this week 😜. Keep smiling
    – a proud LIFESFINEWHINER.

    1. Haha I love it when you leave mini blog posts in my comments section.

      Yes, schedules do help a lot. And having a friendly writing style also helps since it engages readers. Glad you’re picking stuff up from my posts.

      Yes, I have noticed those random spammers. They follow everyone but never interact. For me, I like interacting with other bloggers. It’s fun and I make new friends 😊

      1. I, too, like interaction. I have seen sites with 3k followers but very less interaction. The feel other than blogging its our responsibility to check out other’s blog and learn from them. I started reading your blogs and I am learning a lot from them.
        I will try to schedule. I need to make sure I have a blog prepared on Sunday, so that I can post it on the day of my choosing. Should I declare the time and day of publishing?
        I consider your blogs like mine blogs, and starting writing lengthy stuff haha. I sometimes get curiosity to talk to other readers in the comment. That will fill your comment section with conversation, haha

        1. I don’t think you need to announce when you post because the people interested in your blog will know if you blog regularly.
          Lol always appreciate the comments- makes my site look more active.

          1. 🙌🏻😁🌠

  6. I feel that I am not taking care of any of those items in the list. LOL. I only have a very abstract idea of more followers, but never have a real plan to do anything about it. And then I’ve been postponing and procrastinating on the research… Sometimes one knows oneself———–who is hopeless…….

    1. You’re not hopeless, it’s just work that’s not so fun lol. Research is the worst part of blogging but the most important. Life has a way of making things harder for us lol.

  7. Very informative.
    Thank you for sharing, Pooja.

    1. My pleasure and hope it helps.

  8. This is such a great post. Genuine readers are what we all need for our blogs. I wish to believe I am following all the pointers you have mentioned here, so looking forward to attracting those who genuinely like my blog. 😁 And also hoping to find more bloggers whose blogs strike a chord and help me in some ways.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I am sure you will grow and I hope you get lots of genuine followers 😊

      1. Thank you 😊

        1. You’re very welcome ☺️

  9. Thanks for always sharing great information that helps us to be better bloggers. You have given so much of your time and hard work writing content that should be in a book. You just don’t know what a blessing you are to all of us. We appreciate you and what you share with all of us. Have a blessed week.

    1. Thanks so much. I am more than happy to share what I have learnt over the years. Have a blessed week too.

  10. Really helpful!:)

    1. Thank you!

  11. I love the way how you structured the blog in a user-friendly manner. Happy to learn more things!

    1. Thanks so much, I always try to keep my posts simple and to the point.

  12. Much appreciation for this information Pooja G…. Very helpful 🙏

    1. Thanks so much, happy to it.

  13. So much great information Pooja. I try to keep a schedule and an intention as well lately.

    I hope the spammers read you as it’s so annoying.

    Alright I best go post it’s Wed. my short and to the point day.. ❣️

    1. Thanks so much. Yes spammers are very annoying for sure. And a waste of our time. Will check out your post soon!

      1. You’re so welcome. They really are a pain alrighty!!! Thanks see you there! 💞

  14. Much appreciated 💕. I don’t really have a schedule, just post when I write something down, at least once a week.

    Interaction is so important to get real followers. I’ve learnt a lot about SEO thanks to your advice posts🥰

    1. Thanks so much. Once a week is good 😊

      Absolutely, interaction is key. Thanks so much 💖

  15. This was very helpful, Pooja. Andi may or may not be guilty of the part about random posts on random days 😅 I’m definitely taking your advice

    1. Thanks so much and that’s okay you can always work on that 😂

  16. I try to post one thing daily most days. Also, I dislike spammers and prefer forming connections with other bloggers. If I check out their work and I enjoy it I follow them.

    1. That’s great, yeah posting daily helps a lot. I feel the same way and enjoy interacting with bloggers I enjoy reading.

  17. I totally agree with your points, and following a set schedule is not high on my priority list as maybe it could be, but I’m trying to work behind the scenes to create quality content. I’m not one to follow back just because someone follows me, unless I really love their blog and want to see it pop into my Inbox. I have unfollowed good bloggers when they decided to post too often (multiple times a day) because I just don’t have the bandwidth to keep up with them. I definitely prefer sincerity over just a “nice post” reaction, I like to interact with people. Sometimes I do this more often on other people’s blogs! I cherish the bonds I have developed with people online! They inspire me so much!

    1. I think the quality of your content is most important so definitely keep focusing on that! I feel the same way and have unfollowed sites that post too often. I don’t have the time to interact with those many posts a day. Some post like 10-15 times a day and that’s too much for me. I cherish the bonds I have made with other bloggers too, so happy to have met so many amazing ones!

  18. Thank you for sharing! I’m going to check out the SEO links too later to brush up on that. 🤗

    1. Hope it helps! 😊

  19. Thanks as always for the great tips! I think I will have to get my act together before I can get on a schedule😊.

    1. Haha don’t worry there is still time 😂

  20. Good advice. I am a random writer on WordPress unlike on my Substack platform where I keep more of a schedule. I’ll have to pay more attention to my blog postings. Thanks Pooja.

    1. Thanks so much. Yes, schedule helps a lot even on WordPress.

  21. Amazing blog post. You are absolutely right there are some people who leave their site link in my comments but I don’t approve of them.

    1. Yes, it’s very annoying and I usually add those comments to my spam so they can’t comment on my site again.

  22. Good advice for a newcomer. Thanks.

    1. Thank you so much. Hope it helps.

  23. Thanks for the tips Pooja 😊

    1. My pleasure 😊

  24. I can truly say that I do share things that I find and feel are worth sharing, but I will not take the credit for something I didn’t write. I always make it clear that I am sharing something from somewhere on the internet, such as Google, or from an app I am using. I write my own content, I always have. I enjoy sharing what I write, and I enjoy reading other posts. I enjoy learning about people through their posts, but what I will not do is take from someone what they have written. Thanks for sharing your great content with us, it is always appreciated and educational. Have a blessed week.

    1. That’s great. I always enjoy your shares and posts. It’s good to add the source when you share content due to copyright.

  25. Helpful nice post, thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks so much 💕

  26. Hi Pooja. This isn’t a topic I’ve pursued in 2 years but I’m trying to integrate my ignored blog/site back into my life. Your post is among the best & most practical I recall so thanks, as you ID’d some old habits of mine to change while giving ideas for newer strategies. Maybe what follows should be taken offline but I’d be interested in your thoughts on some problems revisiting my blog & adding followers. I’ve blogged since 2002 & on WP since 2011. I had fun interactions but got serious health problems re 2016, stopped in ’17, resumed but told with short lifespan. I lost energy, time, priorities & haven’t been able to get my past back & I miss it. Have been doing major blog overhaul with commitment to post more but it’s hard to schedule anything at the present. Another issue is I publish elsewhere & have great opportunities but constant pressure. Which WAS great but has become untenable–yet I must focus there. I’m a content creator, an “influencer” on LinkedIn with about 22K followers, most of whom are in industries at high levels (Ministers, Prime Ministers, Sec Gens NATO/UN, major CEOs [can be confirmed ]so since mid-2020 I’ve published 350+ posts on 20+ topics like geopolitics, China/E Asia, science R&D nuclear proliferation & space warfare/doctrine. I get anywhere from 800 views to 25,000 & even 6 figures. Main followers are USAF, national labs, Microsoft, AWS, NY Times, contractors, gov depts like DOD, State, DOJ, HHS, FBI, etc. I feel major pressure to keep up at high levels & I’m asked to engage in other discussions & turn them into posts with my own commentary, resulting in unique opportunities. Meanwhile Google & Bing urge me to constantly produce while giving me incentives & professional opportunities elsewhere like Pinterest, also demanding & I can’t keep up anymore! Quality is there but quantity is suffering & my desire is shifting to my blog, Goodreads, WorldCat/ORCID, etc., very different but still time consuming & I can’t keep up anymore. The gist of this 2nd issue is it’s VERY hard to devote myself to my blog & new followers. As this comment is long, talking with you about this offline may be good (I’d pay) for thoughts, perspective, ideas, etc., if you’re receptive. You frown on URLs, so if anyone wishes to look me up for confirmation, google my name & add a word like “author,” “publications,” etc., (like “Scott C Holstad Author”). Should have plenty of results. If you respond, a dedicated blog email address is Sorry for the long comment-delete if inappropriate. Thanks, Scott Holstad

    1. Hi, thanks so much. I can understand your struggle. All platforms can be quite time consuming. And WordPress in particular is a platform that demands at least some time daily. Would love to chat more and help you figure out some solutions. Will email soon.

  27. I totally agree that having not to many niche/niches and a consistent schedule are two key factors in growing your blog. Great post as always!!

    1. Thank you so much. And yes absolutely.

  28. Great post, and very different from many others on this topic. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much.

  29. As always great advice, Pooja, thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you so much.

  30. […] written a number of posts on growing your following on WordPress. But most of them tend to focus on how to grow your WordPress followers. As you guys may know if you have read my older posts, I generally try to go through old posts and […]

  31. Thank you. I needed some of these tips.

    1. Thanks and hope they help.

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