My Role Models

On my “Ideas” post I got a really awesome idea from The Wanderlust to write about my role model or idol but the truth is there are so many people who inspire me so I am going to write about a few of them in this post and why they inspire me.

Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr

The thing I admire most in them is that they were both pacifists and they were not afraid to stand up for what they believed in. They fought not for themselves but for equality for all. I’ve always had a pretty bad temper and I really let things get to me sometimes and even though I have calmed down considerably since I was a teenager and I always say I’m a pacifist I still get really mad sometimes even about little things and just want to punch someone. But these men remained peaceful no matter what, they achieved true pacifism and inspired so many to be peaceful and to unite. I am truly in awe of all they have achieved.

Maya Angelou

Ever since I read “I Know Why The Caged Birds Sing” I have been absolutely obsessed with Maya Angelou. Not only is she amazing at everything she does but she has been through so many struggles and come out of it stronger then before. She grew up having far less then a normal childhood and yet she grew up to be the amazing person we are so inspired by.

Mark Twain and Dr. Seuss

As a writer I am really inspired by their work. But apart from them being great writer I also really like their personalities. I couldn’t agree more with their values, way of life, morals and beliefs. When I read their quotes and about their life I just feel like I can really relate to what they’re saying and talking about. I really hope to someday be as amazing as they are and not just as a writer but as a person too.

Enid Blyton

My parents used to read her books to me at night before I went to sleep and they just had almost every book she wrote and I grew up reading her books on almost a daily basis. She is definitely one of my favorite authors and her books have inspired me so much. They taught me to be kind, understanding, brave and accepting and I still enjoy reading her books to this day.

My Parents

I think this list would be incomplete if I didn’t say my parents are a huge inspiration to me. They’ve always taught me to be accepting, peaceful, loving and kind. They always taught me right from wrong and they always did their best so that I could have everything I ever wanted and so that I could have a better life then they did. They are really amazing and continue to inspire me everyday.

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25 responses to “My Role Models”

  1. I always enjoys ur post @poo

    1. Thanks! 🙂

      1. Always welcome dear

    1. Thank you so much!! 😊

  2. Awesome post !!!

    1. Thank you! 🙂

      1. You are welcome 🙂

  3. This is great! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂

  4. Reading the post i feel that all these people have been your inspiration and models since u were a little girl
    It is truly said that impressions are made in childhood
    And you have grown to look up to them!

    1. Yeah I think they have had a huge impact on me growing up and have so much to do with the person I’ve become now as an adult. Thank you so much for the great idea because I don’t think I would have thought to do this post on my own! 🙂

      1. Well ideas are to share! <3
        N it is your own creation! Don't thank me.

        1. That’s so nice of you to say! 😊😊

  5. I am so happy to have tracked you down as a nominee of my Blog-aholic Award.
    Congratulations and well done.
    Now I am able to also follow you and see what you have to share.
    Happy Blogging Blog-aholic

    1. Thank you so much for the nomination and congratulations on being nominated your self! I will definitely check it out and try to do it as soon as possible 🙂

  6. Interesting!! Just wait – down the line!!

    1. Thank you! Yeah I’ll probably pick up some more role models down the line 🙂

    1. Thank you! 🙂

  7. Amazing Post!!!

    Check out my blog also to experience the magic of letters.

    Hope you will like it:)

    1. Thanks! And I will absolutely take a look at your blog too 🙂

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