Changes- Poetry

As the world around me

Changes every second

I stay the same

Every imperfection on show

For the world to see

Is there something wrong with me

Or with the world around me?

“Changes” is a poem that first appeared on Lifesfinewhine. As the reader, I am not sure how long you have been following this blog. But those of you that have been following it for a while now are aware of my dislike for change. I know that change is the only constant in life. And I am also perfectly aware that change is a good thing. That is how we grow and most importantly improve ourselves and the world around us. However, I am someone who very much dislikes change. Because it makes me uncomfortable. As someone with anxiety, I like everything around me to be constant. And I appreciate having a set routine.

However, I am very much working on embracing change rather than cowering from it because I know that I can not avoid it forever. And I also know that stepping out of my comfort zone can bring me a lot of joy. It will help me live the life I want.

How do you feel about change? Are you someone who enjoys changes in your life? Or are you like me and prefer for things to remain as they are and have a set life/routine for yourself? What did you think of this poem? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below because I always love hearing from you. Or simply stop by and say hi!

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23 responses to “Changes- Poetry”

  1. I see nothing wrong with you dear, but the world has many problems. We must take care of ourselves, so we can help the other people see the light of reason. Take care.

    1. Thank you so much and you’re absolutely right!

  2. Very good post Pooja

    1. Thank you!!

  3. Definitely the world around you!

    1. Haha thanks I think so too!

  4. What an awesome read

    1. Thank you so much I really appreciate it!

  5. I love the length of this poem – very beautiful! Learning to accept change is one of my hardest obstacles.
    Erin |

    1. Yeah it’s really difficult when things change but it’s a part of life and we need to learn to accept it.

      1. Ahh definitely! X

  6. I like your Jposts here, PoojaG.
    Technical note – you might want to make a clear demarcation between the end of your writing and the recommendations about images sources, donations, etc. Cheers!

    1. Thank you and thanks for the advice!!

  7. Without you, there is no world, no perfect, no questions.

    1. Aww that’s an amazing thing to say!

  8. I was watching the late Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyer in Netflix. In some ways than one, Mr. Campbell said it best.In summary, become who and what you are. Don’t let the world change you. You have the privilege and ability to become what you need to change for yourself, not others, not even the world. when that becomes, you become that beacon for the world to change for you.

    1. Those are true and beautiful word!

      1. Those were not of mine, that was of joseph campbells. In summary. Nonetheless, follow your bliss.

        1. Thanks!!

  9. Amazing lines!!
    Keep sharing

    1. Thank you!

  10. My pleasure 😊

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