Common Blogging Mistakes & How To Avoid Them

Blogging Mistakes You Should Avoid

Common Blogging Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

It is easy to not reach your blogs full potential due to minor mistakes. A lot of bloggers especially when starting out tend to make these small but detrimental mistakes. Here is how to avoid common blogging mistakes:

Too many tags

Tags are a great way to get traffic to your blog but when you use too many tags on your post WordPress automatically assumes you’re a spammer and takes your post off the discover/reader section. This can decrease your traffic and consequently the amount of likes/follows you get.


To avoid this make sure to use a maximum of ten tags per post. If you feel that those are really not enough change your settings to make the maximum tags per post higher.

Not engaging with others

WordPress is very much a two way street. You cannot expect people to consistently support your blog if you’re not supporting theirs. If you don’t leave likes/comments/shares on other peoples blog they are not going to leave them on yours.


To solve this problem try to be as active as possible- I know it can be time consuming but check out who regularly leaves likes/comments on your blog and try to repay the favor when you get the time.

socializing gif

Being disorganized

It is very easy to get disorganized especially when you start blogging because you’re not sure how to categorize everything yet and may not even know what your niche when writing on this blog will be. Unfortunately, this can cause a decrease in traffic and follows.


To be more organized use categories and make sure they are displayed on the sidebar so that your readers can check out similar posts on the topics they are interested in. Also try not to have too many categories because that will just make it more confusing- stick to the main ones.

Not responding to comments

Even though responding to all the comments you get can be time consuming it is always a good idea to respond to your readers because it keeps them engaged with your blog. If you constantly ignore their comments they will most likely stop commenting and eventually stop viewing your posts altogether.


To avoid this make sure to respond to comments and if you’re busy you don’t need to respond to every comment instantly- schedule a few minutes every day to respond to comments.

Posting irregularly

This in my opinion is one of the main reasons that a lot of people lose traffic/followers. I myself stopped posting regularly for a few months and saw a dramatic decrease in traffic. Most people want to follow a blog that is more regular and posts on similar times because then they know when to check for new posts. If you’re posting randomly your followers may miss your new posts simply because they didn’t know you posted anything.


To post more regularly try to keep a schedule of when you have the highest views on your blog and post during these peek times. I know that a lot of times life gets in the way and it is difficult to post regularly- if this is the case try scheduling your posts or writing them in advance so all you have to do is press publish.

how to avoid common blogging mistakes organized gif

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127 responses to “Common Blogging Mistakes & How To Avoid Them”

  1. Thank you this is very helpful.

    1. Happy to hear that!

    2. Thank you so much this has been so much helpful

      1. Happy to hear that!

  2. YEP I’ve found a lot of these problems on my own lol

    1. Lol yeah you learn them over time.

  3. Yes, irregular posting is indeed one big mistake. I hope to overcome that already.

    1. I hope you can overcome it because posting regularly does wonders for your blog!

  4. Good tips. I’ll read it thoroughly later :/

    1. Thanks hope they help!

  5. Thank you for this. I just realized I haven’t been using the tags correctly.

    1. You’re welcome I’m glad it helped!

  6. It was very helpful 💝

    1. Happy to hear that!!

    1. Thanks for the reblog!

  7. Great advice here, just one I have to check out!

    1. Thank you!

  8. Simple and sensible. Thanks

    1. Thank you!

  9. Thanks for sharing this. Especially the tagging bit.

    1. You’re welcome hope it helps!

  10. Great post! thank you 😊

    1. Thanks hope the tips help!

  11. Helpful!

    Question, though: How many tags is too many tags?

    1. Thanks! I think personally more than 15 may be too many and it’ll just confuse people looking for specific stuff.

      1. Good to know!

        1. Hope that helps!

  12. You know I kept seeing similar things in my face it is probably tell me I really need to start to organise my posts a bit. XD May I also ask what were the differences in your experience between having more than 10 like perhaps 14 tags and 10 or less?
    Thanks for the post PoojaG!

    1. I think 10 is the perfect amount and more than 10 tends to just confuse people who are looking for something specific. I think 5 should be the minimum amount of tags you should have and 15 should be the maximum.

      1. Thank you for the tips PoojaG I will try that:) Have a wonderful weekend! Love the new guest posts on catchy headlines btw:)

        1. Thank you and hope it helps!

  13. Great advice! Thank you!

    1. Thank you!!

  14. Great ideas! Some of these I do but others I definitely need to work on.

    1. Thank you I hope they help!

  15. Haha I love these running hashtags:) Nice article:)

    All the best

    1. Thanks and I love that gif too!

  16. Sharing this on my blog hoping it helps new bloggers. 🙂

    1. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Ahh I had no idea about the tags – I definitely have some homework to do on this front! ☺️ Thank you for sharing! 💜

    1. You’re welcome and don’t worry you’ll pick up these things soon enough!

      1. It’s funny – after going through and fixing some old posts, I immediately saw some new comments and likes trickle in! ☺️ So thank you again for sharing this! 💜

        1. That’s awesome so happy to hear that!!

  18. great post and advice, thanks!

    1. Thank you!

  19. Excellent advice that I will try to incorporate on my fledgling WordPress blog! Very timely for me.

    1. Thank you hope it helps!

  20. Great Tips Here! Thanks for Sharing

    1. Thanks I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

  21. Some really useful stuff here! Thank you!

    1. Thank you!

  22. Reblogged this on Micworldwide and commented:
    Great lesson of the day….

    1. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for reblogging!

  23. Thanks this was a good reminder especially as I’m new here in the blogging world and trying to get NY head around getting traffic x

    1. You’re welcome hope it helps!

  24. Great reminder and simple tricks. Regular blogging is one I have to work one

    1. Thanks and yes consistency is key!

  25. This article ‘Become a Better Blogger’ is so helpful. I’m new to blogging and need to know the tips and tricks of blogging.
    Thank you

    1. Thank you I hope it helps!

  26. Another fantastic post. Thanks for the great advice!

    1. Thanks and hope it helps!

  27. Thanks for sharing. I tend to get frustrated with the lack of interaction & stopped blogging for a bit. I’ll have to work on interacting even more & see if that helps.

    1. You’re welcome and hope that helps!

    1. Thank you!

  28. This was very helpful.. I found you on my likes and I wanted to check on what you write. Also about irregular posting, I agree totally. I had stopped blogging for a year or so, after I had started out and I only had one follower and 0 likes,,, I have been regular (a bit too much, lol) and I have reached a total of 50 likes and new followers in a week’s time

    1. I had a similar experience where I stopped blogging for over a year because I just felt lost ( still do but I’m determined not to give up!) and I think just organising in your head what you can manage consistently makes such a difference!

      1. Yes.. I also feel lost sometimes, since people have a niche on what they blog about,, but for me, I write whatever is on my mind that particular time. I’m diverse and categorizing, I’ll have to learn later.

    2. That’s awesome hope blogging keeps going great for you!

  29. Thank you these are very helpful. And also thanks for liking my post😊😊😊

    1. Thanks glad you enjoyed it and you’re very welcome!

  30. Normally how many tags do you use?

    1. Exactly 10. I find that that’s the perfect amount for me right now.

    1. Thank you!

  31. Thank you for this post. It’s very helpful.

    1. Thank you for the advices! I did not know about the tags.

      1. You’re welcome and hope it helps!

    2. You’re welcome!

  32. So helpful.thanks for posting this.

  33. I’m very new to blogging, thank you for this info!

    1. Hope it helps!

  34. Great article, thanks!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

  35. Very helpful article. I’d only started up my blog quite recently, so I’m happy to read some good pointers. Thanks for sharing all this!

    1. Thanks and hope they help!

  36. I am a brand new blogger. I appreciate the tips they will definitely help as I move forward.

    1. So happy to hear that and I hope they help!

  37. […] I learned in a recent post from Pooja G (lifesfinewhine) that there is such a thing as using too many tags. Bloggers should use 10 or fewer tags per post. […]

  38. Great advice! How long have you been blogging? I still have trouble reaching people sometimes so I love to learn how people manage it.

    1. Thank you! I’ve been blogging for almost 4 years now and I think that could be solved with proper tagging, being active and finding the best time to post to reach the biggest audience possible.

    2. thank you so so much

  39. Great post @poojaG

    1. Thank you!

      1. You’re welcome🤝🏽🤝🏽

  40. I need all the help I can get, my photo blog only gets a handful of likes so I will try to be more active and comment and be more attentive. Any other hints for photo blogger?

    1. I guess just use the right general tags. I’m not too sure about photo blogging but best of luck with it!

      1. Thank you, it’s helping!

        1. So happy to hear that!

  41. Thank you very much for this post. I set up an account on here about a week ago. I haven’t started blogging yet, but your post was very informative for a beginner like me.

    1. Best of luck with your blog and happy to help!

  42. So true. You learn over time. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Absolutely you pick up the tips and tricks over time!

  43. Useful again! Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much!

  44. Reblogged this on .

    1. Thank you!

  45. This is sooo helpful! Thanks for sharing the solutions!

    1. Thanks glad you enjoyed it!

      1. Yes I did! And you’re welcome.

  46. Very useful tips.

  47. Excellent post! Thanks for the great tips. I’m a newbie, can’t you tell??

    1. Thank you and all the best with blogging!

  48. I’m a new blogger and this is so helpful! Thank you 😄

    1. Thanks so glad to hear that!

  49. Nice tips for me as a newbie, still working to keep updating my blog, It is time demanding as you clearly stated.

    1. It definitely is very time consuming.

  50. Thank you for the tips! Got to try them now!

    1. Thanks hope they help!

  51. thanks for summing most useful tricks , it will be helpful

    1. Glad to hear that!

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