The Real Neat Blogger Award

Real Neat Award Blog

I want to thank AR Mohsin Sheikh for nominating me for the Real Neat Blogger Award! He has a really interesting blog about architecture that is quite fascinating. Check out his blog by clicking here.

Here are the rules for The Real Neat Blogger Award:

  1. Display the blog award logo on your blog.
  2. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  3. Do not forget to link to their blogging website.
  4. Answer all the questions they have given you.
  5. Nominate 7 to 10 bloggers of your choice.
  6. Ask them 7 questions.


1. Name any 3-5 lines or dialogues from books/movies that you found fascinating

“I am . . . resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me.”- Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice.

Jane and Elizabeth - Pride and Prejudice (With images) | Pride and ...

2. What type of movies do you watch? any specific director or actor preferences?

I LOVE Harrison Ford movies- like literally all of them. I’m also a very big Benedict Cumberbatch and Colin Firth fan so I’ve seen most of their movies too.

Harrison Ford GIFs

3. What is your take about Politics?

I think it’s just so messy- as a history student I’ve realised that you will never know what’s going on behind the scenes till years later and even that is if they haven’t done a good job getting rid of the evidence.

4. Name three Habits you want to share with us.

  1. I’ve gotten into the habit of meditating everyday which is great.
  2. I have been trying to get into the habit of sleeping and waking up on time. 
  3. I have a bad habit of fidgeting but I think that’s because of my anxiety.

5. Which will be your go-to place for dinner, once this lockdown ends?

Rise Above restaurant or Royal Dosa Hut.

6. Describe your favorite Book.

It’s Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I would describe it as not your average love story because it’s not about two people who meet each other and instantly fall in love and are perfect in every way. It’s about two people with flaws who learn to love one another and work on their flaws together and grow to become a beautiful couple. 

Blog guest The Real Neat Blogger Award

7. When you joined the WordPress community, what were your thoughts? Did you have any expectations?

Lol I had no expectations and thoughts except major anxiety. I didn’t think I would get even one follower let alone thousands. This blog was just supposed to be a place I could whine about dumb stuff.

Whine GIFs | The Real Neat Blogger Award

8. Was there any specific reason why you chose blogging? (Apart from being passionate about writing)

I needed an outlet for my feelings and thoughts and that’s why I started blogging. 

I Just Have A Lot Of Feelings GIFs

My Nominees

If you’re reading this post and feel as though this may be something you want to participate in please consider yourself nominated and use the same questions I did- I would love to read your take on them!

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38 responses to “The Real Neat Blogger Award”

  1. Woah loved those answers pooja. Amazing post. Also i am big fan of Benedict Cumberbatch. Kudos to that. Thanks so much for writing this, really enjoyed.

    1. Thank you again and so glad you enjoyed the answers!

  2. I love how the gifs married with your answers to give an elaborate perspective.

    1. Thank you so much- I love using gifs on award posts!

      1. Their effect worked their magic-I truly enjoyed.

        1. I’m so glad to hear that!

  3. Now you are become perfect to take awards .

    1. Haha thank you!

  4. Wonderful, yet another award – many congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much!

  5. Congratulations and wonderful answers and well deserved

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You’re welcome

  6. Congratulations.. Liked your answers

    1. Thank you so much!

  7. shadawss shadawss Avatar
    shadawss shadawss


    1. Thank you!

  8. Congratulations on another awesome award PoojaG! The way you speak of Pride and Prejudice, I may just watch it before the week runs out, seems like a good movie.

    1. Thank you so much! Don’t watch the movie, watch the BBC mini series- it’s almost exactly like the book and so well made!

  9. very cool, congrats on your awards, awesome!!

    1. Thank you!!

  10. Real neat blogger award for a blogger who is real neat 🙂

    1. Aww thanks that’s so sweet!

  11. Congratulations Pooja! Well deserved ♥️

    1. Thank you so much!

  12. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you!

  13. Harrison Ford & Collin Firth are such favorites, but I have mixed feelings on Cumberbatch lol! 😂 I feel like he’s one of those actors that you either really love or like can’t stand.
    Also, agree regarding history. Every politician, political party, country has a messy side. X_x

    1. Haha I just love him because of Sherlock!

  14. Love those answers Pooja, especially the habit q’s. Thanks for sharing 💕

    1. Thank you so much!!

  15. Congratulations Pooja!! I love those habits you’ve made for yourself. I aspire to meditate at least 2 times a week once im all settled. That food made me hungry!

    1. Thank you! Meditation is a bit difficult the first few days but so worth it once you start doing it regularly!

      1. I look forward to it. It’s definitely something that I need!

  16. Congratulation on your award nomination.

    1. Thank you so much!

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