My Blogging Journey #2

My Blogging Journey

My Blogging Journey And Why I Decided To Share It

Before you guys start reading this post I would highly recommend reading the first part of my blogging journey by clicking here. 

Recently, I decided to write six posts on my blogging journey. Since I began blogging almost exactly six years ago (it will officially be six years in about a month) I thought I would write one post a week talking about my blogging journey during each year. As well as what was going on with my life and how it affected my blogging. I will also be talking about the technical things like the updates I made, what plan I use, how I customize my plan, the SEO work I got done and more.

And, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy sharing it with you guys and I hope it helps newer bloggers on WordPress as well. I would also like to give all my readers a heads up because my blogging journey posts tend to be a little longer than my regular posts so if you don’t like longer posts this may not be for you.

2016- I Finally Start Figuring WordPress Out

So 2016 was kind of a crazy year for me. I had so much going on with my personal life. And I was mentally and physically exhausted by the time I was done with everything. It was also the year of personal growth and acceptance for me. And in many ways this was the year I finally began to find and accept my true self.

For the first six months of 2016 I was super preoccupied because I was preparing for my A Level exams. It was quite stressful even though I was doing three subjects- History, English and Psychology. Anyone who has done A Levels will tell you that it is no joke. I had some tests and exams in Jan and Feb so I did not write much during those two months- I still did try to write occasionally and ended up writing more often than I had in 2015 but still my views were pretty low because I rarely posted and if I did it would be randomly without much of a schedule.


By March, I had realised that this whole blogging hobby was here to stay and that it was going to become a thing. I had also figured out a lot of the technical things by this point as well. And by now I had learnt the most important lesson you can learn when it comes to blogging- BE ACTIVE. You need to be active both on your own blog and on other blogs if you want to remain relevant and make sure your blog is growing consistently. I tried really hard to concentrate on my education but also stay active on WordPress. I’m not going to lie- it was definitely a struggle.

My school ended in April and I had most of April and some of May off for reading break and so I was mostly at home which made it a bit easier to both revise and blog. My views went higher during these March and April because I was spending more time on my blog and I was so excited to see my hard work pay off when I got over two thousand views in a month for the first time. This was such a big deal to me and it also told me that what I was doing was working for me and that I should continue with blogging. Unfortunately, my views in May and June got lower as I was more preoccupied with my exams.

Real Growth

From July till December my views continued to grow and so did my followers. I was so absolutely delighted. And I was extra happy because I had started to make blogging friends. Which as you guys know is a big part of why I enjoy blogging. I had begun meeting like-minded people and socialising a lot more now that I was getting more comments and was following more blogs and leaving comments on these blogs. I think most bloggers can understand the excitement you feel when you get a new notification or a new comment on one of your posts. It’s just such a rush!

Mental Health

Unfortunately, as my blog grew my mental health was deteriorating and my anxiety was getting worse. I had finally figured out how to control my depression as best I could. And then having to start all over with anxiety was a lot to handle. Mental health problems are constant and they can very exhausting. By the time I was done with my exams I found myself too exhausted to think about university. Especially because I wanted to go abroad to study. My parents realised this and suggested I take a gap year which I did and honestly it was the best decision I made.

During the next few months I did as much research as I could on mental health. And in particular on anxiety and depression. I looked for ways to deal with both. Or at least ways through which I could control them enough to continue to pursue my dreams without being constantly pulled down by my mental health problems. I learned my triggers, I learned how to control my triggers and how to best deal with the symptoms of anxiety. It was difficult but it was worth it because the things I learnt in this year are things I still use to control my anxiety. I have mentioned with before but when it comes to mental health problems you never fully recover- you kind of just learn to deal with the symptoms and carry on despite them.

Not All Gloom And Doom

Before this post gets too depressing I also want to say that it wasn’t all doom and gloom. As always this blog and WordPress kept me sane. It helped keep structure in my life. And in case you can’t tell I am one of those people who needs a lot of structure. I thrive on organisation and planning and blogging taught me a lot about both.

I also decided to use my gap year to my advantage as best I could. Like doing a bunch of stuff I had been meaning to do but never found time to do. I tried new foods at new restaurants, I did a lot of art, I redecorated and best of all I got my first tattoo! It was a tiny little tattoo but it’s still my favourite thing ever! I also traveled but that was mainly in 2017 so all that will be in the next blogging journey post which will go up next week.

Getting The Hang Of Blogging

By the end of 2016, I had finally gotten the hang of blogging (or so I thought…). And I had figured out how to grow my blog (I kind of had!). I celebrated one of my biggest milestones in August of 2016. I had gotten 500 followers. Honestly, I was surprised and honoured that out of all the thousands of blogs out there these 500 people had chosen to follow my tiny little baby blog! Maybe people actually did like my writing and maybe I should continue blogging (spoiler alert- I did!).

Although, as I mentioned in my last post, blogging for me was more of an outlet than anything else. It was still amazing to know that people were actually reading my writing. I was so honoured and thought I was a mini-celeb hehe (spoiler alert I wasn’t and still am not…)! So yes, 2016 was a crazy year for me filled with a lot of change both negative and positive. A lot happened and I learnt a lot of things about blogging, myself, my goals and what I want this blog to become in the future.

You can check out my posts from back in 2016 if you’re interested by clicking here.

Thank you!

I want to end this post by thanking everyone who took the time to read and comment on the first post I did about my blogging journey. I was so overwhelmed by all the sweet and amazing things that everyone commented. And it’s so nice to know that so many of you found it relatable. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I hope you continue to enjoy and support my posts about my blogging journey. If anyone wants me to write about anything specific about my blogging journey let me know in the comments below. I will try my best to include it.


If you have been blogging for over an year did you second year of blogging have any similarities to mine? Does you blogging journey have any similarities to mine in general? Why did you decide to start blogging and how has blogging changed you life? What’s your blogging journey/story? Let me know in the comments below I would love to hear your thoughts and your story!

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143 responses to “My Blogging Journey #2”

  1. I know what it is like to struggle with depression and anxiety. I am so proud of you. You have gone from living at home to studying abroad and having a blog that keeps growing,

    1. Thank you so much! I am very lucky to have been able to achieve so many of my goals despite that.

  2. Hi Pooja, thanks for sharing all those wonderful details about yourself here on this blog of yours. They say that if you read you gain an unknown friend, and after reading your blog I have the feeling I’ve known you for a lifetime. Wishing you all the best! With Love, Debby 😘

    1. Aww thank you so much Debby I really appreciate that! I really think we have become friends over time!

  3. Pooja, this was amazing, you went through a tough year in 2016 and that’s a breakthrough. I’m glad you still pushed blogging otherwise we wouldn’t have met 😅 Looking forward to your blogging journey in 2017!

    1. Thank you so much! I am very glad to I kept blogging because I got to meet so many awesome people- you included of course!

      1. 🥰🥰 likewise!! 🥰🥰💚

  4. Hi. I’m from the USA. Can you please explain what an “A level exam” is? Thanks.

  5. Inspiring story Pooja. Blogging, writing in general is such a wonderful outlet – especially for dealing with depression and anxiety. To do it publicly and share your story is a powerful and meaningful endeavour. As regards your comments on mental health – I agree – you actually learn to make friends with – even love that part of yourself. If you can say hello to depression and anxiety in a jovial way when they pop up, you send a powerful message they don’t have control over your life. Over time they begin to loosen their grip. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you so much! Yes you learn from them and even learn to find the good stuff even when you’re not doing so great. Thank you for the comment!

  6. Love the post, as it shows the path you took to get where your now and congratulations on that. It also shows that someone like me is on the right path,.

    1. Thank you so much! If it feels right than you are definitely on the right path- always listen to your gut!

  7. This is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing. I actually understand what it’s like.

    1. Thank you so much!

  8. Thank you for sharing this post with us. Really happy that I found your blog, you are an inspiration with what you have achieved

    1. Thank you so much! I am so glad you found my blog too and I’m honoured you think that!

  9. Pooja, please know that I am so proud of you! I know how hard it is to struggle with depression and anxiety because I am also going through these. Reading your journey is very inspiring and made me want to keep going more.

    1. Thank you so much! I’m sorry you are struggling with these as well but I hope you know that it does get better and that blogging is so worth it.

  10. Heyyy! Firstly hats off to you for battling depression and anxiety. I too have struggled with these and it can be so incredibly challenging to get through so well done! I’m in my second year of blogging and right now, I’m also figuring out how to grow my blog and now take it more from just writing content to something a little more established. I’m heading towards the 500 followers milestone and honestly every time someone likes my posts, comments or follows I throw a mental party because it’s just so exciting that these people enjoy my content this much. My blogging journey has been a bit all over the place but I essentially started to share advice and also create a safe creative space for myself and others where I could share the experiences of my life and offer tips/advice to others who might need it. I just hope one day my blog becomes as established and successful as yours xxx Thank you for always being such an inspiration to me xxx

    1. Thank you! Yeah the first year is a little all over the place for most bloggers because it does take a while to figure things out and learn all the technical stuff. I love your blog and I’m sure you’re going to continue to grow and reach all your goals!

      1. Wow thank you so much that really means so much to me!! I really hope so thanks again xxx I’m looking forward to reading the next segment of your blogging journey xxx

        1. Thank you and you are very welcome!

  11. Your blogs are inspiring! I enjoy reading them thanks for always sharing.

    1. Thank you so much!

  12. Touching stuff. I have learned a lot from this post. Thanks so much for sharing and Congrats for your six years in blogging. I hope to be like you one day 5

    1. Thank you so much and I’m sure you will!

  13. Loved your blogging journey. So proud of you. This post was so inspiring and amazing. Thank you so much for sharing, Keep going. You deserve it😊😘

    1. Thank you so much- I’m honoured you feel this way!

      1. Most welcome dear☺️♥️

  14. Great blog post which I’m sure many can identify with and find inspiration.

    1. Thank you so much!

  15. Amazing story. Anxiety is the devil

    1. Thank you and yes it is.

  16. This was relatable, Pooja. But your baby blog has grown up so quickly. And you’re a celebrity for sure, in the blogging world. Do keep writing ♥️

    1. Thank you so much! Haha not a celebrity for sure!

  17. Inspiring journey 👍

    1. Thank you!

  18. wow that’s so amazing to hear. you are my inspiration, well a have taught me a lot of things! i am writing a email to you regarding the my blogs plz do read it!

    1. Thank you so much and I definitely will!

  19. Interesting Story

    1. Thank you

  20. I can’t stress enough how much I relate to your story. I’m a young blogger and I hope to see you enjoy the kind of success you have as I write.

    1. Thank you so much and all the best with your blogging journey- I’m sure you will reach all your goals!

  21. Hi Pooja! You have done a great job with this blog! Thanks for sharing your journey. It is a huge source of inspiration. God bless you!🙏

    1. Thank you so much- I’m so honoured you think so!

      1. ❤️🤗😍

  22. I am a newbie blogger and reading this inspired me to keep going. Thank you for sharing

    1. Thank you so much!!

  23. Thanks for being so open about your blogging journey – it is quite encouraging…

    1. Thank you I’m glad to hear that!

  24. such an inspiring journey, thanks for sharing your story with us!

    1. Thank you so much!

  25. Your journey seems super interesting! I’m so glad you shared it as your blog inspires me! Great post!!

    1. Thank you so much- that really means a lot to me!

  26. So proud of you to start this blog. More power to you

    1. Thank you so much!

  27. You are an inspiration, Pooja! ❤️

    1. Thank you so very much!!

  28. As you might know (or not, because you have so many followers) I’m still at the start of my blogging journey. Your blog was one of the first I started following. I’m still trying to figure this all out – and find out what works best for me. Your posts are quite helpful there.

    1. Thank you- I am so glad you have found my posts helpful!

  29. Thank you for this, it’s really inspiring.

    1. Thank you so much!

  30. Very interesting indeed? How did you acquire such a large blog following? Enlighten me please!! Followed. Liked. And shared.

    1. Thank you!! You can check out this link to figure out all my tips and tricks:

      1. I did read that earlier – thank you!

        1. You’re welcome and hope it helps!

  31. Your story is inspiring! I’m looking forward to the next one in the series 😁

    1. Thank you so much!

  32. Melanie Ramnauth Avatar
    Melanie Ramnauth

    Thanks so much for being so open about your experience! As someone who just started a WordPress blog, your entry really inspired me!

    1. Thank you so much- I’m honoured that I inspire you!!

  33. You grew a lot in 2016, balancing exams and blogging could’ve been a real task. And a good training too. I like where its going.
    Keep sharing!

    1. Thank you so much that means a lot!!

      1. You’re welcome!

  34. I think it takes a lot of courage to be so open in sharing your mental health struggles – and I really related to this. Even though you dealt with some hard times, I think it’s wonderful that the blog was a good outlet for you during that time! 💜 I know it is def a major outlet for me, too! 💗

    1. Thank you so much! I always try to be honest because I know a lot of people may be going through something similar and knowing other people are going through this too may help them. It really is a great outlet!

  35. Well written 🙂

    1. Thank you!

  36. It’s amazing reading this, happy blog anniversary in advance. So interesting and inspiring. You have gone far, almost six years tells a lot about your blogging experience. It’s awesome

    1. Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me!

      1. U are welcome

  37. I’m coming on to my first year of really blogging and this feels so relatable

    1. I’m glad you can relate! It gets a lot easier though I swear!

      1. Thank you Pooja 😉

        1. My pleasure!

  38. Six years is a long time. It’s interesting to hear your thoughts on blogging. I actually closed my blog for a bit over a year and then returned late last year. This time I have connected with more people and formed many relationships with bloggers that I look forward to reading and hearing their comments on my own. Great post, looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

    1. Thank you! Yes it’s been six years but I have only been blogging regularly for about 3 years now. Meeting bloggers and getting to know them is the best part so it’s great you have formed relationships with other bloggers!

      1. Getting there. It takes a little while to settle in to blogging and once you find your own rhythm to begin tuning into others. I think I’m doing that now and it is lovely. Like most things in life you get out what you put in and I’m finding that little bit of extra effort so worthy.

  39. I started blogging to practice writing. It’s been a lot of learning for me since I had never done anything like it before. One thing I really like about it is the fact that I’m constantly learning from other bloggers and finding people who are like me. Just like you I love getting comments and reading other bloggers posts.

    1. Yeah learning new things from other bloggers is so great. I socialising and learning makes blogging so great.

  40. I very much relate to knowing that depression never fully goes away. One morning I’ll just wake up, and not know why I am feeling terrible. It’s then that I must open my mental health toolbox and find the right tool for that time.
    This was the initial reason I started blogging, to show others they are not alone by offering a window into my life of managing depression while playing ultimate (frisbee), writing poetry and stories, and paying and recording music. It has evolved a bit since then, but if I’m being honest it has not grown as much as I sound have hoped. This will partly be due to me not figuring out how best to do this and putting the effort in – yet.
    Thank you for sharing and offering insights into your very interesting blogging journey! 🙂

    1. Thank you!
      Yes I think with most mental health illnesses there are good days and bad and we just need to learn how to deal with our symptoms the best way we can.
      It takes a while to get the hang of everything and evolve- it took me years but you will get to your goals eventually and it will all have been worth it.

  41. My blog is relatively new and therefore I’ve only caught up with your blog in the last year too. It’s been fun today reading how and why you started your blog Pooja, and my how you’ve grown. Of, I’d love to be where you are one day 😉

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it and I have no doubt that you’ll reach your goals!!

  42. Congratulations to you! Wow! 6 years! That’s a lot of determination, experience and learning altogether. I’ve only been here for like over a week and I’m building up the habit of continuously writing, reading other blogs and making genuine comments and finding a “community”, and I always like your posts. I hope I can celebrate such a milestone someday too! Keep on writing. Kudos to you! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I am sure your blog is going to grow and flourish in no time!

  43. Thank you for sharing this story! I am so glad you pushed and kept going. Remember the comeback is always better 😉 Blogging has been such a great outlet for me as well. I love the WordPress community!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes haha it’s all about the comback! I love how inclusive and supportive the WP community is- I think more than anything that’s what made me stick with blogging. I feel like other places are kind of too toxic and I can be a bit sensitive about stuff like that.

      1. I feel the exact same way. It’s so hard for me to stay active on social media!

        1. Yeah I feel the same way! I find social media kind of exhausting so now I’m just active when I have to be and otherwise I kind of just ignore it lol.

          1. It’s best that way! Especially for our mental health. I’ve sorta neglected all of mine so I have to find a away to get back 🤣

            1. Lol me too I really want to post regularly but I’ve really fallen out of habit!

              1. Yup I know exactly what you mean!

  44. it’s so nice to hear your blogging story! congrats on 6 years and I hope to see you on here for many more 🙂

    1. Thank you so much- haha I’m not going anywhere any time soon!

  45. As someone who has just started their blogging journey this was really inspiring, I really enjoy reading your posts, congrats on getting this far!😊

    1. Thank you so much and I’m so glad it inspired you!!

  46. I am just now starting to post my blog for the public and am also getting discouraged at the lack of views. Thank you for this! Any additional tips?

    1. Yeah I have a whole advice category that I think you will find helpful

  47. Thanks for sharing your story with us….Stay blessed.

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You’re welcome

  48. […] would recommend reading part 1 and part 2 of my blogging journey before diving into this post so that you can understand this one […]

  49. […] would recommend reading part 1, part 2, and part 3 of my blogging journey before diving into this post so that you can understand this one […]

  50. Thanks this is inspiring post

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

  51. […] would recommend reading part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 of my blogging journey before reading this one because you may feel a bit lost […]

  52. Waaaay back when I was in college, I did a paper on depression and the creative mind. It seems that people who suffer from depression are usually very creative and when you take the depression away, sometimes you take the creativity away as well. I found that fascinating. Not that I think you shouldn’t treat your depression. Heavens no! Just an interesting thought to ponder.
    I too suffer from depression. It can be a scary, dark, and terrifying place. Reaching out and finding friends to see you through it is the best way (after you see your doctor!!!). I’m glad you’re here, that I found you and your blog, and I feel like I’ve gained another child who’s just a little farther afield than my four! God bless!

    1. That’s very interesting! I’ve read that too and I’ve actually experienced it first hand. One of the main reasons I don’t take medication for my anxiety and depression is that when I do take medication I feel numb and my drive just kind of goes away. I totally agree you should definitely seek help but just from personal experience I try to avoid any medication.
      Aww thank you so much- you are such a wonderful person and I’m so glad we were able to connect through blogging as well!

  53. I’m loving this series Pooja. I can relate to every word you have written here. Your blogging journey part one is my present situation right now. I was so elated to read part 2 and how you grew as a person and blogger in 2016. Everything that you’ve mentioned about depression and anxiety is what I’m working on right now. All I want is for them to disappear from my life and the phase of this earth. I have so much suppressed energy and passion for life which I struggle to unveil because of my anxiety and depression. I desperately want to be the person who is in love with every aspect of their life. I hope to become that person as soon as possible. Career is the biggest aspect of every human being’s life and I absolutely hate the fact that I’m unable to derive fulfillment with my career choice. I hope to resolve this mind conflict soon.

    1. Thank you so much! I can really relate to how you are currently feeling because that’s how I felt. It feels like you are trapped in your mind even though you want to get out of your comfort zone and just live life. I hope you feel better soon and if you ever want to talk about anything please feel free to reach out.

  54. I also took a break after secondary school but let’s call it a gap year. It wasn’t as packed as yours, I only read other blogs and scrolled through social media but there’s no time for regrets. I’ve never thought about looking up about my anxiety and depression and how to cope and handle them. I just kind of figure I’d do things that keep give me peace, like cleaning and tidying, art or listening to music. That said, this my blog would be a year old next month or on November, I think…I’m not too sure😅. If it weren’t for the quarantine, I’d probably still be finding it hard to combine school and blogging. I’m so thankful for this opportunity, while I haven’t made the best of it, I hope I do so before I go back to school again. It’s been really refreshing being more active and discovering new blogs and being discovered as well.
    The reason I keep trying to show up is because of people like you who inspire me to and because I want to connect with other people who have the same interests as me.

    1. I think taking a gap year can really help give you some time to do nothing after years of just being busy with school/work etc. Doing things that give you inner peace is a good way to go about dealing with anxiety and depression- I do that a lot too. I’m glad you came back to blogging and socialising is probably my favourite part of blogging too. I’m not very social in real life but I do like talking with people so this is a good way to connect with others for me.

  55. Hai I liked your post about your blogging journey. You have given admirable thought that is in midst of adversities you have seen this opportunity and you also mentioned struggle has been your path which is very true for everyone. i came to blog to write about me. when i read some blogs i felt i will write about blogging because we are never alone. i liked your blog. i sincerely appreciate the way you wrote . whenever i like some points i mention the source and some are yours . i hope you wont mind.

    1. Thank you so much and no I don’t mind at all!

  56. Really encouraging, it’s nice you stayed strong

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You are welcome

  57. […] My Blogging Journey by Pooja G […]

  58. Excellent read Pooja! Glad you shared your blogging experience with us. I know anxiety and depression is very difficult to deal with from experience, but DON’T GIVE UP. Keep fighting you will be fine, meanwhile We are here for you, so write for us !

    1. Thank you so much that truly means a lot to me!

  59. […] My Blogging Journey #2 […]

  60. Where did you do A Level?

  61. […] would recommend reading part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 of my blogging journey before reading this one because you may feel a bit lost […]

  62. […] would recommend reading part 1 and part 2 of my blogging journey before diving into this post so that you can understand this one better. I […]

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