Six Word Story #69

Six Word Story

Six Word Story:

Will it ever get any better?

I know I usually post my blogging journey posts every Friday but I decided to take a break and post a six word story today instead.

About The Six Word Story:

As you guys know, I love writing these six word stories for you. And from the feedback and responses that I have received on them, I am happy to say that it seems you like reading these little stories too. I am really thankful for that since it is always a win when both you and your audience enjoy the same thing. It gives me a reason to continue writing these, knowing you enjoy them so much.

Since it was very recently Mental Health Awareness Month I decided to include a six word story that is related to mental health. When we are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other form of mental health problems it may seem like the end of the world. However, over time it is possible to get better and learn how to live with the illness. Don’t give up on yourself- trust that it will get better.

How would you interpret this six word story? Have you ever experienced mental health problems or been diagnosed with a mental health illness? If so, how do you cope with it and how did you get better? Let me know which one you think it is in the comments below!

For more six word stories click here.

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58 responses to “Six Word Story #69”

  1. … I ask myself every single day.

    1. Me too 😔

      1. Glad you can relate.

  2. Yes, it will!

    1. Yes we just need to remain positive!

  3. Yes, absolutely!

    1. We just got to stay positive!

    1. A question it can be easy to ask ourselves when something goes awry. E must all try to remember the answer is yes, even if we can’t believe it. Keep looking after yourself. 🙂

      1. Totally agree!

  4. Yes, yes and yes.

    1. We just have to stay positive!

  5. This was short but powerful. (And if you’re wondering, it definitely will get better 🙂 xx)

    1. Thank you and I am hopeful it will!

  6. A question that’s often asked at any instance: the answer depends on how we decide to handle the situation.

    1. That’s very true- our reaction to any situation makes a huge difference.

  7. It hasssssss toooooo! Soon please!!

    1. VERY soon!

  8. So heartbreaking. It will get better one day.

  9. There is a buddhist expression, winter always turns to Spring. So yes, these difficulties will not last forever.

    1. I love that thank you!

  10. This six word story sounds like me when school overwhelms me😂.
    Love your six word stories 💚

    1. Hahah thank you!

  11. It will get better. We are sure of that. But there is a condition. That is you must never give up and choose to continue rather than to exit. Love.

    1. Yes I agree we need to stay strong!

  12. it better. Or I’ll be ticked…

    1. Hahah same!

  13. Absolutely! We must stay positive!

    1. Yes absolutely!

  14. Of course it will get better, Pooja. It may take a few more falls but we will inevitably ‘rise’ again. All will be well in the end! x

    1. I agree- we just need to remain positive and hope for the best!

    1. Thank you!

  15. Ahhh we do hope so!

    1. Fingers crossed!

  16. I am hopeful that it will

  17. Sure, it will get better someday.

    1. Yeah I think so too.

  18. tomorrow is always better than yesterday 🙂 Let’s stay positive!

    1. Yes I absolutely agree!

  19. It will get better and then go back to being worse and the cycle will continue.

    1. Yeah that’s life I guess.

  20. It will 💕

  21. Sad one but I still love it!

    1. Thank you!

  22. Yes it will girly… yes it will!

    1. I think so too!

  23. This is suitable for the year 2020

    1. Yup it really is.

  24. I sure hope so!

    1. Same here!

  25. i don’t know but i hope so

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