Six Word Story #71

Six Word Story

Six Word Story:

It gets worse before getting better.

About The Six Word Story:

As you guys know, I love writing these six word stories for you. And from the feedback and responses that I have received on them, I am happy to say that it seems you like reading these little stories too. I am really thankful for that since it is always a win when both you and your audience enjoy the same thing. It gives me a reason to continue writing these, knowing you enjoy them so much.

This is my first six word story in such a long time I feel weird posting it lol! To be honest I didn’t really feel inspired to write one recently but today this kind of just came to me and I wanted to share it with you guys. Obviously, it’s mental health related. As someone of you may know, I do suffer from anxiety and depression. And my experience is that it gets worse before it gets better. Especially depressive episodes.

How would you interpret this six word story? Have you ever experienced mental health problems or been diagnosed with a mental health illness? If so, how do you cope with it and how did you get better? Let me know which one you think it is in the comments below!

For more six word stories click here.

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111 responses to “Six Word Story #71”

  1. Enjoyed it. Not all storms are bad ones.

    1. Agreed! Thanks!

  2. I’m still on the first half of this story. Haha.

    1. Fingers crossed that you get to the other half real soon!

  3. Here’s my favorite six word story:
    Used canned vegetables. Won food fight.

    1. I laughed so hard at this! Wonderful, just wonderful!

      1. Glad it made you laugh!

    2. OMG LOLLLL!!!

  4. Yep. The darkest hour is just before dawn

    1. Absolutely agree!

  5. I have a quote you might like “sometimes our needed growth is achieved better by suffering and adversity than by comfort and tranquility” Dallin H Oaks…I really like this quote as I have had a lot of stressful events I had to deal with…I am happy to your latest six word story…It is a brilliant and very creative way to tell a story in a short way…My six word story in reply would be this: Gosh I cannot do it in six words my reply is longer so sorry… I don’t know how you do six word stories…My reply is In the storms of life our creator gives us peaceful periods for calm reflection…If you can condense my verbose reply to six words go for it…You are a very talented blogger…Namaste…

    1. I love that quote and that’s a great way to look at life or negative situation!

  6. When exactly is it getting better?
    We’ve had a lot of worse. Just waiting for the better part!

    1. I’m hoping really soon!

      1. Yeah. Me too! God has His plans for us!

        1. Yes exactly!

  7. For some the sentence finishes on the third word. 🙂

    1. Yes unfortunately so.

    2. Yeah, but I’ve got to have faith that God sees all and will reward accordingly. Without faith in God, what’s left?

  8. short, sweet and to the point!!! true.. always true.. xo

    1. Aww thank you!!

      1. You are sooo welcome!!!

  9. Absolutely loved this one!!! And I truly believe this.

    1. Thank you do much and I do too!

  10. Six word story that depicts our daily life..

  11. True, it surely gets worse before getting better. It’s a fact. Nice one

    1. Yes I definitely agree!

  12. So true. It often hurts the most before it gets better.

    1. Yes absolutely.

  13. With one eye on the US elections – sometimes it does get better.

    1. Hopefully so!

  14. This is 👍way too good

  15. You Six Words are saying the whole story…. 🙂
    Spirituality Awakening

      1. Most Welcome 🙂

  16. I always enjoyed your 6words, you sort of gave up on em

    1. Thank you! Yeah I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and uninspired but I’m starting to get back into it now.

  17. This is actually one of the things I always remember when Im struggling mentally or physically. Thanks for this! I would love to hear what u think of my post as well 🙂

    1. Thanks and I’ll check it out!

  18. Sometimes we have a big question what to chose for writing?

    1. Yeah for sure

  19. I absolutely agree with you Pooja. Great six word story. 😀🥰

    1. Thank you so much!!

      1. Welcome Pooja! Take care😀😊

  20. I hope it gets better soon…

    1. I hope so too!

  21. I love this! It’s so true! You have to get through the bad in order to get to the good! Great story!!

    1. Thank you and yes absolutely!

  22. I hope it gets better….coz it’s just gone worse

    1. I hope so too!

  23. Love, love this. This is my favourite💜✨xx

    1. Thank you!! 😊

  24. …And then it gets better again. 😅😅😅

    1. Yes love that addition!

  25. Thanks for this valuable information!
    I really like your blog post dear!

  26. Hi, Pooja. I understand exactly where you’re coming from about not feeling motivated to write in recent times. *nodding my head in agreement* It has been a trying few months, no doubt about it. Sure am glad you decided to come back to post another six-word story though!
    You’re right. It often does get worse before it gets better. Interestingly enough – healing crises in the body work the exact same way! When you’re treating an infection – you tend to feel pretty crappy while the healing works its magic. In the spiritual realm – same thing. We often must feel pain before we feel pleasure.
    At our present across the globe – we are experiencing ‘birthing pains’ of the greater glory that is to come. Oh how I long for the days when the good news outweighs the bad. I know everyone does. These have been very trying times – both COVID and non-COVID related.
    Praying you are staying safe, experiencing joy every day, and enjoying your life. Keep writing. I enjoy reading your words! Much love to you! 💕

    1. I’m glad you could relate and I’m not alone in feeling that way. Yeah I think so much is going on right now and there is so much negative news everywhere but I am hoping that we get through it and things get better over time.
      Thank you and hope you are well and staying safe as well!

  27. It really does and we have to remember to just hold on and not give up.

    1. Yes absolutely we need to always stay optimistic!

  28. Very true…Stay safe and take care.🙂

    1. Glad to hear that.

  29. Well I hope not😅
    Things getting worse before they get better is just something I don’t look forward to. It happens and I embrace it but like why can’t it be good, then better😊😅
    Loved the story

    1. Oh I so wish it could all just be good and better!

  30. Pooja,
    I’m been a writer for a long time but never heard about 6-Word Stories. It’s a marvelous idea and this story works well. Thank you for teaching this old dog a new trick.

    1. Thank you and I’m so glad this introduced you to something new!!

  31. Pooja I love your six word story concept so much that I featured your blog in my most recent blog post…Meaning I mentioned your amazing blog…You inspired me to come up with my own six word story which is this…”Life is like apple pie slices”…Six word stories are not easy…Thank you Pooja for being an inspiration in my small life…

    1. Thank you so much and I am so glad it inspired you to write your own! I love what you came up with and I hope you write more in the future.

  32. Thank you Pooja I will do my best to add six word stories to my blog posts…Namaste…

    1. I look forward to reading them.

      1. My latest six word story be crazy it goes like this “Biches Be Goin To The Pound” I also started to sing silly ditties called six word story ditties on you tube…Little did you know Pooja that you started a Six Word Story movement N I enjoy doing six word story ditties now…Thank you for being a wonderful light and inspiration…

        1. Lol yes I just saw that one! I’m glad I started that they’re so super fun!!

          1. Pooja enjoy my latest blog post here with three more six word stories such as “Time to go back to school” – Fool cause like fool would make it a seven words story and “I do not suffer fools fool” and “Skulduggery stirs up the dust fool”…I am having a lot of fun with this concept which I have turned into silly ditties…I also shared your excellent write up about what is “Cancel Culture” which I agree is not good for society…

            1. Thank you so much I’ll be sure to check it out!

  33. – This is my latest blog post featuring your excellent write up about “Cancel Culture”

    1. I just read it and since your comments are turned off I’ll just reply here. Thanks so much for the shoutout- you are so sweet- and I loved the six word stories!

  34. Stuck in the first part. Hoping to cross over to the ‘better’ part. Soon I hope.

    1. Sorry to hear that and hope you get to the next part!

  35. It really does. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. I think we all need this reminder every once in a while this year!

  36. Hard work is tiring. New things are nerve-wracking. Asking for something is often uncomfortable.
    Thank you for sharing more wisdom. 😊

    1. Absolutely agree and thank you!

  37. Said Bipolar Disorder to Bipolar Disorder

    1. Interesting addition.

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