Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog

Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog

Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog

Blogging is such a fun way to express yourself and interact with other like-minded people. A lot of people really enjoy a lot of aspects of blogging but the one thing most people I have interacted with enjoy is the social part of blogging. The WordPress community is a truly unique place on the internet because for the most part people are super friendly, enthusiastic, supportive and helpful. But it can also be easy to make mistakes that will destroy your blog when it comes to WordPress.

After blogging for a while a lot of bloggers (my phone just tried to autocorrect the word bloggers to voyagers??) realise that growing your blog is actually pretty difficult. Having a larger platform is great because you get to interact with even more people. There are a lot more benefits of having a larger platform too especially if you would like to blog professionally or make money on your blog at any point. 

I have a lot of posts you can check out about how to grow your blog. But today I decided to do something a little different. I decided to write about mistakes that will destroy your blog. Or at least really slow down your growth. I’m not trying to tell you what to blog about. Because blogging is obviously a very personal thing and you should blog about whatever you feel that you want to blog about. However, if you want to grow your blog or increase your growth I would recommend avoiding these mistakes that will destroy your blog:

Buying Followers, Likes And Comments

There are so many issues that come along with buying followers, likes and comments. In fact, when it comes to mistakes that will destroy your blog, this is the biggest one. Since we don’t have forever I will keep it short and highlight some of the main issues that are associated with buying bot likes, follows and comments. 

The first issue is that everyone’s going to know. It’s often extremely obvious when people buy likes, comments and followers. Bot followers usually have no profile picture, no real posts etc. The comments are often really basic or generic. Like “nice post” or “great post” without any real reference to the post itself. The likes are often disproportionate compared to the comments and followers which is a big tell-tale for fake likes.

If you ever want to make a profit from your posts you will likely be interested in sponsored posts however the first thing sponsors do is check how many of your followers are real which is extremely easy to do. Most people have some fake followers because bots just follow sites randomly sometimes (you’ll notice some bot followers in your following too) but if the largest majority of your following is fake obviously sponsors are not going to be interested in working with you because what’s the point? You won’t direct any traffic to them since none of your traffic is real. 

Another issue is again concerning making a profit from your blog because I’m assuming that if you’re buying followers it’s because you want to make money off your site. A lot of times people will sell services or products on their blog which is a great (maybe the best) way to make money online but if all your followers are fake who are you going to sell to? If you build a genuine following it may take longer but it’s worth so much more than a fake following. 

Buying followers, likes and comments can be pretty expensive. Especially buying followers, however, from stuff I’ve read these followers don’t last very long because WP has been cracking down on bot accounts (they’re not doing a good job with it but they’re trying) so your followers are going to decrease as time goes buy and you will have to continue buying followers every few weeks to maintain your following. Instead, spend some money advertising on other blogs or through Google or Bing. You’ll gain genuine followers for a much cheaper amount. 

The last and probably the most important reason is because if you’re buying all these things you’re probably missing the point of blogging. In my opinion at least, blogging is largely about putting your work out there and interacting with other bloggers and honestly it’s the best part of blogging. WordPress is really unique because unlike most platforms on the internet people are super supportive and kind here. People genuinely want to connect with one another and I feel like the majority of people actually use their platform how it was supposed to be used- to express oneself. If you ever want to buy followers just take some time to interact with people here instead. It will help you connect with others and grow your blog. 

Spam Comments

Man typing on an Apple laptop

Literally everyone I have talked to on WP hates spam comments. And in my opinion these kind of comments are one of the worst parts of WP. I don’t mean spam comments like the obviously spam ones that try to sell you viagra or something (if you’re the person who keeps leaving spam comments trying to sell me viagra please stop…). I mean the comments that say nothing about your post. But tell you to visit their blog.

Why would anyone follow your blog when you can’t take a few minutes to read theirs? Most people would automatically check out your blog if you left a genuine comment on their blog. However, when you leave comments like this people are just going to get irritated and probably block you or at least avoid your blog. 

Not Using Features Correctly

hands typing, notebook and candle on the table

WP offers a lot of really great features. But a lot of people don’t do a lot or any research on how to use them to their advantage. Features like tags, categories, featured images etc are there for a reason. And they can be vital in growing your blog. Using these features incorrectly can actually slow down your blogs growth.

For example, if you use more than 15 tags your posts will be taken off the tags section in the Reader. And this will decrease your traffic and consequently your following. Using incorrect hashtags can also do the same. Using really specific tags is great for SEO but not so much for the WP community. I mean when was the last time you searched something on WP that was super specific like “post about how to grow your blog and use the tags feature on WP.” Most people will search something like “how to grow your blog” or even shorter like “grow WordPress.” Using specific tags is fine. But don’t forget to add some broader tags too like “food” if you’re writing about food. 


Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog

Clickbait is okay if you do it once in a while and your title does relate to your post to an extent. But if you constantly use clickbait-y titles that have nothing to do with your post people are probably going to get irritated. And end up not following you or unfollowing you. What you want is loyal readers and followers because that’s what will help you grow long term. 

Spreading Hate

Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog

Most people have heard this at least a few times in their life- if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all. I think most people are fine receiving feedback because it helps you improve your writing or your posts. And it helps you understand your readers better. However, if you are going to use your platform to leave hateful comments that attack the blogger you are not going to be very popular on WP. Because like I said we’re like a family here. If you’re going to leave feedback make sure you’re not attacking someone and leave it in a positive manner.

If you’re just going to leave a hateful comment think about the fact that there are thousands of other blogs out there. No one is forcing you to follow a blog you don’t like or read posts you don’t want to. If you hate something that much just read other blogs you agree with or connect with more. Don’t waste your energy ruining someone else’s day. You don’t personally know this person. You don’t know what they are currently going through. And frankly it’s their blog and they can do whatever they want on their own blog.  


I hope you found this post on “5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog” helpful and informative. I wanted to do something different and share a different type of advice post.

What are some blogging mistakes you wish you had known about sooner? Have you missed my blogging advice posts? Do you think I should do more blogging advice posts- I feel like I haven’t done any in forever? Did you find this post helpful? What is some blogging advice you wish someone had given you?

For more blogging advice posts click here.

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384 responses to “Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog”

  1. Great tips. Thank you. 🙂

    1. Hope they help!

  2. Nice thoughts 👏

    1. Thank you!

  3. Wow! Pooja, this is great information and thank you for sharing. I did not know you could buy followers, likes and comments. Also, I like your profile photo. Have a great day/night and remain safe.

    1. Hi Tangie. I’m new to blogging on WP but if you have HBO search up Fake Famous. Talks about Instagram bought bots, likes, and comments. They do a social experiment on how make a person look and become famous on Instagram. It’s interesting because it applies to all social media platform.

    2. Yeah a lot of people buy those it’s quite sad really. Thank you so much and remain safe too!

      1. This was news to me too. Thanks for all this information, PoojaG.
        My blog is a year old. Up until just a few days ago, I had zero traffic. I signed up for WP blogging course, and suddenly there’s traffic. Not much, but it is a start.
        I am learning.

  4. Very useful and helpful tips(pieces of advice) Pooja

    1. Thank you- I’m glad you found them helpful!

  5. You could have just saved someone’s blogging career right here 😂 Thanks for all the great tips!

    1. Yay so glad they’re helpful!

  6. I know no features of WP and obviously have missed a lot of the advantages they bring. Also I wish I know some photography or image editing. I know none of those, which can brighten up a blog.

    1. Yeah learning about the features helps a lot. For the images check out apps like Canva that offer free images- all you have to do is pick a size and add it to your posts.

      1. Thanks for the suggestion. I will try it.

      2. Canva is incredible I made my blog logo there!

  7. Thanks a lot. I was wondering y my views and likes have decreased suddenly turns out that I had used too many tags for my recent post😂😂. Its so thoughtful of you to share these tips.❤

    1. I made the same mistake for a while before I realised there is a limit for tags so I wanted to share that information in case anyone else was going through something similar. Glad it helped!!

      1. Hey I’m new to blogging. What’s tag in WP blogging?

        1. It’s like tags on social media and works the same way. It’s on the left hand side of your post when it’s a draft.

  8. if you the person who leaves spam comments to sell me viagra please stop😆😆

    1. It’s getting very annoying lol!!

  9. Very helpful. Thanks for the great advice.

    1. Happy to help!

  10. Helpful tips! Thank you for this advice!

    1. Glad you found them helpful!

  11. All good points, Pooja. The longer bloggers blog, the better they should become. 😊

    1. Thanks! I agree you learn over time and get better at it.

  12. Thank you pooja for the all the pointers 🙂

    1. Happy to help!

  13. Very helpful information. Some I knew, others I did not so I appreciate the education.

    1. Glad you found it helpful!

  14. Thanks much for sharing these tips. Very useful

    1. So glad you found them useful!

  15. Completely agree with all of this. Buying fake followers & engagement is easy fo spot / actually makes it harder for you to grow because the content underperforms from what it should since the following is fake!

    1. Yeah absolutely it does so much damage to your brand and your blog. And yes it’s super obvious!

  16. I do like trying to use the occasional click bait headline 🙂

    1. I always enjoy your titles! I only get irritated when the title has nothing to do with the post and I’m left there like this is not why I clicked. I started watching Ted Lasso by the way!

  17. Lol the part about spam comments is so true. It’s really poor form in general to ask someone to follow or check out your own website. If you really want people to do that, then take the time to write a killer comment.

    Also, like Jim, I too fall victim to using clickbait headlines, lol. That’s my one and only blog vice.

    1. Yeah just leave a genuine comment and most people will check out your blog anyway. Lol clickbait titles are fun as long as they have something to do with the post not just a random title!

  18. Thank you for sharing this post. It was super helpful 😊💖

    1. Glad to hear that!!

  19. Hey Pooja. Great post….lol…I could stop there but won’t. Seriously tho. You’ve got me thinking. Keeping a blog going isn’t always easy and to get traffic is tough….I had no idea about the limit on tags and stuff. I’m gonna have to read and study more I think. But in the meantime I think you’ve inspired my next blog.

    1. Haha glad you kept going! I’m glad this gave you some new information and feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

  20. Hey, I’m also getting those Spam comments ‘the Viagra ones’.
    Even though I closed my comment of that post but still getting it.

    It’s good to see I’m not the only one. 😂

    1. Yup those comments are so annoying- you’re definitely not the only one!

  21. Thanks for steering us “newbies” on the right path PoojaG Love 💕 and Light 🌈 to you and your family x

    1. Happy to help and love and light to you too!

  22. This was great. Very helpful and informative. I want very much to grow my blog. So often I just wish I had a medium sized pile of money in the bank to live on while I write and try to sell what I write💜thank you for this post.

    1. So glad you found it helpful!!

  23. I didn’t realize that there was (or should be) a limit on #tags

    1. Yeah I didn’t know either and as soon as I started using less tags my posts did so much better.

      1. Pls, like how many tags is better

  24. Relevant content ✌️

  25. Love, love this✨

    Honestly since I started layering about the many features of WordPress —the page looked better and overall interaction is increased. Research is a must!

    A great read Pooja😘 x

    1. Thank you!! Yes research helps so much and it’s the best way to organically grow your blog.

  26. Thank you for your tips. As a newbie in blogging, this is very helpful❤️❤️

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  27. Very informative thanks a million!

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post!

  28. Coffee with a Medical Coding Auditor Avatar
    Coffee with a Medical Coding Auditor

    Great information! Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Happy to help!

  29. Very helpful 👏👏

    1. Glad to hear that!

  30. I’m surprised that people can buy likes. Doesn’t seem to have a point. The only thing I wonder about is that one can’t possibly read every blog that reads your blog or you’d never get any work done. Nonspecific comments happen in a variety of situations…if you feel you have to leave a comment then you leave great post. Though sometimes it is because you think it is a great post. If someone likes your blog, then they like your blog. If you only read a blog because someone read yours, you may end up in blogs that don’t suit your interests and become resentful. I have to be selective as I have several things I do so can’t possibly keep up on every blog post. I find another problem with blogs is that it depends on the forum. I was very surprised to see that on one specific blog, a very popular historical novelist actually only had a couple of dozen people read her blog and like it. I won’t name either as that wouldn’t be very ethical in my mind, but it seems some forums are more for reading books and not for interest in the particular blogger. Not sure if that means that some forums are not specifically useful if you want to be read. I read your blog because I enjoy it. I think it is important to read for interest and not out of a sense of duty. I was pleased to see that WordPress gives me a handy section to check on comments etc. I think the reason to write a blog post might be that you enjoy blogging. People either will read it or they will not. It’s not one of the things that you control…the audience does. Anyway, it’s just my opinion and might not agree with anyone else’s idea of blogging.

    1. I think buying likes or followers is generally for people who want to be influencers or only use their blog to make money. I definitely see where you’re coming from and thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.

  31. Awesome tips! Thanks for all of the insight 😊

    1. Happy to help!

  32. Very enlightening post! Thank you 🙂

    1. Thanks- happy to help!

  33. Good points to follow. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

    1. Happy to help!

  34. Was never aware about the issue with tags! Because I thought there was something a bit strange with wp allowing unlimited tags.

    1. Yeah I didn’t know when I first started blogging either and I ended up using too many tags which messed up my growth for a while. I only found out about it later on. Technically you can use unlimited tags but it messes up your posts.

  35. Thanks so much for sharing this info. I definitely think you should do more of these posts. It’s very helpful!

    1. Glad it was helpful and I will definitely be doing more!

  36. Thanks for the tips! Enjoyed reading on how to improve. 🙌🏽

    1. Glad you enjoyed them!

  37. Love the new headshot. 🙂 Spam comments are a quick way to get blocked, IMO.

    1. Thank you- it’s one of my favourite pictures!!

      Yup spam comments are the worst and you end up doing way more damage with them than good.

  38. I had no clue about spam comments and bot followers. Yikes!

    1. Yup it’s really crazy what people do on WP sometimes!

  39. My advice just keep on blogging. Like Field of Dreams movie. Build it and they will come. The same applies … just keep on blogging they will come. Don’t stop just keep adding posts. Thank you for sharing those tips. Thanks for the tip especially on limit of keywords. That’s good to know.

    1. Yup absolutely agree!

  40. My blog is still very small, but I promised myself never to buy followers, likes or comments… I’m completely satisfied with real and authentic people who genuinely follow, like posts and or drop a comment. I’ld rather maintain a small community than buy one.

    1. Yeah and honestly growing your blog organically or maintaining a small blog is way better in the long run than buying followers.

  41. […] 5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog […]

  42. I shared it on my blog, they are wonderful tips especially for me who’s just starting out. I couldn’t figure out how to tag you . I’m sorry

    1. Thanks so much for sharing it- I’m glad you found it helpful and hope others do too. The tags are on the left hand side when you draft a post and using specific with less specific ones work best.

  43. Thank you for the tips!!

    1. Happy to help!

  44. It is really helpful. Thank you

    1. Glad you found it helpful!

  45. Very informative 👍

  46. Mind graping tips here and food for thought, as a blogger I am taking note✍️💯

    1. Hope they help!

  47. This was a wonderful and very informative post. Honestly, just what I needed to read as I am struggling with my blog (for years in fact, haha) Thank you for helping me!

    1. So glad you found this helpful! Don’t worry we’ve all been there but you’ll get the hang of it.

  48. Just started out myself and you’ve given me some good heads up for future content posting, loved it!

    1. Glad it was helpful!

  49. This is powerful.. big ups to you ✌️🔥

    1. Thank you!

  50. Interesting post! I am glad spreading hate is amongst the crucial blogging mistakes list! Nobody needs that negativity in their lives…life is hard enough. As a brand new blogger, (I started around October 2020), I appreciate people sharing their experience. Thank you. I would like to think most of these points are common sense…but I know the internet is a weird and wonderful place where strange things occur…oh and your point around overly specific tags is a good one…not that I was in danger of that mistake. I hadn’t even thought about it.👍👏

    1. Thanks- I’m glad you found the post helpful! I have gotten a lot of hate so I know how awful it feels and I just don’t think anyone should have to experience that especially when they’re writing on their own blog. The internet is definitely a very interesting place!

      1. Definitely! It has exposed the ugly side of some people…for sure! But there is still lots of good stuff from this, too! 😊

  51. […] 5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog — Lifesfinewhine […]

  52. Hi Pooja, i love your writing style! Thsnks for the tips 🙂

  53. WordPress us a very difficult program to master. I’ve done plenty of research and still have problems understanding their terminology. For example can you explain a “static page,” and how does one create a stationery header page. They list 3 footers, what is each one’s purpose. When spending money for a site it would be nice to have help or training from its developers. Info should be put in layman’s language. There support is terrible.

    I have a website, not with WordPress, which is easy to master. I have a mail package, which is easy to master, so I do have a little tech knowledge.

  54. Always great tips Pooja!
    I think you covered it all here!
    Hope the spamers are listening. 🤣

    1. Thank you and I hope so too lol!

      1. You’re so welcome!!! fingers crossed!💖

  55. This is really helpful, thank you!

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

      1. I’m still really new so.. I know I have a lot to learn. I’m just grateful there are bloggers like you who are willing to share tips! 🙂

        1. Always happy to help new bloggers because I’ve been there and for like a year I had no idea what I was doing lol!

          1. What I’m going to take away from this is that it gets easier. 😅
            I’m grateful you chose to help though.. A lot of people wouldn’t. ☺

            1. It definitely gets A LOT easier!

              1. More of that ‘be patient’ nonsense they tried to teach us as kids. 🤭😂

                1. Yup unfortunately so 😂😂

  56. hi Pooja, would you please explain what you meant by this term ‘Bot’ followers. Sorry never heard of this and curious to know. Thank you

    1. Yeah absolutely! Bot followers are not real followers they are actually robots that certain people/sites etc create to mass follow someone. People often pay to get these kind of bot followers so that they look like they have more followers than they actually do. The bots obviously are not active since they aren’t real so they are often quite easy to spot.

  57. New blogger won’t lie. Lots of great tips thank you. I’m not ready to publish yet as still doing all my research, thank you for the knowledge

    1. Thank you- glad you liked the tips! Welcome to the blogging world and please let me know when you decide to publish because I would love to check it out.

  58. Very helpful content

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  59. Good points you shared, Pooja. I don’t like spams too. But some times WP has a way of sending some real comments to spam. Phew!.

    1. Yes that annoys me so much- especially recently I have been finding so many real comments in my spam!

      1. Phew!. I hope they work on it soon.
        Do have a great weekend, Pooja. 🤗

  60. Thank you for this. I’m just new in the blogging world and I hope these tips will help me unto the path of good traffic.

    1. Glad you found it helpful and I hope it helps you grow your blog!

      1. i hope so @PoojaG. i need to learn more.

  61. […] 5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog […]

  62. Veryy helpful thank you

  63. Very helpful tips for bloggers especially new bloggers.

    1. Thanks I’m glad you found them helpful!

  64. i also actually just recently found out that WP had a feature that lets you put some tags on your articles. great tips. thank youu

    1. Yeah I have seen some people do that! Glad you enjoyed the post!

  65. I really appreciate this. Thank you!

    1. Happy to help!

  66. This is so helpful and I find I subconsciously do most of these. The one I find it hard to do is the connecting web one. It’s hard to find bloggers that are just coming up here and I think its rude to tell people to follow you on another blog post. Do you have any advice on what I could do?

  67. Great info! I’m definitely guilty of using more than 15 tags every now and then.

  68. SMiles Typically If One Truly Finds
    Themselves Through Whatever
    Art They Create Others Worth

    More Deeply Connecting

    To Will Find Them

    As Well Particularly

    If Every Word Of A 9 MiLLioN

    Word Free Verse Poem Is Written

    Just Like This To The Tune Now Of

    Whatever Audience Soul Whether

    Song Or Dance As True i for
    One Have Also Public Danced

    for 14,505 Miles Now in 90

    Months Same Distance of
    All The Poetic Letters Written

    To Strangers
    Who Are Never
    A Stranger When

    One Dances Or Sings
    Back To The Other Soul Tune

    Freely As All Of Existence
    Comes To Be One Flower

    With Unlimited


    Of Soul
    This One FLoWeR

    For All See What i Just

    Did i Took A Petal Of Your

    Soul and Now i’m Gonna

    Copy And Paste It As

    Another Part

    Of The


    Of My Book Of
    Life How Long Will

    The Human Soul Grow
    As Long As Every Sacred
    And Holy Breath Of Art We
    Give And Share Free With

    No Expect Of Return indeed
    This iS How Agape Love For

    All Takes

    It Just
    Comes With
    No Expect Of
    Anything in Return
    Yet What Is Given
    Now Becomes one😊

    SMiLE NoW For Real🌳

    Here’s What We Will All
    Master “A Field Of Dreams”
    Where We Always Come “To Play”

    “The Child” Plays Happily

    With Or Without


    Free Dance

    Will Do Yes

    As Long As

    ‘They’ Have
    Toys Like Words Will

    Do The Greatest Works
    Of Art Always Produced
    Uniquely by “The Child”



    Loving Life
    With EYes Of
    God Just Happy
    To Play With SMiles

    Generating Joy Within☺️

  69. […] 5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog […]

  70. Great post! I agree that buying followers on any platform is a big mistake. Genuine likes, comments, and followers is the way to go.

  71. Thanks for the great advice! I especially appreciated the tips on using tags/categories/featured images. Being new to WP and blogging, I sometimes feel that I am accomplishing nothing but a series of mistakes. But I am confident that with time even I will get better! I appreciate the hard work you put into sharing your knowledge with us!

  72. Learned a lot from this post! I just started a couple of days ago. This will be a big help☺️ Thank you!

    1. I’m so glad you found it helpful!

  73. Thank you so much for these tips. I appreciate hearing all this since I just moved my blog to WP recently. This blog entry is like a “Welcome to WP” for me. Pretty cool.

    1. Wow welcome to WP and I’m glad this was helpful!

  74. was very helpful especially the part about the features of WordPress thank you. I am new in blogging and I found this post really helpful

    1. I’m so glad you found it helpful!

  75. These are great tips. I love the blogging advice posts!

    1. Thank you so glad to hear that!!

  76. If anyone has an advice…thanks in advance.i started in january as agriculture machinery salesman memories, but i feel i can advice all salesman.what can i do engage also other market salesman.at the moment the agriculture machinery sales peopele read it.how can i atract other salesman? I am getting all my readets from facebook at the momment

    1. There’s a search bar on your Reader right at the top. Try searching for “sales” or “salesman” or something like that and you’ll hopefully find similar blogs as yours that you can check out. Good luck!

  77. Im definitely a voyager

    1. We all are!

  78. I think this post is great because I’ve kinda been winging it since I started my blog last year 😂 so thanks for the pointers

    1. Haha that was me for the first two years of blogging too lol! Happy to help ☺

  79. I’m glad you went out of your way to inform. Blogging needs guidelines. Thank you.

    1. Happy to help.

  80. Totally agree 🙌🏽

    1. Glad to hear that!

  81. […] 5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog […]

  82. I just started my blogging journey. And this gives a good insight.

    1. Thanks I’m glad this was helpful!

  83. Great advices, especially for someone like me that is just starting to blog. Keep posting some suggestions for blogging. Thanks.

    1. Thanks and I will!

  84. […] 5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog […]

  85. Still kinda new to the world of WP, but I love this advice and your blog!!

    1. Welcome to the blogging world and glad you enjoyed the post!

  86. Thanks for sharing an awesome post like this you have thought me a lot

    1. So glad it was helpful!

  87. Great tips! I’m also trying to grow my blog, so these are really helpful! Thank you ☺️

    1. Glad they were helpful!

  88. Ahhh I had no idea about the 15 tags. These are informative tips. Thanks!!

    1. Yeah I didn’t know about the limit for a while either but staying under the limit has definitely helped increase my traffic. Glad this helped!

    1. Hope this helps!

  89. I love you for this advises. Your post is a great source of encouragement to me. One of your advises is that ‘ its better not to comment than to say hurtful comments.

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

  90. I’m working on growing my blog/website and so I’m glad that I saw this article! Good advice! Thank you!

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  91. Such great learnings for beginners, thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks I’m glad you enjoyed the post!

  92. Thank you for the tips!!!

    1. Hope they help!

  93. These are truly helpful tips
    I had no idea about buying followers
    How is that possible even… but yeahh growth is more important to me.
    Am willing to be patient and watch myself growing slowly

    1. Glad they were helpful! I know it’s crazy that people would buy followers. I’m glad you’re being patient and growing organically.

  94. Thank you for very thoughtful advice.

    1. Hope it helps!

  95. Thank you for your tip about the 15 tags in your post will have it taken of the reader. I didn’t know this would happen and will prove useful going forwards. 👍

    1. Yeah a lot of people don’t seem to know about that. Glad it helped!

  96. Very nice post..!

  97. Thanks for sharing these tips. I didnt know about the tags one, it would be helpful 😀

    1. Glad the post helped!

  98. Great tips for a novice like myself! Thank you!

    1. Hope they help!

  99. Great tips thank you! Been on WP for a while now. And this is the first time im actually interacting. I have not posted so many things just really a few about personal sentiments and dillemma. But id really want to spend time writing more in the goal of actually getting someone to notice, learn from or just mostly relate.

    1. I’m glad you left a comment here and I hope the tips help!

  100. Just started my blog
    Thanks for letting me understand unless I would have made a terrible (I’m not sure if that spelling is even right 😹) mistake

    1. I’m glad this helped!!

  101. […] 5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog […]

  102. Im new to Blogging and this will help me a lot when I write my first blog .Thank you

    1. Glad this was helpful!

  103. Really helpful post to someone like me his is new to blogging!

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  104. This are actually some good tips. Thanks!!

    1. Glad you liked them!

  105. Very interesting! Would love to see SEO broken down into every day English and more tips on how to grow your audience.
    Thanks for the tips!

    1. I am definitely working on some posts about SEO!

  106. these are crazy good tips, i love this post !

    1. Thank you!

  107. I am new on wp and your past really helped me , thanks alot😇😇

    1. I’m glad to hear that!

  108. You have helped me so much. Thank you.

    1. Happy to help!

  109. Buying Bots… ?
    I didn’t realize that was actually possible.
    I will patiently wait for more loyal followers 😊

    1. Yup it’s crazy but people do that.

  110. Great tips for any blogger!

  111. I love that “we’re family here”. Thank you for this!

    1. Thanks and it totally is like family here- we’re a little community on our own!

  112. I completely agree about spam comments, not just on WP but on other social platforms as well. If someone have sent me a comment that interest me, I would check their blog. But asking someone to like their post in exchange for their likes, is such a turn off. And if we think about it, that like won’t ever satisfy the creator inside you because you know you haven’t earned that one.

    1. Yeah absolutely. If you left a genuine comment most people would visit your blog/social page anyway and like you said it will never be fulfilling as a creator.

  113. I’m just starting to get familiar with this world, still figuring out how to start. This has given me some north, thanks a lot!

    1. Glad this helped!

  114. First thing first, your writting skill is amazing. I can completely relate or agree with you. Everything was on points😊👍 in this post.

    1. Thank you!

  115. As always thank you for the tips. My blog has been my way of sharing strategies which have helped me with depression, and in general get through a Monday to Friday work week which is where I earn my income at the moment. My blog is growing slowly, but I really feel like I’m connecting with each person that takes the time to read and leave a comment, and I’m learning some awesome things from their blogs too.

    I hope you are well, and that you continue doing what you’re doing because the world needs uplifting and hard working people like you in it.

    Peace to you and your family. 💖

    1. I’m glad to hear your blog is growing as you know I really enjoy it! Peace to you too!

  116. Love this post it’s so helpful!Thanks alot poojaG

    1. So glad to hear it was helpful!

  117. […] 5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog […]

  118. Really liked all the tips and they are super helpful for new bloggers like me! Going to keep them in mind whenever blogging!

    1. Glad you found them helpful!

  119. Thanks for sharing ☺️

    1. Hope they help!

  120. Who knew too many tags could be detrimental?! Thanks for the tips!

    1. I know it’s crazy!!

  121. Hey Pooja, I didn’t know about tagging! Thank you for this post! Blogging is a real task!

  122. Nice thoughts

  123. Thanks for that

  124. Extremely helpful for a starting blogger like me. Thank you!

  125. This is very informative. I appreciate the pieces on bots. I didn’t realize what the bots were. This makes more sense to me now.

  126. Helpful points. Thank you.

    1. Happy to help!

  127. […] 5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog […]

  128. Thank you so much😊 I’ve learned a lot, I’m newbie here and I like the idea of treating as a family in this community

    1. Glad you found the post helpful! It really is like a family you’ll definitely see that once you blog for a little while 😊

  129. Thanks for sharing 😊

    1. Hope it helps!

  130. This is really great 👌..Thanks for the advice 🙂

    1. Thanks and hope it helps!

  131. The tips were helpful, thanks 👍

    1. Glad to hear that!

  132. Pretty cool I will like to share this in my site

  133. […] 5 Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Blog […]

  134. hey, wow, i really like these pointers, esp. featured photos, cool! as for the tags, what is meant i usually tag mine as if its a hashtag like; art,nature,story, flower, mystery, etc. is that fine im thinking those are general, do i put my title in tags? also whats the difference between catagories and tags… catagories is?? a lottle confused (sorry if this is to much to ask, bit i rly like this post with some Qs lol) thanks tho!

  135. Will make sure to keep these things in mind while I write stufffff!!!!🤞🏻. Thanks!❤🥺

  136. I had no idea you could by followers and can’t understand why you would want to😳 Bots don’t read so your wasting time and money! Thanks for the tips girlie

  137. This is really a great foundation for me as a biginner.
    Thank you

    1. Glad to hear that!

  138. Thanks for the tips! I really want to do well on this

    1. Hope they help!

  139. I fully agree with all your points there. My attitude is, “Don’t BS me!” I don’t like it done to me, so I don’t do it either. There you go

    1. Yes exactly that’s a great way to look at it!!

      1. Thanks. Yeah, it definitely helps to think, “I don’t like that crap, so why should I do it?”

        1. Yeah that’s a great way to think of blogging and just life in general too.

  140. Great article. Great WP etiquette tips.

  141. This is pretty helpful. I started my blog on a word document, which I’m still updating so my blog is a little behind from my “word blog” if that makes sense. It’s something I am doing for my mental health, but I hope people will eventually find it helpful.

    1. I did that when I first started blogging too but now I just save drafts on WP. Welcome to the blogging world and I’m sure your blog will be a help to many!

  142. That’s really helpfull. I wish I had know about the 15 tags thing sooner 😅

    1. Lol me too- I wasted like a year using too many!

  143. Wow, I didn’t realise using over fifteen tags would not show the post up in the reader.. I have used over fifteen tags in all of my blog posts.. wow.

    1. Yup it does that- you should definitely be careful about how many and what tags you use in future posts!

  144. I didn’t know about the tags either!! Thanks for the tips. Posts like these will help beginners ( like me 😛 )

    1. Happy to help and glad you learnt something new!

  145. Lol buying likes? Wow I thought that was only on YouTube and istagram. I mean, my blog is growing slowly but I can’t imagine buying freaking likes!

    1. Yup I have seen some people doing that and I always find it weird because they’ll have like a thousand likes but like a couple of followers and no comments. You would much rather grow organically!

  146. Very helpful! Thanks. I particularly like to read other blogs to give support to other bloggers too. Do unto others as u want to be done unto you

    1. Thanks and I agree blogging is all about supporting one another imo!

  147. writtenwithgraceco Avatar

    I really needed this, you’re the best! Thank you!

  148. This topic will really helpful for me .Thank you

    1. Glad it helped!

  149. So glad I didn’t disagree with any of these. Although I did prepare myself to.

    1. I’m glad you didn’t disagree too 🙂

  150. I recently started blogging again after a hiatus due to covid. I received a lot of new followers, and I was happy
    But now I’m reading this post and wonder? Now I will go through and check to make sure they’re not bots. Thanks.

  151. Antalya web tasarim ve sosyal medya reklam sistemlerinde oldukca garantili firmalardan birisidir.

  152. Really helpful post thank you! Will definitely check out some of your other advice pages and will make sure I don’t use more than 15 tags too!

  153. lazer epilasyon yorumlari en iyi lazer epilasyon firması

  154. These are definitely good to keep in mind!

  155. Web sitenizin, işletmenizin kurumsal SEO kimliğini oluşturuyoruz.

  156. […] wrote a post about blogging mistakes a while back and it was wildly popular. It currently has like 600 likes which is insane. But it […]

  157. I admit, at 72, I’m behind the curve with technology in general, but I keep trying to improve. It was months before I knew I could reply to someone’s blog. How embarrassing is that?

    There are definitely aspects of WordPress I wish were more user friendly, but then … I worry that these things are available and I’m simply not seeing them.

    Maybe I should let my dachshund run my blog. She definitely younger, and possibly smarter. 😉

    1. Whoops, well if it makes you feel better I’ve made tons of silly mistakes like that and I started this blog at 18 haha. It takes a lot of mistakes before you figure things out and that’s okay. WP could definitely be more user friendly but I doubt that’s going to happen any time soon.

      Haha well I’m sure she’s very smart- I always think pets are smarter than we think 😂

  158. Just curious, but how many years have you been blogging for? Really enjoying your posts so far!

    1. It’s actually been a long time- it will be 7 years this year. Thank you!

  159. I’m just starting out so it’s hard to answer all your questions, however, I would definitely read your blogging tips!

    1. Thanks so much, I have an entire section full of blogging tips. Feel free to check it out!

    2. Best wishes to you. Keep thriving

  160. Yes I hate clearing out all those hundreds of spam comments weekly too.

    1. Yeah, it’s very annoying.

  161. I agree, I unfollow anyone when I see them doing some of those things. It isn’t how I choose to fill my time or my life, listening or watching those things!

    1. Agreed, I feel the same way!

  162. This is the first time I have seen your post on this subject. Very informative information. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Yeah, it’s quite old so you may not have seen it. Glad it was informative. Thanks and have a wonderful week too.

      1. I have learned a lot from you by reading your blog posts since I first came across your blog. When I first started blogging, I didn’t know anything except how to write. Reading your posts has taught me a lot about what to do and what not to do. I am glad you post information that we all can learn from.

        1. I’m really happy to hear that my posts have been helpful. I know that blogging can be tricky and share advice posts to help other bloggers.

    2. Oh she has tons of blogs on this topic. I really love her helpful blogs.

      1. Her blogs haas helped me a lot. I have learned so much from her.

        1. Oh me too….
          I can write a seperate blog about things that I’ve learned from her.
          Blogging wasn’t possible without her.

  163. Yup. Agreed.

  164. Always insightful.

    1. Thanks so much.

  165. Thank you for sharing. I think I really suffer from not using features correctly and not willing to do some research on them. LOL. I tried to do it, but I just don’t have the motivation to do it. I know this is no good and I need to really do something, but my brain doesn’t listen to me. LOL. You know research is boring and I am still for the inspiration to push me forward….

    1. Lol, that’s the problem. Research is vital but so not fun. And same with the features.

  166. Thank you so much for your advice (Tips). Actually I am new to blogging but your ideas are really helpful.🤗

    1. Thanks so much, so glad it’s helpful. 🤗

  167. Thanks for sharing such a helpful post. I didn’t even know that buying likes was “a thing”!
    Have a great week 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, yeah it’s not as popular on WordPress but it does still exist and some people do buy likes and follows. Quite odd/sad but it is what it is I guess.
      Have a great week too 🙂

  168. Always enjoy Your advice posts, thank You!

    1. Happy to share them!

  169. Hi, please keep doing it
    I don’t mind it.
    Do it daily
    I received notification on Monday, because I know you don’t publish on Monday (your Sundays), so it’s a treat for me.
    These are some solid point PG
    I agree with it.
    No need to add anything further to it.
    This blog is long, oh I love it😁

    1. Thanks and it’s really up to WordPress lol 😂

      1. You please keep doing it.
        Do with 10 blogs of yours daily.
        No 20.
        I will read them all 🤩

        1. Yes, but everyone else may unfollow me 😂

          1. Nah they won’t.
            It’s better to have few communicative followers than many unresponsive ones.
            I know that you like it when people read and show appreciation towards your work.
            Trust me, it’s a great thing. Plus, it’s giving new readers an opportunity to read your previous work.
            You tell me how am I supposed to read something for 2019?
            Instead you can recommend these blogs here and there. 🙂

            1. True, it’s nice for new readers to get to read older posts.

              1. Yeah!!
                I always get ecstatic to read your old blogs.
                It shows a different Pooja.
                You are so capable with your writing, one can never get bored

  170. Very helpful tips Pooja. Yes, I don’t understand why people would want a lot of fake followers. To me, it’s nice having sincere interaction with actual people. And I have to say thank you to you because I’m sure that some of the followers I do have on my blog bounced over from you, so thank you. As for your blog posts with advice, they are good and helpful but I enjoy hearing about your day and how you are doing sometimes too.

    1. Thanks so much. Yes, I agree. I find blogging is most fun when you interact with others. I find it fun to share personal experiences sometimes too so glad you enjoy those posts too.

  171. Thank you for the tips. I had no idea about using too many tags. It seems like I need to do some more research.

    1. Yes, I learnt that the hard way after using too many tags a few times. And 15 tags is the maximum if you aren’t using categories. It’s one less tag for each category. So if you’re using two categories the maximum number of tags would be 13.

      1. Ok, I think I’ve been doing that wrong. Thank you. I usually make up a new category for my posts.

        1. Keep a small list of categories you use frequently. That works best.

          1. I will do that. Thank you.

      2. I will definitely take your advice.

  172. Thanks for this post! I found your discussion of tags very helpful.

    1. Glad it was helpful!

  173. Sigh of relief, I don’t do any of these thankfully. I really enjoy when bloggers who have a lot more experience share their knowledge with others. Thanks Pooja.

    1. Oh that’s really good. Always happy to share my advice and tips from what I’ve learnt.

  174. I’ve noticed i get more views if I post sporadically instead of daily.. still trying to find my niche though.

    1. That’s so interesting. Good luck with finding your niche.

      1. Yeah im working on it, lol. Looks like this year may become a very busy one for me from the looks of it so far.

        1. Busy is not bad, it’s hard to find a niche and that’s why there are so many multi-niche blogs I guess.

          1. I get that.

  175. Hey great share!!!

    Luckily I don’t do any one these! haha
    Or maybe I’ve done clickbait with title 2 or 3 times, haha
    I’ve also failed to use features of wp properly in beginning.

    Btw, just say my old comment from last year. Then also you did something and it came out on Monday.
    I saw how excited I was to comment then, haha. Your final response to that comment was “thanks”, which I think meant: dude keep your excitement with you, I’m not interested to talk

    I will say (again), keep doing it.

    1. Thanks so much!

      Clickbait isn’t bad as long as you’re not being very annoying about it.

      Haha thanks 😅

      1. Done a few times.
        I felt it got attention 😅

        You are welcome you beautiful 😛

      2. But not done here obviously!

        How are you??
        How’s your health?

        1. I’m as well as can be. How are you?

          1. Good stay that way

  176. I get a lot of spam messages offering to boost my SEO, likes and followers. I was wondering if any of them were worth it, so you post was timely.

    I hope I have not posted anything that anyone has found hateful.

    The tag thing I have some trouble with. I usually use whatever it suggests when I hit publish.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yeah, those are spam please don’t take them seriously. They will totally ruin your site. Work with someone legit who won’t do that.

      I don’t think you have posted anything offensive or hateful from the time I’ve read your work.

      I would recommend researching tags because they can make or break your post.

  177. Very thorough post. I felt guilty immediately i saw the title. Thought you’d include infrequent posting😅, so I’m definitely breathing a sigh of relief. Thanks a lot for sharing.🌼

  178. I’ve done a lot of research on how to use tags correctly and I still don’t know. 😅 Do we use sentences? Write questions people are likely to be searching for? Phrases? It’s bewildering.

    1. It’s complicated, I would say a little bit of everything. From what I’ve seen and from what works with me I would say use the question/phrase as your keywords/key-phrase. For tags, use a mix of specific and broader words.

  179. Great tips Pooja, thank you. These tips are very helpful! I like learning new things…

    1. Thanks so much. Glad they’re helpful!

  180. Very informative. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much.

  181. Very informative. Great tips. I wish I knew that when I first started blogging. I think you should do more advice posts because there are new bloggers who need to know what to do, what not to do, and how to do when it comes to blogging. I always learn something from your advice posts that I didn’t know. Keep up the great work. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you so much. I really want to start sharing one advice post a week for new bloggers and also for older bloggers because I feel like it takes quite a while before you know what you are doing. Have a great week too.

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