The Pros Of Working Online

Six Word Story | The Pros Of Working Online | Cons Of Working Online

The Pros Of Working Online

Now that I have been working online for a few months I thought I would share my experiences with you guys. I have had a number of comments, emails and messages asking me what working online is like. And how it’s going. I also know that a number of my readers want to eventually move to working online full-time like I am currently able to do. So posts like this one may be beneficial for them. So, today I wanted to share the pros and cons of working online.

I wanted to do like a series of posts about my experiences working online and since I’m in a good mood I decided to talk about the pros of working online. Although I have been working online part-time for quite a while now I have only started working online full-time for a few months since I am no longer in university and have more time to take on new clients. To check out the services I offer click here.

Here are the pros of working online full-time that I have found in the last few months:

I Can Wear PJ’s All Day

I had to have this as my first pro because who doesn’t want to work from their bed in comfy pjs?? It’s such a blessing not having to go to an office or something every day and being able to work from the comfort of my home.

The pjs represent a bigger pro. As you guys know, I’m not great with human interactions and working with lots of people in a tiny office or something doesn’t sound ideal for me. Of course, it would be super awesome for them since I’m amazing but personally I like to be able to do things comfortably and this makes me feel really comfortable.

I also like the idea of working from home for now. Because my mum has some health issues at the moment and I like being able to be around to help her. I can do a lot more working from home and that way she feels less stressed out and busy.

I Can Do Things At My Time

Another huge pro for me is being able to work at my own time. I find 9-5 jobs a little bit restrictive. I know it’s great for a lot of people. But the truth is I’m really not a morning person and I also don’t like work feeling forced. I have always wanted to enjoy what I do and being able to work at my own time makes me enjoy the work more.

I can also pace myself accordingly. For example, I’m not really a morning person so in the morning I usually work on stuff that’s more simple or easier to do. I work much better in the afternoon and at night. So I do the more difficult tasks at this time and most of my work is done at that time. It works well for me and doesn’t really make that much of a difference. I’ll have done the work I’m supposed to do by the end of the day.

If I was working in person, I would not have the privilege of working at my own time. And would have daily deadlines which just don’t work for me.

With working at my time, I can also squeeze in time for my own blog and social media as well as other things such as cooking and cleaning which I often do while I take a break from working.

Travel Isn’t An Issue

As you probably know if you have been following me for a while, I like to go out and travel and just in general don’t like being confined. With working online, I can continue to live my life without too much change. I can travel if I feel like, go out when I want and it doesn’t make much difference. I generally have about 3-5 Zoom meetings a week with clients depending on what they work with me for (for example, when I have virtual Tarot readings I have more meetings but they are shorter whereas blog management or social media management meetings are longer) and apart from these times I’m free to plan my life as I want as long as I’m not slacking off which I make sure I’m not doing.

Long Distance Is Not A Problem

Finding work is quite difficult everywhere these days. I think it’s particularly more difficult for the younger generations. Since we have a lot less experience and there are fewer jobs available. However, working online allows me to work with people from all around the world which really increases my job opportunities.

I can and currently am working with people from multiple different countries and this really helps me get more work.

Saves Money

Working online saves a lot of money for me too. I don’t have to go to work (physically) which helps me save money on transport. I don’t have to rent an office or workspace. And I don’t have to pay for things I don’t already pay for like WiFi. This way, I can save most of my profit and invest it into my business/getting more clients.

Multiple Streams Of Income

If I was working full-time, especially if I was working for someone else, I would have to do one or two things. And would not really have the ability to do so many different things at once. But with working online, I get to have so many different streams of income and they’re all things I enjoy doing. It also helps make more of a profit if you are doing a lot of things instead of just a couple or one job. You can check out all the services I offer by clicking here.


So, those are the pros and cons of working online. I hope you enjoyed the first post from this series. And I hope you found it helpful or at least informative. In the next post, I am hoping to talk about the cons of working online. I was also thinking about sharing how I am able to work full-time online. And how I worked online part-time while in school and then university. I would also share how you can do the same no matter how many followers you have online. If that’s something you would be interested in reading please let me know in the comments below so that I can decide whether to share that post or not. If people are interested in reading that kind of post I would love to share it. And if not there’s always other things I can write about.

Do you work online? Have you ever worked online? Would you like to work online if you had the chance to?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments- I would really appreciate your input!

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49 responses to “The Pros Of Working Online”

  1. I’m a little jealous. I would love a part-time valid work from home job. Glad you are finding lots of plus things to it! 😎

    1. Congratulations!!!

    2. Haha thank you! Hopefully you can get some at some point 😄

      1. Yeah, e-books doesn’t seem to gain money. Boho either 😀 Only thing doing anything is hubby’s woodwork. I’ll find something sooner or later.

        1. Yeah I’m sure you will- there are so many opportunities online.

          1. Thanks. The problem is sorting out the real from the scammy. The problem I find a lot seem awfully scammy.

            1. Yeah I understand that. You have to be careful there are so many scammers out there.

  2. Great post Pooja. I work from home 2 or 3 days a week since covid started and I agree with your positive comments, you save so much time and money with not having to travel. I love that I can wear what I want on my lower half of the body too. I’m interested to read about your cons. I feel like working from home never ends. I end up working more than 9-5 as it’s so easy to just jump on your computer when you remember something else to do. Also you miss the interaction with others, for me, it’s my colleagues and students. I’m so grateful I can split my work between online and in person ☺️

    1. Thank you so much! I’m glad you have a good mix of online and in person. I feel like that’s perfect. One of my cons that I’ll talk about on that post is definitely that the work never ends. When you work from home you end working for the majority of the day not just 9 to 5 😭

      1. Thanks Pooja! Look forward to reading your next post.

  3. I’ve worked from home for several years now and it is the best compared to my old commute and the thousands of dollars that went into daycare when I went into the office. I really like being home for my son and daughter in the morning and being there when they get back from school. Luckily my job is flexible and I can get writing in too and can wear whatever I want. :]

    1. I’m so glad you’re enjoying working from home too and are able to be around your children more. And of course it’s awesome that you can do your writing too. What a great job!

  4. Great to know this , but just want to know , are you getting regular work ??

    1. Thanks and yeah I’m getting regular work since some of my clients are long term.

      1. I see so you been doing this for a while 🙂

        1. I’ve been blogging for a while but have only been working for a few months.

  5. I’m very happy that you enjoy your work so much now.

    1. Thank you so much.

  6. Very good post

  7. Yes, I love your post. I work online and it’s something I cherish most because of the freedom I get. Working from home is fun but it demands someone to have a good plan of their work. Otherwise, you might find yourself writing the whole day, and having so many other things pending. Anyway, thanks for sharing this post.

    1. Thanks and I’m glad you are able to work from home. Yeah you definitely have to be careful when working from home and make sure you get all the work done.

  8. I’m transitioning to working online as an entreprenuer and it feels amazing! I was nodding all the way through your post. I have worked online as an employee though and I found that more restrictive. Plus, communication issues regularly happened which made me quite anxious

    1. That’s great- all the best with that! Yeah I can imagine working online as an employee was more restrictive. I think it would be more like working in person.

      1. Thank you! Yeah, communication issues online give me anxiety, so no to that!

        1. Same here- it can be extremely anxiety inducing.

  9. I read your page on services, and I found it to be very educational and professional. I have been searching for an online job where I can work from home since my accident in 2020. I would like for all five of my sites to be better. I need to learn SEO and about the algorithm but it’s going to take some doing, and a lot of research. Post more posts about working on line. I would love to know more about it. As always, thank you for sharing, and keep up the good work. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks so much. Good luck with the SEO and things. It’s definitely a lot to learn but very worth it in the long run since it really improves your site. I will definitely be posting more soon. Have a wonderful day too.

  10. Doing something that you like and your own gives you more freedom than working for someone else.

    1. Yes absolutely agree.

  11. I would love to work online. I could really use to be able to have that freedom, what with four kids, and our issues. Unfortunately, I have not been able to figure everything out and am still struggling with followers on my blog. Love reading about you doing it!

    1. Yeah working online has a lot more freedom. Hope you are able to figure things out soon and if you ever need any help feel free to reach out!

  12. I shift back to the university college, as it was needed. Digital tools, methods and technology, for communications, are playing a significant. “I hope to come up with a creative applicable idea.”💡

    1. Yeah a lot of people are shifting back.

  13. I hope your mom is ok Pooja. what a great opportunity to be available.
    I stopped teaching online at the moment but still do one on one sessions. It’s a godsend to have the option! 💖💖

    1. She is doing better now thanks!

      So glad you are still able to do one on one sessions and it really is a gift to have this option of doing everything online.

      1. oh good!!! 💖👏👏
        It really is !! 👏👏

  14. […] I had written a post about the pros of working online and since it got a really great response I decided to write on on the cons of working online. If you would like to read my post about the pros of working online please feel free to check it out by clicking here. […]

  15. I am amazed at how much you can do in a day. I mean you have so many followers and you regularly stop at my site to give your wonderful and insightful comments. I am one of those who like to know how you’ve achieved all these. Time, energy, aspiration… And always want to know more about the online world.

    1. Thanks and I think it all comes down to scheduling. I will definitely be writing more about this soon.

  16. Thanks for writing on the benefits of working online. I hope to work online full-time.

    1. Thanks and I hope you are able to do that soon.

  17. […] all been dabbling with home working since the start of the pandemic, and there are some of us who have decided to make it permanent. It […]

  18. […] The Pros Of Working Online […]

  19. Make Money Onlline America Avatar
    Make Money Onlline America

    Hopefully your stories will inspire others.

    1. I hope so.

  20. […] Related Post: The Pros Of Working Online […]

  21. […] many of you know I’ve been working online for most of this year. I am absolutely loving it because it does give me a lot of freedom that I would not getting had I been working in person. I […]

  22. […] I had written a post about the pros of working online. And since it got a really great response I decided to write on the cons of working online. If you would like to read my post about the pros of working online please feel free to check it out by clicking here. […]

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