Blogger Interview With Olivia

Blogger Interview

Super excited to share this interview with Olivia– I have really enjoyed her blog for a while now so I am happy that we could do this interview. Feel free to check out her blog which will be linked below

1. Thanks so much for being a part of this interview. Tell us a little bit about yourself and what your blog is about.

Hi there, my names Olivia and I am a Lifestyle blogger.  I really write about everything and anything. My blog covers topics such as body positivity, interior design, self-care, mental health, blogging tips and so much more.

2. When did you start your blog and what made you decide to start blogging?

My blog originally started as a beauty blog back in 2015. I really wanted a platform to share all things hair and makeup. I blogged for about a year and then decided to stop. I had a 4-year break from blogging and came back in July 2020, mid pandemic. I completely re-branded my blog into what it is today. My original reason for starting the beauty blog was to raise awareness of the lack of diversity in the beauty world. We constantly see the same skin tones and complexions from brands. And so, I wanted to create a space for people who didn’t fit the ‘normal’ standard that the beauty world has.

I decided to re-brand and come back to blogging in 2020 because I needed a focus in life. Life as we knew it stopped and I really needed something to focus on besides work.

3. You sort of recreated your blog/brand- what inspired you to do this and what advice would you give bloggers looking to redesign their blog?

​I knew that sticking with the beauty blog I had created would have only gotten me so far. The content I was creating was far too niche and it really excluded a lot of other people. I want to create content for everyone, and although I know beauty and makeup is for everyone. I still knew there was a large chunk of potential audience that I wasn’t reaching.

The advice I would give is, if you feel like you want to re-brand your blog don’t wait until the perfect moment. Do it there and then. You don’t want to wait too long into your blogging journey to do it as it could have negative impacts. I’m glad I did it, but there were so many steps I had to do afterwards to sort of, clean up the mess. Like removing broken links with my old domain name. That was annoying to say the least!

4. How has blogging changed your life?

​Blogging really gave me a purpose. It really ignited my love for content creation. It also lead me to other avenues too. I recently created a small business selling digital illustrations. And I don’t think I would have ever done that if it wasn’t for blogging. It’s probably one of the best things I have done in life so far.

5. How do you find the time to blog while doing so many other things too and what advice would you give other bloggers looking to manage their time better?

​It’s funny because some days I feel like I’m killing it with blogging and managing everything else. And then I have other days where I feel like I am not doing well at all. Being organised and scheduling things in advance really helps me to keep on top of everything. I like to bulk write my blog posts and this helps to keep me on top of things. I put aside an hour or two and write about 2-3 posts at a time.

6. What are some of your long term blogging goals?

I have been lucky enough to work with some amazing brands already, but I would love to continue to work with more. I also look forward to increasing my following and hopefully hit 5k this year! Which would be crazy, but amazing too! One of my biggest goals is finding ways to help other bloggers. I know how it feels to be pretty clueless when it comes to blogging, so I want to help and support as many people as I can.

7. What is your favourite food?

​I don’t think I have a specific food, but type of food would be Mexican or Italian. Give me all the carbs.

8. What is one of your favourite childhood memories?

Being able to spend so much time outside playing games with my friends or family. Some of my most fond memories are being active and outside of the house.

9. What are some of your favourite hobbies other than blogging?

​I really love digital illustrations and calligraphy. Its a new love of mine but one I have really grown fond of over the last few months.

10. Thanks again and please feel free to add anything you would like to share with the readers.

Thanks Pooja for having me on your blog for this interview. I have been such a big fan of your work for so long. You’re an inspiration to a blogger like me.

If you enjoyed this interview don’t forget to stop by Olivia’s blog by clicking here.

If you would like to be interviewed please send me your name (optional), the name of your blog and a link to your blog via email to

I’m a little busy at the moment and have quite a few interviews ready to post so please don’t worry if I don’t respond immediately. I will definitely respond as soon as possible.

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25 responses to “Blogger Interview With Olivia”

  1. Nice interview and beautiful pics on your site Olivia💓💓💓

    1. Thanks so much Cindy!

      1. Pleasure!!! Stay in touch❣️

  2. Yes, scheduling and planning are so important, but I often fail to do that. LOL.

    1. I find myself failing at doing this too!

    2. Lol I fail pretty often at both too.

  3. Travel2theworld Avatar

    Good positive post

    1. Thanks so much for reading my interview!

  4. Nice interview. It’s fun when you know both the blogs (the interviewer and interviewee). Both the blogs are awesome! ❤️❤️

    1. Thanks so much Ashish! 🙂

      1. Most welcome. Enjoyed reading your answers inspite of knowing all of them beforehand! 😊

  5. Both of you are inspiration!

    1. Thank you!

  6. Such a great interview! Having recently rebranded ourselves, we’re going through the whole process at the moment, too. I’ve still got to fix up the dead links (fortunately, Dead Link Checker only found 21, so not too many!) but I think being open to growth and change is so important. We made food and cooking a huge part of our blog, but it seemed that our audience didn’t really care for it, so we’re letting it go. I love that you’re including people of all types and skin tones too. For so long, the idea of beauty and what is beautiful has been so typecast and it is incredibly damaging. I’ve been planning a post for a while about some of the pieces of clothing that I’ve parted with recently, why, and what it has done for my confidence. I have so many ideas as of late but only 24 hours in the day!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the interview and good luck with the rebranding- I look forward to the changes!

      That sounds like a great post! I plan on writing something about beauty standards too which I am looking forward to sharing since I’ve been planning it for weeks I just haven’t had the time to write it. This whole only having 24 hours in a day thing is quite annoying lol!

  7. Two of my favorite at the same post ❤❤❤

    1. Aww thanks!

  8. Olivia! 😊 nice interview ladies~ it was a good read. Also, your 4 year break is sounding like a tempting escape right now 😅

    1. Glad you enjoyed it and I was thinking the same thing lol!

  9. Another nice interview, Pooja🌺

    Wow… Almost 5,000 people following. Incredibly inspiring!

    1. Thanks- so glad you enjoyed it!

  10. My favorite bloggers in one post! Great work Olivia and Pooja!

    1. Thanks- glad you enjoyed it!

  11. This is an excellent idea. Wonderful topic too. Enjoyed the interview and the insights. Maybe I’ll take up something like that in the future too. Thank you 💛🌻

    1. Thank you- so glad you enjoyed it!

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