Getting Old Sucks

I was kind of preoccupied filming for my Instagram so I didn’t have too much time to come up with a post but I have been listening to this band called Bowling For Soup since I was a teenager and recently they released a song called Getting Old Sucks and it was a little too relatable for this wrinkled, grey haired blogger so I decided to share it with you guys since we always have a lot to talk about when it comes to music.

I know I’m only 24 but I’m already saying things like “kids these days” lol. Should I be concerned? Is this how it starts? Is it downhill from here? I’m still hip I swear! Lol kidding, I love my little greys and I like getting older. I’m okay with that. Let me know what you guys think of the song below and let me know if you’re a fan of BFS like I am!

Disclaimer: May contain explicit content. 

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93 responses to “Getting Old Sucks”

  1. Just 24 years young, Pooja? I’m 60 this year and still keep on rockin’! You are younger than both of my children. ❤️

    1. Me too and feel rocking

    2. Lol yeah I have a lot of years to go and I’m just kidding with the title I’m actually very much enjoying growing up and getting older!

      1. Travel2theworld Avatar


      2. Don’t rush it, Pooja! My children are in their late 20s, early 30s. Time flies…

        1. It’s true I genuinely can’t believe how fast my twenties are going.

          1. Live, love, laugh as the still true words say. ⏰

  2. It’s all fun and games until you go to bar and see someone get in with ID that says 2002. You think they’re too young? No, that’s when you realise that it’s you who is too old 😉

    1. Urghhh that’s so frustrating!! I’m going to freak out if that happens lol 😂

    2. That is one thing that really made my jaw drop. In my job I am working with people born in 2002/2003! I was like “whaaaat? Surely you must be still in school!”…nope, adults.

      1. My brother used to be a doorman and he’s said similar. He was born 1990 and he’s had to let in people born after the millennium. I can’t get my head around it, he’s 31 and still my little brother to me!

  3. I don’t like getting old either. A lot got done when I was 24 years old though. How I wish I was 24 again 🙂

    I’m going to be 30 this year which I’m not thrilled about btw 😏

  4. Life happens….might as well fasten the seat belt and hang on . Sometimes it is great and sometimes it’s a bumpy ride …and sadly not everyone goes as long as others 😁😎

  5. Not getting old sucks worse.

    1. So true! That’s why old should be a celebration

  6. Oh my goodness 24 is so young. I have kids older than you. 😁. I turned the big 50 last July, now thats old lol. I knew I was old when I started saying “back in the old days” and then I really felt old when my kids would say “mom, was this around when you were a kid?” Haha

  7. You are almost a quarter of a century old. Maybe you should get a Senior Discout, lololol.

  8. I think we can feel old whichever age we are…I used to feel like that too when I was in my 20s and in my quarter-life crisis.
    My small kids however cannot wait to get older. lol. Maybe it’s all a mindset and way of being both youthful and mature at whatever age.
    Enjoy your twenties!!

  9. I think I was born is more fun🤣

    1. Lol same here 😂

  10. This made me smile. I found my first white hair last year, and it was a sobering moment lol!

    1. Lol I remember my first one- I was kind of in shock and didn’t know how to react haha!

  11. 24! That’s a great age. Figuring out life and no body aches yet. LOL

    1. Lol I have a couple of body aches already but for the most part it is a lot of fun!

      1. lol!!! Oh know not yet!

  12. 24 is a great age with all the possibilities and dreams and love. It is said people who were born at the turn of the century have an average life expectancy of 100. You have a great life ahead. Plan it well and enjoy it to the fullest and become the person you want to be.

    1. Thanks and looking forward to getting to 100 at some point lol! My grandmother is actually almost 100.

  13. That’s funny, you’re only 24 & you’re saying that getting old sucks. Today is my 61st birthday. Believe me, honey, you have a LONG way to go before you’re old! You’ve barely begun. Hugs

    1. Lol I so know that it’s just the title of the song I found a bit too relatable. Hope you have a very happy birthday!!

  14. Believe me it’s fun! I’m not old old but much older than you and it can be a fun ride if the spirit is right and health averagely good! So chin up it’s only going to get better..

    1. It actually has been a lot of fun and so far- minus the crazy stuff happening in the world- my twenties have been a lot of fun!

  15. Life begins at 70 and is beautiful 💖😂

    1. People generally enjoy life more as they get older so you are absolutely right about that!

  16. Recently, I have decided to think age is just a number because naturally I am a small person and most times, I like to act younger than my age. So most people think I am like 16. I am enjoying my new age though.

    1. Yeah age is just a number in my opinion too. I think there is no set number for when you get old. It’s definitely more about the journey and enjoying life.

  17. I’m 17 and even I find myself saying “kids these days.” I’m so not thrilled about turning 18 and having to adult!

    1. Lol you get my struggle! Ooh 18 is scary but adulting has its perks too.

    2. I love your blog name.

  18. I’m 19 about to clock 20 and somedays I feel I’m running Out of time.

    1. Getting older can be terrifying sometimes. That’s when you begin to think about your mortality a lot more.

  19. Travel2theworld Avatar

    Yeah pooja…
    Keep it up 👍👍👍✌✌✌

  20. that was a fun song, and I could certainly relate to many of the issues they bring up. But I agree, it’s all been worth it!

    – from a wrinkled, grey-haired blogger…

    1. Haha I’m glad you enjoyed the song!

  21. Change your blog to Drunk Grandma Pooja’s Angry Rants.
    Only 5 words… 😢

    1. Lol unfortunately that domain is taken- lot of angry drunk Pooja’s out there I guess… 😂

      1. 🍷💥🍷

  22. That was the best. Loved it😜

    Get Outlook for iOS

    1. Thank you!

  23. Haha!! I love this

    1. Thank you!

  24. 🤣🤣🤣 24 is still young.

    1. It really is I just like to whine 😂😂

      1. 🤣🤣 I see what you did there.

        1. 😂😂

  25. At first I was happy to reach my 30s, then COVID-19 hit. I try to separate that from how I feel about my 30s, but it’s hard when you’re young to be in a pandemic. They do say 30 is the new 20 though. There is this YouTube video I will send you that I laughed at when I turned 30

    1. Yup I feel like I wasted a year too and it sucks. I had so much planned and I couldn’t do pretty much any of it. Hopefully things will change soon. I’ll check out the video I think I got it on IG!

      1. I did send it on IG. And yeah, plans went through a massive upheaval with the pandemic

  26. Fun song 😁
    And I relate to you on this getting old thing, “kids these days” is my constant in most of the conversations

    1. Thanks! Lol I started saying it as a joke but now I’m just saying it and it’s concerning 😂

  27. I am 57 and my oldest grandchild is 22…so in my opinion you will never be old

    1. Yeah age is really just a number- it’s more about whether you’re enjoying life or not.

  28. I’m turning 38 next month and lately time has been on my mind. When I was 35 I felt the passage of it start to speed up until I thought “wow the weekend is here already?” When my son was a baby time slowed to a crawl because of how happy I was looking after him. At 37 I notice my uncles are old grey men, my aunts are nearly retired, my cousins have families and the world keeps spinning when I wish it would take a second to stop so I can adjust. There are so many things you see and experience. Enjoy them all.

    1. I wish it would stop for a little bit occasionally too but I guess that’s just not how it works. It’s hard getting older and getting used to the change but it’s a part of life. Getting older does also have its perks which is nice.

  29. I love this! As a 25 year old self proclaimed grandma, I totally relate, haha! Today I found myself googling what ‘TFW’ means and I stopped myself and thought, wow… this is it, huh? This is 25? It apparently means, ‘that feeling when…’ who knew? Definitely not me!

    1. Lolll I can so relate- I have been doing stuff like that too often lately and feel like I’m getting old already haha!

  30. Hhahahahs i have a nephew who’s only 4years old but she can stop calling her friends “these kids”

  31. How funny Pooja. You at the age of 24 talking about “kids these days.”

    1. Lol yup I started saying it ironically but now I’m just saying it 😂

  32. Love it 💜 1985 is probably my favorite 😄 I’m a few days away from 31, enjoy your 20s, they seriously go so fast 🥺 lol but for reallll.

    1. Happy birthday in advance! Yup they are already flying by but I’m trying to make the best of my twenties.

    2. Also I totally love 1985 one of my favourite songs but them too!

  33. Lol I still feel 18 trapped in a much older body for some reason. I feel like I haven’t changed one bit but my age begs to differ. But I guess for me, the moment when I thought I was getting on with age (and I’m not even that old) was when I started dreading that it was my birthday again.

    1. Yeah it’s always the small things that remind us we’re getting older. Mine was when I found my first grey hair- it was weird and kind of scary.

      Glad you still feel young though. It’s nice to stay young on the inside even if our body decides it doesn’t want to cooperate with that. Thanks for stopping by!

  34. Getting old is a blessing. Enjoy each day and every experience that builds who you are .

  35. Hey Pooja, so I know you must be super busy, but I really look up to your blog and you’ve inspired me in ways that’s hard to explain. Since you interview people, I’ve a similar series called “Found ya Blog”. If you’d be kind enough to interview for my blog? I think. My readers would love to know about you and so would I. 💛💛🌻

  36. oh that video… soooo funny Pooja!!❣️❣️💖🤣

    1. Lol glad you enjoyed it!

  37. Please can you put a valid email? Thank you 😊

      1. Thank you 😊

  38. telugubloggersreenadh Avatar

    Grate sharing, keep rocking!

  39. You are making me anxious now. I feel like I’m ancient.

    1. You are absolutely not- age is honestly nothing more than a number.

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