Mary Anne Radmacher Quote

Quote Of The Day

Mary Anne Radmacher Quote:

"As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way." - Mary Anne Radmacher Quote

What’s Up With Me?

I have a bit of a headache so I’ll keep it short. A lot has been happening with me recently but I want to make individual posts about it. By the way, in case anyone suffers from headaches as I do, face icing (rubbing ice on your face or putting your face in ice water) helps so much and you are relieved instantly.

Anyway, I’m rewatching the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. I absolutely adore it and so does everyone in my family. We try to watch it at least once a year and always enjoy it. I think it’s the best TV version of Pride And Prejudice made. And Colin Firth is such a perfect Mr. Darcy. I can never imagine anyone doing a better job at that role than he. In fact, I think every actor and actress they chose for the role did a remarkable job. They were all perfect for the characters they played and I think that made it even more enjoyable to watch.

Are you a fan of Pride And Prejudice? Have you watched the BBC version of it? If so, what did you think of it? What did you think of the Mary Anne Radmacher quote? How was your week last week? Anything going on with you recently? Anything new happening this week? What are you plans for this week? Let me know in the comments section located below because I would absolutely love to hear from you. Or simply stop by and say hi!

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108 responses to “Mary Anne Radmacher Quote”

  1. I’ve seen the Pride and Prejudice movie (2005) many times (plus read the book ofc :D), and it’s my favorite, but it’s probably because that’s the first one I watched, but no other version seems good enough.
    Love the quote, btw, very true!
    Hope your headache goes away soon <3

    1. Oh I see, I haven’t seen the movie but I know a lot of people love that one too. Thanks, I’m okay now! Face icing really helped.

      1. Oh, you have to check it out then! I’d like to know your thoughts on it 😀
        Glad to hear that! 🙂

        1. Will definitely do that😀

  2. So sorry for your headache. It might help if you can get your hands onto some YL peppermint oil. It makes everything cold, hence I would apply it after face icing. I’ve also found it helpful to put some on the back of my neck! Feel better, dear!

    1. I think it’s recommended to put the oil first so the ice doesn’t damage your skin. I’m using an oil my sister got me atm but will look into YL when I’m done with it!

  3. I’m sorry about your headache, I hope you feel better soon. ): Glad you’re getting relief from face icing at least. ❤️ I love the quote!

    Also, I’ve never seen pride and prejudice. I would love to see it and I think I want to read the book, too. I keep hearing it’s a great classic that so many people love. :]

    1. Aw thanks, icing actually helped a lot and it pretty much went away after that 😊

      I would so recommend P&P- it’s literally my favourite book!

  4. Sorry to hear you are suffering with a headache.

    We got 5 cm of snow but only about 1 cm stayed on the ground. If you were here you could go outside and naturally cool your face in the minus 10 C windchill. 🙂

    1. Thanks, don’t worry I’m used to headaches and they’re not too bad.

      I wish I was there, I always miss winter and Fall, they’re my favourite seasons.

  5. I am sorry you are suffering from headaches. I suffer from migraines from a concussion sustained in 2009. I do hope they are not long term.

    1. Thanks and sorry to hear that. I’ve had migraines from when I was a kid but I don’t know why. You should really try face icing- it seriously helps.

  6. Glad you found some relief Pooja.. that can be so miserable. Pride and Prejudice is my kids fav😘

    1. Thank you and it’s our fav too!

      1. You’re welcome.. I need to get onboard.. geez.. time where are you?❣️

        1. It’s almost 1am now 🫢

          1. Hope today is better 💕

            1. Thanks, it is 😊

              1. Good to hear.. 💕

  7. Hope you recover from your headache. By coincidence, I just watched Price and Prejudice and Zombies.

    1. Oh nice, I’ve never seen that one but it sounds amusing.

      1. It’s similar to Pride and Prejudice with a horror twist. I like how the ladies know martial arts.

        1. I just saw the trailer and it looks pretty cool.

  8. I love the quote. The whole world should ponder its simple truth . It would be a better place. Hope the headache vanishes quickly.

    1. Thanks so much and I couldn’t agree more. Thankfully, the headache went away pretty quickly after face icing.

  9. I’ve never watched anything like Pride and Prejudice except Bride and Prejudice because that’s what my mom used to watch. 😥 I’m not knowledgeable about classical literature. Good thing you’re a Z-lineal that likes stuff like that because I’m on the opposite side and don’t read enough or watch a lot and it’s kind of embarrassing. I make the generation look terrrrible.🫥👀

    1. Don’t worry about it, such books are not for everyone. My sister has never read it either and doesn’t like reading and she’s still very smart. But still, I would recommend P&P if you ever want to read it 😊

      1. 🤔 Maybe I’ll consider it.

  10. Thanks for the ice water tip – never heard of that before. And yes, to Pride & Prejudice!

    1. It definitely works, my headache almost went away completely. P&P is the best!

  11. I loved the quote

    That’s how we grow. 🤝🏻

    I sometimes use ice eye pad. It gives some relief too 😊

    I hope you feel better dear.
    It’s obvious that you had a headache, with all the excellence stored up there 😛

    1. Thanks and yes absolutely 😊

      The headache is from all the dumb stuff in my brain that needs to leave lol 😅

      1. Dumb stuff like ? 😛

        1. Mostly just snippets of South Park and random song lyrics lol 😆

  12. You just gave me an idea to watch Pride and Prejudice!
    Hope your headache feels better soon. They can be so painful and wreak havoc on everything else you’re doing. Peppermint oil? My daughters nurse said that that helps with nausea and headaches. Sprinkle some on a cotton ball and the smell permeates.

    1. Definitely do, it’s always a good time to watch P&P!

      Thank you, will definitely try it. For now the facial icing helps too.

  13. I love the BBC version of Pride and prejudice! I have been trying to watch it again but I can’t find it, what are you watching it on?

    1. It’s the best version! I’ll send you the link on WhatsApp.

  14. I hope you feel better soon Pooja. I too love that version of pride and prejudice.

    1. Thanks so much. P&P is so good.

      1. It is! It was the first book I read from Jane Austin.

        1. For me too and I’ve been a fan of Austin since.

          1. Awesome 💕

  15. I’m sorry to hear about your headache; I hope you feel better soon! As for Pride and Prejudice, haven’t seen the BBC version yet , will watch . Thanks.

    1. Thank you, I’m okay now. Would definitely recommend the BBC version, it’s brilliant!

  16. Hey Pooja. Sorry about the headache. Hope you feel better soon 🙂

    1. Thanks, the headache is gone now 🙂

      1. Awesome! Mine is also gone 🙂

        1. Oh good, glad to hear that.

  17. Not my favourite fiction I’m afraid. Austen and the Brontes are from a particular period of time that always seems paralysed by hypocritical morality, constrained by religion and consequently full of pent-up emotion. All that prim dressing up and fake civility. Then there were the brothels, opium dens and press gangs. Laced up in corsets, imprisoned in breeches. I’d have hated to have lived then. I can’t reconcile the two worlds.
    Hope you are feeling better.

    1. I totally understand that. I think those eras are often romanticised and seen those rose-tinted glasses but they were often much worse than we realise.

  18. Sorry to hear you’re dealing with headaches. You have my sympathies.

    I love P&P. I read the book first, then watched the movie with Kiera Knightly, THEN I got around to the lavish BBC production with Ehle and Firth. Oh, that was a wonderful production, wasn’t it? So well done…

    1. Thanks, luckily the headache seems to be gone.

      I watched a bit of the movie but it didn’t grab my attention like the BBC version so I never finished it. The BBC version is definitely fantastic.

      1. The movie is a very abbreviated version. I too much prefer the bbc one. Makes me wonder if they’ll try again some day with new actors and see if they can top it’s success 😀

        1. Exactly and from the beginning I could tell they had changed things from the book so I stopped watching it. I liked that the BBC one stayed true to the book almost entirely. I’m sure it will be successful if they try another movie but I’m also sure I won’t like it as much as the miniseries 😅

  19. no i m not
    tho it is referred
    to in 1999 s you ve got mail
    i did not know
    there was hockey in kenya

    1. I think there’s hockey everywhere because who wouldn’t like to “accidentally” hit people with sticks for sport.

      1. as per vince neil then desssssssssssssssstroy!

  20. Lovely quote, and I guess it is the same mini series of 90’s. Thanks.

    1. Thanks so much and yes it’s that mini series. We love it.

  21. The quote is superb, Pooja! I’m glad you found a way to relieve your headache. I used to have migraines, when I was a child and my mom would use icepacks for relief.

    1. Thank you so much. That makes so much sense, I think the coldness helps so much.

      1. Most welcome, Pooja.

  22. a quote well said, Pooja.
    will remember your relief remedy… sounds promising. glad it helped 🤍

    1. Thanks so much. Yes, definitely try it. My headache went away thanks to it 😊

      1. most welcome 🤍

  23. I have had a headache every day for 10 years. It is so annoying sometimes, but I can’t do anything. Yes, I watched both Pride and Prejudice movies. English and Indian English versions. Both are so enjoyable. I like your post. It is interesting. 😊🙏

    1. Sorry to hear that, have you tried facial icing? It may help.
      Yes, most versions of P&P are great. Thank you 😊

      1. Thank you so much, Pooja; I would try facial icing. Maybe it works for me😊🥰🙏🙏

        1. My pleasure and yes I really hope it helps you 😊

  24. thats a good way to get of headaches, i’ll consider trying that the next time. A very true quote, sometimes by helping others, we also help ourselves in the process.

    1. Definitely try it, made my headache go away completely. Absolutely, helping others brings good things our way too.

  25. Never watched pride and prejudice. I’m not a good watcher of dramas but I’ve read the book multiple times.
    Week is calm, before the storm. I’m prepping for Nanowrimo and I’ve been writing and posting a bit more on all my platforms. Reading voraciously as well. You know how singers gurgle blabber lollibubble before a concert. This is my version before I get hair deep into writing 60k words of realms3 in November. ‘Babbling bumbling band of baboons’ except my version is writing anything and everything till end of month. Also, sorry for the headaches. Annnd, some people across the border miss you ♥️

    1. I love the book too, just finished rereading it actually. I love to reread it when I watch the miniseries. I would recommend it as they stay very true to the book.
      Wow, good luck with that. That’s a lot of words. But you always seem to have a way with them so I am sure you will be more than successful in your writing endeavours.
      Aw, thanks 💖

  26. Sorry about the headaches!

    I’m not much of a period piece fan (though I loved ‘Bridgerton’!). My sweety and I did see the BBC version with Colin Firth and I agree with you about him in the role.

    This week it’s mostly getting the house and garden ready for winter which is going to give us a blast in the next day or two. Then just hunkering down for the season, really.

    1. Thanks and luckily the icing helped the headache go away completely!

      I love Bridgerton too, it’s so good. Yup, the BBC one is the only one I’ve liked so far. They cast it so perfectly.

      Oh I see, that makes sense with winter so close by. Is it snowing yet?

      1. Haha, not yet. It’s west of us still. Maybe tomorrow afternoon. 🥶

        1. ❄️🌨️

  27. I loved the book but I haven’t seen the movie. I’ll check this out. Home your headache is better. Hugs, C

    1. It’s a miniseries and I’m sure you’ll love it as it really says true to the book. Thanks, my headache went away pretty soon after the face icing.

  28. I have not seen the movie before, but I have heard of the book; never read it though. I like the quote

    1. Thanks and I would recommend it.

      1. Thanks, I will look it up on YouTube.

        1. My pleasure.

  29. Hope your head feels better! Pride and Prejudice is so good!

    1. Thank you and yes it’s the best!

      1. You’re welcome!

  30. Love this quote and this reminder to rewatch Pride & Prejudice! 🙂

    1. Thank you and absolutely, this is your sign to rewatch it!

  31. We should have met years ago in the best interest of creating masterpieces for sheding light on life unfolding out of nature. Write your way from depression to happiness!

    1. Thank you so much.

      1. You are that 1..

  32. Pride and Prejudice comprise a woman and man who were inoppositive, and to love and be in love with one another, both had to unlearn their pride and prejudice so that that could be 1 in love with the other and to make a long story short they came to accept they other intellect, character, and integrity=the love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, both had to overcome their bias in order to end up together. Jane Austen wrote a a masterpiece of love.

    P. S. – Their is an adage that Pride Dawson died in a soup house of starvation because he was too proud to eat when their wasa pot of soup and biscuits on the table because he was too bias and proud to eat=Pride *&* Prejudice!

    1. Really interesting. Yeah, P&P is about two people who were both flawed but loved each other enough to recognise these flaws and try to better themselves.

      1. We should do the same together!

  33. That quote is so on point. We don’t live in a vacuum, whatever we do impact others, good or bad.

    1. Thanks and absolutely, our actions effect more than us.

  34. I believe that quote with my whole being.
    Headache sounded nasty..I suffered with blinding migraines for many years. I cut out dairy, and all of a sudden, no more headaches. Weird, as that was never the intent. I hope you feel better PoojaG. 🙏💙

    1. Oh no, sorry about that but it’s a weird coincidence because I had blinding headaches too and they went away when I went vegan and cut our dairy. So odd. Todays headache was due to lack of sleep lol but it went away after a while and wasn’t as bad as a migraine at all 😊

      1. Glad you’re feeling better PoojaG.. don’t know why I wasn’t getting notifications about your posts. Had to go searching for you to catch up on your posts. 🙏

        1. That’s so weird but happy to see you here after a while 😊

  35. Yes am a big fan of Pride and Prejudice, and I’ve watched the movie too. I don’t think it was the BBC version though.

    1. The BBC version is 6 episodes and I prefer it most since they stay true to the book. It’s extremely close to the book. I would really recommend that version.

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