Six Word Story #208

Our Last Night Together | Six Word Story

Six Word Story:

Happiness- scary, fleeting, elusive, baffling, beautiful.

What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

I saw this prompt among the WordPress prompts for Bloganuary they’ve shared. And the first thing I thought was happiness. The thing I am scared to do most is to be happy. Why? Well, it’s both simple and complicated. Many people will not be able to relate to this depending on how you grew up and what sort of life you lead now. Although in many ways I had a privileged life, happiness has always eluded me. Due to circumstances and my personality too. I’ve always felt things much more strongly than others. And struggled with my emotions. 

I’m afraid to be happy because I know happiness doesn’t last. Every time I’m happy, something happens that makes me deeply unhappy and I end up at square one. I’m also someone who tends to self-sabotage their own happiness. I get too scared to step out of the box and end up miserable in it. Btw, all stuff I’m working on in therapy so don’t worry about me too much lol.

As for what it would take to get me to be happy? Maybe really strong medication lol. Or maybe just a really great meal and dessert after.

What are your thoughts on happiness? Let me know in the comments section located below. And do share your own six word story or stories in the comments below that goes with this theme. Or just share a totally random SWS because I always love reading them. Or simply stop by and say hi!

For more six word stories please click here.

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122 responses to “Six Word Story #208”

  1. Happiness is a double edged sword, I mean the metaphor may be not perfect … yet if you think we are at a zero now, the pendulum will swing to a ten when we are happy. The worst part is it will surely swing back to make us feel negative ten and it sucks. Trying to protect ourselves from it we just choose to stay at a zero.
    Happiness is a spike in our hormones which will go back eventually. So if your hormones are not perfectly fine all the time, you feel down a lot. I guess it’s true about many of us. Doctors can prescribe hormones which will certainly result in messing up other hormones because they are just a big family hanging out together all the time, the space is limited so they end up fighting a lot

    1. Yeah, it’s a complicated thing. When I was taking medications for depression I just ended up feeling worse in other ways. Like you said, hormones are all related to one another.

      1. I feel like we should be better educated about that but maybe it’s just me who completely missed out on those at school

        1. No, I missed out on those at school too. I wish education wasn’t just about remembering content but also about mental health, life etc.

          1. And other things that really matter

            1. Yeah. I mean, I never even learnt how to do my taxes in hs.

              1. now we have financial planning for electives but it’s not compulsory

                1. It’s good that there’s at least an option.

  2. Yeah, our brains and feelings are really weird, aren’t they? I can certainly identify with the feelings you expressed here. It’s like we somehow think that our feelings are a zero-sum game and any swing to the positive side “has” to be balanced out by a negative swing.

    1. They really are. Exactly, it’s like we expect negative with the positive.

  3. When believing I’m fundamentally worthy -happy

    1. That’s a really sweet six word story.

  4. Happiness is indeed fleeting. Peace is a more permanent feeling and worth striving for.

    1. Yes, it is. I think peace can help us with a more satisfied life.

      1. Very true indeed.

  5. being myself scares me. doing what I want to do, I’d rather take the easy way out and either do nothing, or just going along…..

    1. Yeah, I can be like that too.

  6. Pooja, … your posts make me happy !! <3

    1. Yay, that makes me happy!

      1. WP owes you the MVP award for 2023 !! \m/ <3 !!

        1. Hehe I don’t know about that but thank you! ☺️

  7. Well there is this place I try to be with my art. I am not happy or mad or sad. I just am. I peace and I try to remember that. If I am happy I ask why and remind myself that yes these emotions come and go but I am always have to choice to be content. My flowers are much better when paint from this place,

    1. That’s really lovely. Just being is a good way to exist.

  8. Love your idea related to this

    When I first read the title and prompt, I was like this is why she’s different 😛
    I mean she wrote about happiness in sws in this prompt. But I understand and love what you said afterwards.

    Sometimes we our killer of our own happiness.
    Sometimes others kills our happiness.
    Nothing last forever, so is happiness.

    Trust me PG, in today’s world if someone is happy for 10 mins, thats a marvelous thing. I mean, there’s so much stress, tension, worries and the moment we try to find happiness we find sadness, depression, stress lurking in the corner.

    We can be happy, but can’t be too happy, because too much happiness will make us used to it and it will hurt us more when times are rough. Need to accept other emotions as well.

    Btw, totally out of context, but the girl in cover pic is so beautiful 😍
    I had hard timing focusing on sws 😛

    1. “What do you complain about the most”

      Seems like a perfect prompt for you for some reason 😂

      I wanted you to try how you reduce clutter from life, but that disappeared. I had a post idea for you, but I forgot 🫣

      1. Maybe “what do you whine about the most?” 😅

        Let me know if you remember!

        1. Actually I was referring to a prompt.

          It has your name written all over it.

          You need a whinning series or Why I’m whinning today.

          No seriously, when was the last time you whined 🥹
          what do you whine about the most? 😛

          1. I’ll have to check out that post lol. I know it’s been too long, I need to whine asap 😅

          2. I whine about politics the most 🫣

            1. Dude you whine about almost everything

              Mostly about things that bother you 😛

              1. Yup, whining is my favourite hobby 🤭

    2. Thanks so much.

      Yeah, nothing lasts forever in life and certainly not happiness. The world is definitely a difficult place right now.

      I know, she’s gorgeous!

      1. True
        I think social media has lot to do with happiness
        People’s expectations have gone higher. Way of living is higher and people are more stressed.

        1. That’s very true. I think so too.

  9. I love your post.

    Disaster abounds; my decision, breathe happiness.

    One time, when I was a teenager, a much older cousin told me how he had it made. His garden was yielding as planned, his pension just started, his mortgage had been recently paid off, and he was looking forward to enjoying life. He died of a massive heart attack a few days later.

    I always think of him when things are going well, and I am almost afraid to enjoy things too much because, in the back of my mind, it means the enjoyment (happiness) might trigger the end.

    I like the quote by the Buddha, “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.”

    What that means to me is happiness is a decision we make and commit to.
    Who knows, maybe true happiness is a path to enlightenment.

    1. Thanks so much. Love your six word story too.

      I really like that quote and I can relate to your story, at least to an extent. I think that’s why I’m scared to be happy. Because it’s so complicated and so easy for life to take it away. But yes, I think our attitude matters and happiness is often a decision.

  10. I realize happiness is a fleeting emotion but being open to experiencing happiness is a spiritual practice in my opinion. To know what it is, be able to offer it to others, is only possible when we recognize when it is not present. Hugs, C

    1. Thanks so much. I know what you mean, when we don’t have it we realise what true happiness is.

  11. SWS – Happiness fleeting? Still totally worth it.

    I used to work with a guy that always had a standard reply when someone was pissed off about something: “Gotta take the good with the bad, dude.”
    When you distill it down to it’s simplest form, he’s not wrong lol

    Look, I’m not going to sit here and say my lot in life is worse than anyone else’s, but I’ve been through some shit in my day. My wife died 5 years ago after about 20 years of serious illnesses. Loss of limbs, loss of eyesight, multi-week stays in ICU after dodging the Grim Reaper more times than I can count. I could go on and on, but you get my drift. I’ve been jobless before and currently am again. I’ve served in a war. Hell, I almost died when I was born for chrissakes lol
    And yes, I’ve battled the demons of self-sabotage, depression, anxiety and external validation.
    Again, I am not saying my shit is any worse than anyone else’s; we all struggle.

    My point is, I don’t care if happiness is only fleeting. I am going to grab it and make it my bitch anytime I can, because goddamnit, I deserve it and so do you! And to take it a step further, after so many years of being a depressed, miserable prick, I am going to do whatever I can to try and make other people’s day even a tiny bit better.
    You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be miserable. Personally, I am choosing happy. Or as goddamn close as I can get.

    /rant 😄

    1. Sorry you went through so much but I like that attitude. We do all deserve happiness and should be ready to grab it when we get the chance. I want to learn to choose happy too, fingers crossed I’ll get there.

      1. Thanks, Pooja. We all have our crosses to bear in this world, and I am in no way dismissing anyone else’s. Other’s have gone through far worse than me. And as complex as we sometimes make it, in the end, it really does come down to a choice oftentimes.
        I am no expert by any means, but my suggestion is that you have to make a conscious effort daily. Literally wake up, look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself “I love myself and I am choosing to be happy.”
        It sounds silly, I know, but without that conscious effort, left to it’s own devices, your mind and emotions will want to drift back to their familiar state. And if it’s any comfort, I am working really hard to remind myself to be happy today. I by no means have this nailed down lol

        1. I’m trying to do that. I’ve been writing one thing that made me happy daily. It’s helped a lot. And I’ll try to integrate your mirror suggestion into my morning routine too.
          Hope you are happy today even if it’s the little things that make you happy!

          1. Thanks, Pooja! I like the idea of writing one thing down. That’s great!
            Yes, it sounds crazy, I know, but you basically need to talk to yourself like you would to a friend who needs support.
            I’m ok mostly. Some days it just takes a bit more focus to remind myself to be positive.

            1. Oh, I talk to myself already so doesn’t sound crazy to me at all. Affirmations totally work.

              True, some days are harder than others.

              1. It does! The key is sticking with it. Not easy, but worth it.

  12. Happiness is a state of mind and not an emotion as far as I understand. If I decide to be happy in spite of temporary setbacks or even long-term problems, it certainly has made my life enjoyable. I did go through a temporary downer after an extended sickness years ago, but my doctor loaned me a book that was quite helpful and in spite of health issues I can genuinely say I’m happy.

    1. I agree, in a lot of ways it’s about attitude. I’m so glad you’re happy now.

  13. 1. With you my emptiness will fill.

    2. Let love be real for me.

    3. For you let happiness be me.

    4. Happiness was false expectation done well.

    5. None of the above come close.

    1. I like all of these.

      1. In the mocking terminology of therapists past who ridiculed “catastrophizing” with “what’s the worst that could happen,” about how social situations are not fatal, I am now the worst that could happen that Charles Dicken’s ghost of Christmas future articulated for him as his therapist. Actually, humiliation is worse than death. Happiness based on false success is like the “opiate of the people.” And many times people don’t have “imposter syndrome” but are in reality incompetent and untalented and truly are imposters. When the Angel of Death came for the street vendor in the Twilight Zone and the street seller said don’t take me until I do my best last “pitch” for my product, the Angel of Death said OK he’d delay death for the last speech. But the vendor closed up his sample case and said that he wouldn’t try to sell anything ever again to avoid death. When the Angel of Death said that someone must die in his place because he upset the balance and that he would take a little girl instead, the street salesman pleaded for the girl’s life, and that was his best pitch. And when he agreed to go, that was his happiness.

        1. The Twilight Zone, “One for the Angels,” Oct 9, 1959, S1.E2

        2. Wow, that’s a really interesting story from the Twilight Zone.

  14. Happiness is elusive. A state of brain chemistry, electrical impulse, psychology. Chasing happiness is futile. Happiness is a state of being, a flood of emotion.
    Happiness is love.
    Live in the moment.
    Meditation would be good for you. Banish all feelings, thoughts and desires. Live in the moment. Perfect calm. Perfect peace. Tranquility. All striving at rest. Seek nothing and it will come.

    1. Yes, it’s complicated. I love meditation- it really does help!

  15. incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine, as they may help in managing intense emotions and fostering a more sustainable sense of happiness.

    1. Mindfulness is definitely something I’m working on. Great advice.

      1. Thanks

        1. My pleasure.

  16. happy is a mood
    an attitude!

    1. Mood and a ‘tude!

      1. so far away. tomorrow and today. her past had cast shadows. so to a foreign land with sister in hand.

      2. for sale. in my own jail. listening to the klaxon s alarm. they might do more harm than help.

  17. I love your post, Pooja, and find it very relatable. Sometimes it seems when I am too happy, something goes awry. There’s a belief that bad things happen in threes. With me it’s the opposite with good things happening in threes and then whamo!

    Basically, I am a happy person and feel it is a state of mind. I find if I avoid the news and negative people, I am better off.

    1. Thanks so much. Yeah, I feel that way too. Lol, I can relate!

      Yeah, I’ve been avoiding the news these days too. It just makes me miserable and there’s nothing I can do about it.

      1. You’re welcome, Pooja.

      2. I too avoid listening to news because its mostly bad things they talk about . I just try to derive satisfaction from cooking and eating delicious meals amist other interesting things like music . Can we talk more on WhatsApp please Pooja G . I am Pearl on WhatsApp . My WhatsApp phone number is +2347066597194

  18. Whenever I feel happy, I know disaster is on its way.

    1. Same here, unfortunately.

  19. I understand that feeling, and it’s natural to have concerns about being happy. Sometimes, we worry that happiness won’t last or that something might go wrong. But remember, happiness is a beautiful and essential part of life. Embrace the moments of joy and allow yourself to fully experience them. It’s okay to be cautious, but don’t let fear hold you back from enjoying the happiness that comes your way. Pooja, You deserve to be happy! 😊

    1. Yes, I think you’re very right. We worry about happiness and even when we find it we’re worried it will go away. I want to try to allow myself to be happy but it’s been a struggle. Thank you! ☺️

      1. Don’t worry, it’s a gradual process❤️❤️💕

        1. 💕❤️

  20. A & J PEI Treasures/E Jean Simpson, BEd, BA, MA Avatar
    A & J PEI Treasures/E Jean Simpson, BEd, BA, MA

    Glad you are working on things.

    1. Thanks so much, my wonderful therapist has been incredibly helpful.

  21. I enjoy feeling happy, even though I know it won’t last. Happy moments are fleeting but if you are grateful for the moments you do have, you will generally find more things to be happy over. For me these days, it is a continuous stream of happy thoughts and moments, one after the other, as I am deliberately looking for them throughout my day. One thing I learned in CBT therapy was to follow a unhappy thought with a happy one and it has stuck with me. Some days are harder to find them, but they are there. Every moment of every day can’t all be bad!

    1. That’s a great way of looking at it. CBT is wonderful, helped me a lot with my anxiety. You’re right, we just need to find the happy moments every day.

      1. Morning Pooja, yes, the more we look the more we will find!! I am happy to have found you and your blog, Pooja!! There is a happy moment for the both of us today!

        1. Happy to have found yours as well!

  22. Nothing in life lasts forever Pooja! Enjoy and embrace the happy times and learn from the not so happy ones ❤️.

    1. You’re right, nothing lasts forever but that doesn’t mean we can’t embrace the good ones ❤️

  23. Happiness; The only way to fly 🤣😎🙃

    1. Haha agreed 😊😅

  24. can’t think of a sws response 😬

    your sws is really great, Pooja.

    (in my defence, both my sentences are 6 words 🤭😂)


    1. Hehe you still came up with six word stories 😛 Thank you ☺️

      1. 🤭😂

        most welcome, Pooja 🤍

  25. (Good story!)

    Maybe happiness in waves is okay.

    1. Yeah, probably so. Thanks so much!

      1. You responded to my six words responding to your first six words with six more words. Cool!

        1. And completely coincidentally haha!

  26. Hi! Happiness can be elusive, for sure. I have found that if I don’t fixate on it and just follow the flow, something will surprise me and bring happiness all on its own… I just have to get out of the way and be open to it! The six word story kind of says it all.

    1. That’s so true, I think that’s a good way of thinking of it. Don’t fixate on it and just be happy when you’re happy. Be open to happiness. Thanks!

      1. My pleasure!

  27. Happiness is so circumstantial, fleeting. I totally get what you mean, Pooja. When I’m “too happy” I can end up feeling unsafe (most of all to myself). I’m working on it, too. Thank God for therapy!

    1. Yes, therapy is so helpful! I feel the same way but hopefully it’s something we can both work on.

      1. I think maybe “contentment” is a more realistic frame of mind, and something that can be long-term, and then maybe happiness would bubble up more readily along the path… 🤔

        1. Hmm, yeah I think contentment leads to a more happy life because we’re not always looking for more.

  28. Happiness is fleeting; joy is forever.

    1. Yesss, love that sws.

  29. Sometimes when i notice im really down i take edibles 🥴 sometimes ill sit thru it and try to deal with why im sad and it helps too! In the end i realize im pretty much always happy /content with my life. Theres definitely more a feeling of peacefulness than happiness all the time for me n my wee brain im not necessarily scared about happy moments ill appreciate them and live in it, and not think too much of anything else or i will b like u and feel scared of it going away or something bad happening…
    Happyness – a feeling im always grateful for 😝

    1. Edibles definitely help lol 😂
      Happiness is definitely something to be truly grateful for! Yeah, I feel like I overthink it and need to just learn to live in the moment sometimes 😕

  30. Thought I was alone in this. It’s almost as if you’re bottling up all ur emotions, so that they don’t escape. Sadly, the excitement still manages to escape leaving you empty n kinda searching. But that’s the interesting thing about life. The ups and downs, we won’t be able to differentiate and appreciate Happiness if sadness did not exist. It gives us hope at least…..

    1. Yes, that’s exactly it. You try to bottle everything up but of course that’s not possible. Things always spill out. Yes, like how we need the dark to see the stars.

  31. When found though it’s unbelievably rewarding

    1. I think so too.

  32. I don’t fear happiness, but know well it us fleeting and doesn’t belong to me.

    1. Yes, it really is quite fleeting.

      1. Truly. All we can do is enjoy it when we are capable.

        1. Yes, I think that’s why living in the moment is so important. Something I’m trying to learn to do.

          1. I’m trying to relearn that.

            1. Me too. I wish you luck with it.

              1. To you as well, my friend

                1. Thank you ☺️

  33. Reading your post today made me think. I don’t think that I’m scared to be happy or even want to say that I’m happy all the time. I think that because I spent many years feeling sad, confused, and depressed that I rather not feel that way again. Each day I just try to feel positive and hope for the best. And then when my fears of depression try to sneak back in, I have to do some self-love and push those feelings away. Happiness is just a feeling just like sadness. But I get more joy out of life when I feel more happy. It doesn’t have to be constant but it’s nice if it’s more consistent. Good post Pooja.

    1. That’s wonderful. I’m glad you’re trying to focus on happiness and joy. I hope to do the same. Thanks so much.

  34. My thoughts on happiness…

    I think people tend to overvalue its importance. Like you say, it’s kind of a transient thing that comes and goes. Pursuing it seems to be something akin to chasing the wind. I would rather have purpose and respect. Happiness might visit those things but they aren’t dependent upon it visiting, so they’ll both keep going if happiness isn’t there.

    1. Yeah, it’s very fleeting so putting so much importance on it is kind of a losing game. For me, I would rather learn to be content because that way you would be okay no matter where you are in life.

      1. Very wise of you. I think people confuse or conflate the feelings of contentment and happiness but I don’t see them as the same thing.

        1. Yeah, I think they’re both very different. I also agree, I think when people say they are searching for happiness a lot of times they mean contentment.

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