How To Get More Followers On Your Blog

When I started out I had no idea how to get more traffic or followers and it was kind of a tough learning process. I actually almost gave up on my blog and if it hadn’t been for those two followers I had I may have actually given up on blogging altogether which is a scary thought! But thankfully I kept blogging and I eventually started gaining followers and got more traffic. This is how I got more followers on my blog and how you can too:

Reach Out

If you want other bloggers to view your posts and leave you likes, comments and follows you should be doing the same! Especially if you’re just starting out it’s a good idea to check out other peoples blogs- not only will you learn new things from them you’ll also start getting your own name out there. It helps to leave comments because then they’ll notice you and most likely check out your blog as well. However, make sure you don’t just like posts for the sake of it and you don’t just follow random people for follow backs because it’s important to be authentic and get real followers who will engage.

Image result for nodding gif

Be Regular

It’s so important to post regularly because your traffic and number of followers will drop as soon as you stop posting regularly. And if you post regularly you’ll notice a rise in likes and followers. I learnt that the hard way because I spent a long time posting randomly and not getting a lot of follows/likes but as soon as I started posting regularly I was like “OMG”.

Image result for be regular gif

Tags Are Important

Make sure to Google before you post to see what the most viewed tags on WordPress and most Goggled words are so you can add some of the relevant ones to the tags on your post. But don’t add random irrelevant tags because honestly that’s just annoying.

Image result for tag gif

What’s your niche?

Make sure to like and follow bloggers who write about the same or similar topic/topics because they are way more likely to follow you back. Also search some relevant tags on your reader to find similar blogs!

Related image

Keep It Real

Keep your writing honest because people can tell when you’re being fake or lying and no one really wants to read a blog like that. People will appreciate your writing more if it’s honest and you’re not afraid to express your opinions and they’ll be more likely to give you a follow!

Image result for keep it real gif

Have Fun With It!

Honestly, don’t stress out too much about followers and likes because at the end of the day you should enjoy what you do and if you write just for the likes/follows it will kind of suck the fun out of blogging.

Image result for have fun gif

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214 responses to “How To Get More Followers On Your Blog”

  1. Great tips!👏👏

    1. Thank you!!

    2. Oh my gosh , thank you so much for this. I just switched my blog over to wordpress from Kinja and I was honestly getting ready to throw in the towel. It feels like if you don’t pay for a blog, you’ll never make it. I (think) I have some decent content. How often do you recommend posting so it isn’t annoying to your subscribers? Like, three times a week?

      1. You’re welcome I’m so glad it helped!
        I don’t pay for my blog but I still get a few sponsors and stuff so you just have to stick with it and wait for your followers and traffic to increase.
        The important thing is to use really popular tags to increase traffic. I post 5 times a week and I think the more you post the more traffic/followers you’ll get. I would recommend not posting more than once a day because otherwise it’ll just spam your followers.

      2. Thanks for sharing your ideas on blogging. This is very helpful to me. Thank you too for visiting my three-month old site. Newbies like me needs the help of the more experienced bloggers.

        1. You’re very welcome I hope they help!

  2. I like this 🙂 especially the part about leaving real comments on blogs you are interested in…

    I hate comments that say “hey follow my blog” with no actual feedback on my post or minimal feedback. I always answer comments like that and ask people what they are playing at!!

    Being genuinely interested will always get me to go look at someones blog!

    1. Yeah I hate it when people do that too because I feel like it’s a super rude thing to do I mean if you want me to be active on your blog you should do more than just leave a comment asking me to follow you. I almost always check out the blogs of people who post a comment on my blog anyway whether they ask me to or not.
      Glad you enjoyed the post!

      1. Me too!
        I think people asking me to follow them, with out any other comment is less likely to get me to follow them…

        1. Yeah it pisses me off and makes me want to not follow them.

          1. I pretty much told the last person that…
            but she turned out to be about 14 so then I felt a little guilty…still she needs to learn blog etiquette 😀

            1. Ooh yeah that’s pretty young but I mean she’s gotta learn one way or the other.

              1. Exactly!
                I did explain myself but didn’t get a response

                1. Well she probably didn’t care since she knew you weren’t going to follow her anyway.

                  1. Sadly that is probably true

                    1. Yeah it’s sad but a lot of people are like that- they’re just in it for the likes and follows. I have some people who keep commenting on my blog and once I follow them they stop altogether. Or people who follow you and then when you follow them back they unfollow you. Those are the worst.

  3. Nice tips 🙂 I think Tags are what I struggle with the most – I didn’t think of something as simple as googling it.

    1. Haha yeah don’t worry I recently just realised I should have been looking for popular tags so yeah it took me like a few years to figure it out…
      That link will help you find popular tags! Hope it helps!

      1. Omg I had no idea this existed!!!! I’m literally bookmarking this – you are the BEST for sharing this advice with other bloggers! 💕

        1. I hope it helps! I totally get how difficult blogging can be and so I felt I needed to share some of the stuff I’ve picked up over time!

  4. Indeed! Very good tips.

    1. Thank you!!

      1. You’re welcome!

  5. This noob appreciates these kinds of tips. I am going to look into the tag suggestion. Thanks.

    1. You’re welcome! Yeah I follow a lot of relevant tags and it makes a huge difference on your stats and following if you like similar posts!

  6. Good advice Pooj.

    1. Thank you!

  7. good tips! I’ve also just started to post more frequently. I went from one post a week to 3 and my stats more than doubled! So it does work. Thanks for sharing this

    1. Thank you and yes posting regularly really makes a big difference!

  8. Great tips! I just started yesterday. My first post is scheduled for today in about an hour.

    1. Haha I like TaffyTacoTuesday it’s such a cute name! Thanks and good luck with blogging hope these tips help!

  9. Thank you for these tips. I am currently working on my consistency

    1. You’re welcome and yeah it takes a while to get a routine going it took me almost an year!

  10. Great information… Well I am new…. So it is a great help… Thankyou.. ☺️☺️

    1. Thanks I hope it helps!

  11. I currently have “153” followers, but my likes on most of my posts are the same amount as when i had 50. It does not bother me too much, imagine having to reply to over 150 comments…

    1. Haha yeah that would be annoying!

  12. Great tips. I was worried that posting too much would be annoying. I’m glad to hear that it actually helps gain followers!

    1. Oh yeah the more you post the more traffic/likes/followers you get! I went from posting once a week to posting everyday except the weekends.

    1. Thank you!

  13. Thank you 🙏🏼

    1. You’re welcome!

  14. Great tips!! Thanks

    1. You’re welcome!

  15. I’m still constantly learning and slowly getting there. I didn’t know to check Google search words to see if there are common tags I could add. Your article has so many tips I’m going to share it as one of my Monday featured bloggers posts – I hope you don’t mind. Word Press will notify you when the article linking to your post goes live 🙂 x

    1. Thank you so much for the share and I’m glad it helped! I actually realised the Google thing some time ago so I thought I would share it because a lot of new bloggers don’t know these things!
      This site helps me for the tags:
      Hope it helps!

      1. Thank you 😊

        1. You’re welcome!

  16. […] — Read on […]

  17. This is honestly so helpful having just started myself and just slacking too finally starting to take things a little more seriously, surprisingly enough today was the first day I actually saw growth in my blog from likes and views the only thing left to take off is people actually commenting now, thanks for the tips, cheers to greater things ahead 😘

    1. Thanks I really hope it helps! So glad to hear your blog is growing and I hope it grows even more soon!

  18. Great advice, thanks for the post.

    1. Thank you!

  19. Thanks for liking. I love writing, I love writing about the “real” stuff. I think you’re GIF’s are funny. I’m looking forward to getting to know other bloggers even through the anxiety.

    1. Thank you so much and in my experience it’s easier to talk to others through blogging than in person because it gives me less anxiety. Hope to get to know you through blogging!!

      1. Yup that happens in my case too

  20. Great post…. definitely putting it to good use👏

    1. Thanks hope they help!

  21. I didn’t even know we could use tags 😂

    1. Haha well now you know!

  22. Thank you for the tips. I decided to start following you.

    1. Thank you so much and I followed you back!

    1. Thanks for the reblog appreciate it!

  23. Thank you for liking my post so I could find this piece of internet gold!! So helpful 🙂

    1. Thank you so much I really hope it helps!!

  24. This post is really helpful, just started with my blog, clueless till now :p

    1. Hope it helps and best of luck with blogging!

  25. Thanks for this! Quite an eye opener for me as a new blogger.

    1. You’re very welcome hope it helps!

  26. Reblogged this on lifesfinewhine.

  27. Thanks so much for this post! As a newbie I’m still trying to work things out. I didn’t even realise you could google to find out about trending words to attract views 🥴 Nice one PoojaG 😊

    1. Thanks! I really hope it helps I know how difficult it can be when you first start out!

  28. This is information to take to heart, thank you 😃

    1. Hope it helps!

    1. Thnaks for the reblog!

  29. Great tips and helpful information.

    1. So glad to see you enjoyed it!

  30. Very good tips.

    1. Thank you!

  31. This is so helpful AND encouraging! Lol thanks for posting it 😁

    1. Hope it helps!

  32. The niche thing has been killing me so that’s why I just rolled with it. My friend told me that THAT IS what makes me fun to talk to, you never know what I am going to say next.

    So I agree with the genuine bit. For me, I used to write for the money but I hated that. It really does suck the fun out of it.

    Also, PoojaG, thanks. You’re one of the only people, so far, to read more than one blog post and I REALLY do appreciate that. ❤️

    1. Yeah when you do something for money it’s different from when you do it for fun and I think your readers will be able to tell the difference too. I think most people prefer to read something honest and genuine.

      You’re very welcome I love your blog!

  33. This is what I needed. I have been feeling so stuck lately and I stopped blogging for a while because I was feeling like I was going nowhere with my blog. This post has really helped me 🙂 Thanks a lot for the tips 🙂

    1. I am really happy to hear that! Don’t give up on blogging it takes a while to get used to but it’s worth it!

      1. Thank you so much 🙂

  34. Thank you for the tips! Keep them coming… I have SO much to learn!!

    1. You’re welcome! I’m so happy to hear it helped!

  35. I struggle the most with tags and finding other blogs like mine. I’m more of a lifestyle/blogging to get things out there just because. I think half the trouble is really sitting down and learning all the ins and outs of WordPress. I know the basics and the surface but haven’t gone deeper at all.

    1. Yeah it takes a while to get the hang of things. Maybe you’re using too many or too few tags? If you use too many WordPress doesn’t show it on their tag option and if you use too few it doesn’t get to as many readers.

  36. You have a lot of good points here. My experience has led me to the same conclusions you posted. I haven’t quite gotten the hang of tags yet, though.

  37. Hi, some very interesting points in this blog… as a newbee to this I found this post very useful… many thanks.. what would you say is the correct amount of tags? I think I am averaging about eight….

    1. I would say you should use 10 tags maximum and about 8 minimum.

      1. thank you, i will try that…

        1. Hope it helps!

  38. Being introverted, I find it hard to reach out to people but I have been working on myself since I started blogging.

    1. That’s really great I hope blogging helps you as much as it did me!

  39. As a newby to this blogging world, I find your blog informative. Following.

    1. Thanks for the follow and happy to hear that my posts help!


    1. You’re welcome hope it helps!

  41. Great read! I feel like I’m doing all these things, but need to up my involvement in areas. “Having Fun with It” is where I get a lot of motivation because I keep blogging from my heart even though my following number remains low. Thanks for your tips.

    1. Thank you so much and don’t get discourages. Blogging from the heart is important and I’m sure your followers appreciate it.

  42. Reblogged this on patricschrn and commented:
    Thank you for visiting my WordPress blog, “Lifelines” at, and thank you for this great article. I advertise my books on my page but many of my posts are about life, family, and inspirational thoughts. I can only hope to become as prolific as you are, but I’m going to try! I will check out some of your other posts as well. Than you for sharing yourself!

    1. Oops, I wrote on the wrong one.

  43. Thank you for this great article. I’m not a newbie, really, but new to actively pursuing a presence.I advertise my books on my page but many of my posts are about life, family, and inspirational thoughts. I can only hope to become as prolific as you are, but I’m going to try! I will check out some of your other posts as well. Thank you, also, for visiting my WordPress blog, “Lifelines” at Please feel free to check out my other articles as well.

    1. Thanks for stopping by as well and for the reblog I’ll definitely check out more articles!

  44. I’m just starting out and actually googled for help and your post popped up. Great advice! Thank you so much 🙂

    1. Thanks happy to help!

  45. Thanks for the tips, really helpful for a beginner like me who’s still learning to get the basics right

  46. Thank you so much !! Quite helpful❤

    1. You’re welcome glad it helped!

  47. HAVE FUN WITH IT! Yes, I started to write because I love it. 2 to 3 likes on my posts brought me so much happiness! I don’t actually know how the tags work on my blog, but thanks to this post! I will try my best to work on it. 🙂

    1. Yes it is so important to have fun with it and enjoy what you’re doing. Hope this helps!

  48. This post is so motivational! As part of my class, I am to create a blog and promote it, and it goes to show what little I know of WordPress when I just became frazzled at the word “tags”, and I’m 21! This definitely has some great guidance.

    -From: 🌹.

    1. Thank you and don’t worry everyone is like that till they figure out how to use WordPress right! Best of luck with your class assignment!

  49. That’s great! 1k is a lot.
    If I may, how long did it take and how long have you been blogging?

    1. I have been blogging for almost 4 years now and my first 1000 took me more then an year to get to but right now I get 1K followers in about 2 months.

  50. Thank you for these information and helpful links. I am new to this blogging world as I started posting regularly last week with a new blog. I have so much to learn!

    1. Hope this helps!

    1. Thank you!

  51. Thanks for the great advice! I am trying to focus less on who follows me and more on my content. I will try my best to follow through your advice. Also I randomly followed you, but now I am learning so much, maybe a rule I won’t completely follow. -lol-

    1. Thank you and I’m glad that you’re focusing on your content because good content makes a huge difference. Thanks for the follow!

  52. Very interesting blog post. It definitely caught my eye to read.

    1. Thank you so much!

  53. Hello PoojaG, great advise. I just became disabled so now I have time to write. I have everything in place now and I’m just trying to inspire positive change in the world. Your tips have helped give me a couple more ideas of how to get my Blog out there. Thank you and have a great night.

    1. Thank you so much and best of luck with your blog! I’m so happy to hear it helped!

    1. Thank you!

  54. […] via How To Get More Followers On Your Blog For Free […]

  55. I really liked your post

  56. Great blog Pooja. U answered many questions l had as a new blogger , it’s inspiring to know how U found ur way and ur successful without giving up..

    1. Thank you so much!!

  57. I enjoy reading your posts. I’ve been at this for so long, but i have serious ADHD, so I can’t seem to get from a to z, if that makes sense. I know exactly what to do and what I want to accomplish, in my mind, that is, but when I go to really do it, it’s like I become paralyzed. Very strange. So between my mental health blogs and the work from home blogs, I can come up with some great things. I enjoy reading your blogs. You get the point across in plain English! Thanks for your Blogs, I’ll be reading.

    1. Thank you so much and even though your posts may not be completely to the point I think it would bring a unique style of writing!

  58. Great advice, especially on the googling of hash tags. Never thought of that one. Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much!

  59. Thanks for your helpful advice. I came to visit after Matthew at Jesusluvsall, recommended you. Blessings ♥

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and I’m so glad it helped!

  60. I enjoy the practical advice your blogs offer. I am not a “serious” blogger, but I do hope to get better at it! I recently started working on my tags and you’re right, really makes a difference!

  61. I’m liking and commenting on post as you said. Please follow me back😀

  62. Love this post! Thanks for sharing the advice 😀

    1. Thank you!

  63. Thanks a lot for sharing these!! After a long ( really long) hiatus, I rejoined WordPress and this was the first post I saw. And it is so motivating to read these. Thanks again!
    Although, I will be glad if you can help me out with the tags section 😅

    1. So glad that it helped you and welcome back to WordPress! I’ve found that using about 4-10 tags that are not specific gets the best results.

  64. Thanks for writing this! I just launched my blog and I have no idea what I’m doing, so it feels nice to see that everyone started from the same point lol. (Also, I’m not sure if this is against blogging etiquette, but thank you for liking my intro post!)

    1. Lol everyone was there at some point and you’re very welcome!

  65. Its a really inspiring one this time PoojaG….you are indeed a great writer.i launched my blog almost recently and had no idea,but thanks for your review ,its enlightening.

    1. Thanks hope it helps!

      1. Yea sure,it’s going to…Thanks once again

        1. You’re welcome!

  66. Thank you so much for all the wonderful insight. I am loving the blogging adventure so far! Your tips are very helpful.

    1. So glad you’re enjoying blogging and the tips are helpful!

  67. Commenting is actually a really good point that I didn’t think about. Usually just throw the likes out there and do not really say much at all. Thanks <3

    1. Thank you!

  68. Thanks. This was quite helpful

    1. Glad to hear that!

  69. This is a fabulous post!

    1. Thank you!

  70. Hello PoojaG! Thanks for the follow and I followed back because I really like what you are writing about! Thanks for all the tips and keep on keeping it real and fun!

    Peace, love, health and prosperity,
    Financial Advocate

    1. Thank you so much!!

  71. Thanks PoojaG. I think I am going to place this link on my blog page. And thanks so much for the tips. I only block once a week and am really trying to stay consistent with it. Am still building my site and hope to eventually get there. But thank you so much. I was about to through in the towel. But as I was taught in grade school. “A quitter never wins and a winner never quits!” Again—thanks a lot. I will definitely take this information to heart. Have a great rest of your week.

    1. Thank you so much and I’m so glad you found the information helpful!

  72. Thank you for this! It doesn’t seem like my page is really “taking off” or getting alot of reaction…. this post really helped lift my spirits and made me want to hang in there!


    1. It definitely takes a while to take off so don’t worry if it hasn’t already! Glad this post helped!

  73. Thank you this really helped me. I’m just starting out and I felt like I could just stop this whole blogging thing but thanks to you my hopes have been lifted

    1. I’m so glad to hear that!!

  74. Thank you for this post. It is really useful. We (my sister and I) are fairly new to blogging and we are also not very tech savvy when it comes to certain things. What my sister and I are trying to do is be more involved in the wordpress community. We have social media platforms to promote our blog, but we also want a presence and existence where our blog is hosted.

    To try and do this I remembered a wordpress tutorial I did which had a hashtag for wordpress. This was the start of trying to establish a presence here. We now add this hashtag to every blog post. (#thedailypost).

    We’ve recently realised that we can see other blog posts through the stream section, I don’t know why I didn’t realised this previously. There are so many things to learn. I think initially we were just trying to get our head around creating a user friendly site that anything else was a bit overwhelming.

    We are very grateful for and appreciate the wordpress followers we do have, and want to build upon this. We will be checking out other posts from now on, and getting more involved, now that we have worked out how too.

    Thank you so much for this post and your fun, useful and informative blog.

    1. Thank you so much and I’m so glad to hear your blog is evolving! It definitely takes a while to figure everything out but once you do your blog does grow consistently.

  75. Hey thanks, your post really helped. I am new to wordpress and learning about it day by day. Can you explain more about the tags as i dnt know much about it. Thanks once again

    1. So glad to hear that! The tags section is on the right hand side of the drafts section, That’s where you type in tags- I would recommend 6-8. Hope that helps and feel free to reach out if you have more questions!

      1. In tags what should we mention ??

      2. Also can I add tags for blogs once i have posted them and they are online

        1. Yes you can and I have a post specifically on how to use tags that I think you will find helpful:

          1. Thank you so much

            1. You’re welcome!

  76. Great advice thank you

    1. You’re welcome hope it helps!

  77. Thank you for this post. I was wondering where I was going wrong, and how to get more followers

    1. Hope it helps!


  79. Hi Pooja,
    Thanks for the post, I have a question. I would be so happy to receive an answer! 👍

    Q: How regular is regular?

    I have been posting on my mental health blog quite irregularly, tops once a week. Now I am starting an English language learning blog for Peruvians in the southern city of Abancay, and I have no idea of how frequently to blog. Is once a week just too infrequent? Thanks a million 🌹

    1. Hi! So my opinion is that the more often you post- especially if you post consistently at the same time- the more traffic/followers you will get as long as you don’t cross over to spamming people with posts. I think the perfect balance would be one/two posts a day. However, if you want to post less often like maybe 1-5 times a week it should not be a problem- although your growth will be slower- as long as you post on the same day/days and time every week. I would recommend scheduling your posts ahead of time to be posted at the optimum time for your blog. Hope that helps!

      1. Pooja, thank you so much for replying. I will now try to post once every other day, or every day. Thank you for your kindness!

        1. You’re very welcome and feel free to reach out if you have any more questions!

  80. Great contents , Keep it coming

    1. Thank you so much!

  81. Wow! Thanks a ton for this. As a relatively new blogger, you got me at “2 followers kept you going”. Will look to actively implement these tips and hopefully stay motivated. I do enjoy blogging and I guess that is most important at this stage and not the number of followers I have. Thanks once again and happy July!

    1. Thank you- I hope the tips help! And happy July to you too!

  82. I am new here and I find this highly helpful. Thank you.

    1. So glad to hear that!

  83. […] How To Get More Followers […]

  84. Favourite_Favour Avatar

    Great tips! Thanks, Pooja.

    1. Thank you!!

      1. Anytime!

  85. I am in love with that
    #hasttag gif

    1. Haha it’s so adorable!

  86. […] How To Get More Followers […]

    1. Thank you!

  87. Useful tips. I have given blogging twice as couldn’t find true readers. But, writing every day is key to blogging. Totally agree

    1. Thank you and yes I agree being active and consistent is key!

  88. Thanks for the post! Simple and easy to understand, it’s of great help to a rookie like me!

    1. Thank you- so glad you found it helpful!

  89. Thank you for some of these tips, definitely going to try implementing some. My real question is how do you have your blog set up so cute? Mine is still the standard as I’m not really good at changing themes or adding images. Did someone help, you YouTube? Thank you for your like 🙂

    1. Thank you so much!! I actually didn’t find YouTube or most online stuff helpful because most of it involved using plugins and I don’t have a Business Plan so I can’t use plugins so I did it all on my own. The perfect theme for you may not exist but the trick is to customize it. I have a post on how I customized mine that you can check out:
      And I also customize blogs for people if you’re interested:

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