Some Announcements And Opportunities

Some Announcements And Opportunities

What’s Going On

I want to start by saying that I promise this will be the last random post I make. And from tomorrow I will go back to posting actual posts like I used to. I just wanted to talk to you guys about a couple of things going on with my blog for the next few months. I wanted to share some announcements and opportunities.


My university is going to be starting soon- from 11th January. And since this is my fourth year it’s going to be a lot more difficult than the last three years. As the work load is a lot more and quite dense. For that reason I may not be able to blog daily like I used to. But rather a few times a week. I will try my best to blog whenever I can and maintain some sort of schedule. Till the 11th I will be blogging daily because I missed you guys and I have a lot to say!

Announcements And Opportunities

There will also be some changes to the posts since like I mentioned I won’t have as much time to write and blog for the next few months. These changes actually involve you guys! I have been so overwhelmed by how much support I have received from you guys. Both on my blog and privately as well that I wanted to do something positive for the community.

I have seen bloggers I really enjoy reading like Zainab, Tiani and more doing interviews on their blogs. And I thought that would be super fun to do on lifesfinewhine as well. I would love to interview you guys and share your blog. So if you’re interested in being interviewed by me please email me at and please include your name (optional), the name of your blog (mandatory) and a link to your blog (mandatory) and I will let you know. I will get back to you as soon as possible after reviewing your blog.

Another way I wanted to help smaller blogs is by sharing posts I enjoyed every week. I thought I would share five to ten posts I really enjoyed reading or that really stood out to me every week and that way they can get a larger audience. I have seen a fellow blogger and friend Jude amongst others do something like this and I thought it was such a wonderful idea and so I decided to do something similar.

Again please email me if you would be interested in being interviewed- it’s a win-win because I get something to post about and you get your blog out there to my audience. I would love to have one interview per week but I’ll have to wait and see what sort of response I get.


What other stuff would you like to me to feature on this blog? Would love to hear your ideas so do let me know in the comments below!

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66 responses to “Some Announcements And Opportunities”

  1. I say your university responsibilities come first, blogging second as it’s an avocation for most of us it seems. Anything different that you want to post, go for it. Random quick thoughts, a photo. It’s up to you! 😊👍🏻

    1. Thank you for the support and university definitely comes first!

  2. Some fantastic ideas 🙂 i really look forward to reading your posts. I kept looking out for you the last couple of months so was happy to see your posts pop back up.

    1. Thank you so much- I am super excited to start blogging again!

  3. Glad you’re back! I so enjoy your blog! C

    1. Aww thank you so much!!!

  4. Pooja, Happy new year to yoouuu!! 😊🤗 Oh I’d love to do an interview with you! Haha I’m so excited for the new things on your blog and I look forward to reading them 😊 I haven’t been on WordPress much lately since I went to school from September to December but now I’m spending a couple hours of my day to read blogs on WordPress. I admit that I miss this feeling. 🥰 Good luck on your uni! This is the last sem I’m sure you’ll do great!!

    1. Thank you!! It’s definitely difficult to keep up with blogging and school- I had the same issue unfortunately but I’m happy to be back now. I would absolutely love to interview you!! Send me an email and I will send you the questions.

      1. Omg, I will!!!! :))) Thanks again, Pooja!

  5. Education always comes first and school work can really be stressful. Especially now that everything is online because to me nothing can replace one on one learning. So with that being said, just take your time and don’t let it interfere with your education. Although we like reading your post a lot, we would be fine with you posting few times a week as long as you have enough time for your school work. And about the interview I think it’s a really good idea and a great opportunity for small bloggers like us that are still coming up. So thank you for the wonderful opportunity! 😊🤗 I think you should do more bloggers award because it seems like fun. Just a suggestion though.

    1. Thank you so much! I absolutely agree that education comes first and I really appreciate how supportive and understanding everyone has been. I definitely want to do more awards posts soon!

  6. Goodluck on your final year of school. Hopefully I will get there someday. Still on first year!🤦‍♀️

    1. Thank you and I’m sure you will get there soon- time really flies!!

  7. I would love to be interviewed for your blog! I’m shooting you an email right away.

    1. Just sent you the questions!

  8. So glad to see your back! I have been missing your posts and your upcoming ones sound like they’re going to be great ☺️😁. Happy new year!

    1. Thank you so much- I’m so glad to be back!! Happy New Year!

  9. Yay!!! New Year new blogging strategy, huh? 😊

    1. Lol that’s right!

  10. Aww thanks for putting my blog in! That’s totally fine, good luck with University, this way you can give us posts with much more amazing quality doing it a couple of times a week! Can’t wait to see tommorow’s post!! 😀

    1. You’re totally welcome! Thank you and I was thinking the same thing- that way I can keep posting my usual posts without having to sacrifice the quality.

  11. This is a very good initiative. Best of luck.

    1. Thank you so much.

  12. Some fantastic news! I love these ideas, can’t wait to see the posts!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  13. A blogging schedule is a game changer, honestly! I used to try and write every day and I was tiring myself out. Now, I just write on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Though I tinker about in between times, it means that I can schedule in other things and not feel pressed about having to write an obligatory post. I hope it works out for you and good luck your fourth year in university!

    1. Thank you! Yesss I always have a blogging schedule with all the posts I want to publish that week and it definitely helps a lot. I don’t want to feel pressured to post either because I feel like my posts won’t be as good if I force myself to write so I would rather concentrate on a couple of well written posts a week.

      1. I know that one. Says she who is up at 7am because she wants to get 2 drafts down today 😂

  14. I like how you are exploring new things to do on your blog, and that it is designed to help fellow bloggers. I wish you the best!

    1. Thank you so much- I think it’s fun to try new things and if it helps others in the process than that’s awesome!!

  15. So glad to have you back Pooja!! Looking forward to more lifestyle/random thoughts posts from you. Happy new year🥳🥳😘 x

    1. Thank you so much and more of those are definitely coming soon! Happy New Year!!

  16. A remedy to help you always post contents that are yours is to create in bulk so you can post daily without much trouble. Goodluck in your 4th year

    1. Yes that definitely helps a lot. Thank you!!

  17. Welcome back Pooja! Happy New Year and best luck on your final year at University. Your new ideas for you blog sound great!

    1. Thank you so much I really appreciate that!!

  18. Great to have you back, Pooja!

    1. Thank you so much I’m happy to be back!!

  19. Hi Pooja – geez it has been a long time and I did miss your posts! I am looking forward to your (kind of) new direction with your posts and hearing about your year back at Uni 🙂 Stay safe!

    1. I know it’s been months!! Thank you and I look forward to catching up on your posts!

      1. No worries, glad to see your back and safe 🙂

  20. hapey new year i really look forward to reading your post.

    1. Happy new year and thank you!

      1. Bonne an née au monde entier.

  21. This sounds so nice! It’s soo amazing to see famous bloggers like you reaching out small bloggers in such a friend way.😇

    1. Thank you so much and I’m happy to support smaller bloggers!

      1. That’s so sweet!❤

  22. I’m sending you extra good vibes for your fourth year! 🥰 Thanks so much for the mention! I’m excited to see your interviews (sign me up!) as well as learn new blogs each week. Don’t forget to take time off for your self!!!!

    1. Thank you so much!! Yayyy I would love to interview you for my blog- send me an email whenever you get some time and I’ll send you the questions!

      1. I definitely will! Also, one of the things I still have on my to do list is to go through all of my emails and I am so dreading it 🤣🤣🤣 Wish me luck!

        1. Oh no I hate it when emails pile up!!

  23. Yes, I want you to do your education and learn as much as you can. I think with your intelligence way before you even got to college and then what with a blog, plus the inspiration you gave me over the past 6-10 months, well, just tell me what you need and I think you’ll do amazing things regardless.

    I’ll email and I usually have so much darn energy, I’ll talk and type about just anything.

    I like your blog posts and I want to share it with my readers too. I’m gonna repost-republish on my blog.

    Also, I think I want to like and comment more on other blogs, but I feel and sense and even personally understand myself that I’m going through a lot a lot without even touching a computer, so I’ve haven’t been able to get myself to sit down and go through each blog post who likes me.

    Plus, I also have to focus my energy towards my blog and overall internet asset bases/platforms, which Ill share with you when it’s ready. I think it will impress you and inspire you as well to go for the gold in your online experience.

    I know I don’t have as many followers as you yet, but I’m well on my way and will do what I can to keep a positive attitude and a smile on my face even if I’m not suppose to be smiling. It just feels good to feel good ya know😁😊😎

  24. Good luck for your fourth year

    1. Thank you so much!

  25. Welcome back! 💙 Hope this last semester goes well – excited to see how you carry on with blogging this year!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  26. Great idea!

    1. Thank you!

  27. I would be up to being interviewed 🙂

    1. That would be awesome- send me an email and I’ll send you the questions!

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