Six Word Story #126

“Truth” is sometimes just silly shibboleth’s.

Inspired by a lot of what I’ve learnt in my history courses. A lot of what was widely believed as truth is often proven to be nothing more than popular beliefs with little or no actual evidence. It has a lot to do with social norms, the benefits of these “truths” and more. Is there anything you believed fully that turned out to be untrue? Let me know in the comments below.

Today’s Word:


1.aa word or saying used by adherents of a party, sect, or belief and usually regarded by others as empty of real meaning
ba widely held belief
2.aa use of language regarded as distinctive of a particular group
ba custom or usage regarded as distinguishing one group from others

More about the word.

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44 responses to “Six Word Story #126”

  1. Crime does not pay shibboleth truism.

    1. Love that addition!

  2. Shibboleth mispronounced may cost your life.

    1. Haha good one.😁

  3. He pretended… shibboleth revealed the truth…

    1. Great addition!

      1. 🇯🇲🏖️

  4. lol…too hard for my brain tonight. so I’ll do a simple six word story: Photographs. History’s truth revealed. Controversy quashed.

    1. Ooh that’s still a really good one!

  5. “Truth” is sometimes just silly shibboleth. “

    Shibboleths: easily spouted, but laboriously opposed.

    1. Wow love that addition!

  6. That word is probably responsible for quite a few scrabble murders.

    1. Can’t wait to use it on someone and have them go absolutely berserk…

  7. Broken promises+ dreaded experiences+ non existent love🤝💔

    1. Most love stories 😥

      1. So true I can relate!!!❤️‍🩹

  8. What a nice word. I’ve always wondered if there should be a word for this. I’ve never known this word, but it happens almost every day. People do their own self censuring and tow the party line or whatever political correctness that is currently in vogue. On TV and online. If one is not deliberately seeking those niche broadcast, one is surely get bombarded by cliches.

    1. Yeah when I found this word I thought it was very useful lol. I see people try to be PC when that thing is trending and then just not care at all and be as offensive as ever. Lol humans are very amusing with their hypocrisy.

    2. The word originated in the Bible, where the Hebrew word šibbōleṯ, meaning ‘ear of corn’, was used as a test of the nationality of their enemies the Ephraimites, since the “sh” sound did not exist in the Ephraimite dialect. It is found in the Book of Judges (12:4-6)

  9. Heart’s noise isn’t just vague shibboleth.

    1. Love that addition!

  10. You’re so right about people have their own truths, especially in history!

    1. Thanks and it’s kind of frustrating which is what inspired this lol!

  11. That’s actually kind of deep.

    1. I finally did it- I wrote something deep (unintentionally)

      1. That’s the only way I’ve ever done it.

  12. Shibboleth is really just fake news…

  13. The conventional ones, they always are.

    1. Great addition!

  14. Ooh, I love this word

  15. Truth is just shibboleths distorted reflection

    1. Ooh that’s a deep one!

  16. You have one too many apostrophes.

    But, an excellent word choice, Pooja. One of my favorites!

    1. Thanks for letting me know- I suck at grammar lol. Thanks I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  17. The truth is there is no truth

    1. True lol!

  18. […] Shibboleth: a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important.From Pooja’s post here. […]

  19. “Yet inside, she died a little”

    1. Wow that’s a really heartbreaking but perfect addition!

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