What I Eat In A Day #15

What I Eat In A Day

You guys know how much I love sharing my “What I Eat In A Day” posts. It helps me get more creative with my meals and share them with you guys. Todays meals are all vegan, gluten free and oil free. If you would like me to share the recipe for any of the dishes I mentioned do let me know in the comments below and I would be happy to do so.


Orange GIFs | Tenor

I had an orange for breakfast. For those of you that don’t know (because why would you lol), oranges are my absolute favourite fruit. I love them. But I don’t eat them often because they sometimes make my eczema worse. So when I do eat them, I’m very happy.


For lunch, I wanted to eat something delicious but not too heavy. As you can probably tell from my other “What I Eat In A Day” posts, I love rice and rice dishes. So today, I decided to make some of my favourite oil free beans curry and rice. Or as Indians call it, rajma chawal. I used to hate beans but I’m really liking them these days. I paired the beans and rice with lots of cut veggies because I feel like it’s really healthy to eat raw vegetables with your meals. It tastes good and is great for health. This is what my plate originally looked like:

What I Eat In A Day

But then my mum yelled at me about ordering a bunch of coriander which would go bad if I didn’t use it so this is what the plate ended up looking like:

What I Eat In A Day


Beans, rice, roasted eggplant and salad on a white plate, garnished with coriander

For dinner, I had some beans and rice left already. And I don’t believe in throwing leftover food away. So, I decided to eat some beans and rice again except I also made some roasted eggplant with it. I roasted the eggplant on an open flame and it had a delicious smoky flavour. Again, I ate it with some salad to help make it a little healthier. It was delicious and a new twist to the same dish.


So, that was what I ate in a day. If you enjoyed this post and would like to see the video version of it, here it is:

Have you tried any of the dishes I’ve mentioned? Did you like it? Let me know in the comments below. Or simply stop by and say hi!

For more food related posts please click here.

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91 responses to “What I Eat In A Day #15”

  1. Love these posts. Gives me ideas.

    1. Thanks so much, hope you try some of them.

  2. Looks yummy! These days I love making curry chickpeas. I love making lentils and black beans too and it’s been a while since I’ve made those. Now you’ve reminded me!

    1. More than anything what I liked most was that you don’t leave or throw anything, an honor to nature and land IMO. Thanks a lot and good day.

      1. Thank you. I really believe we shouldn’t waste food and always try to use leftovers.

    2. Ooh yum, I love chickpeas and lentils too although I’m not a fan of black beans. This is your sign to make some beans and rice!

  3. My kinda food Pooja! Love all of these.

    1. Thank you, this is the best comfort food!

      1. I also got inspired by your red beans and rice combo and had that for lunch

        1. Oh nice, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

          1. I loved it. 🥰

  4. Sounds like a good, healthy day of meals!

    1. Thank you!

  5. The food you share always make me delightful.
    I love the color and variety 😍
    Rajma chawal, with veggies and coriander looks amazing 🤩

    It’s not just about the food, but also about the presentation. Looks superb 👌🏻

    1. I bought white kidney beans and lentils,I had no idea how to go about preparing a mouth watering meal. Thanks for sharing

      1. You can try Indian style of cooking for lentils and kidney beans.

        Have you tried pressure cooker for cooking?

      2. Would definitely recommend making a curry with them, you’ll love it. Or you can grind them up and make a patty for your burger.

    2. Thanks so much. I try my best to make it look delicious and it usually tastes as good as it looks 😊

      1. Yes you can almost taste it from the pics itself

  6. healthy diet

    1. Thanks, I try my best.

      1. Well excercise your brain by calulating math within-minor matematics and you will experience an intensive peace!

  7. Your lunch of oil-free beans curry and rice looks delicious and nutritious.

    1. Thanks so much. It was really delicious and one of my favourite meals.

  8. I think we’ve already pretty much established what you eat. 😉

    1. Don’t make me call the vegan mafia on you 😫

      1. Ahhh!!!! I’m so scared!!!

        1. You’ll be sleeping with the vegan alternative to fishes soon 🐟🐠

          1. The only thing worse than fish is vegan fish.

            1. And vegan cheese, we have a long way to go with that…

  9. That looks delicious.

    1. Thanks so much, it really was.

  10. Rajma chawal with lemon and some dhania garnishing is always a fabulous lunch!!

    1. Absolutely, it’s always delicious!

      1. Got to eat it at lunch today at work 😋

        1. Oh nice, hope you enjoyed it 😋

  11. these posts of yours are like a “love and hate” 😋
    all dishes look great, Pooja. 🤍

    (interesting this in regards to oranges :”sometimes make my eczema worse” …thanks for sharing)

    1. Haha thanks 😊

      Unfortunately, all sour foods worsen my eczema but sour foods are my fav 😫

      1. different triggers it seems… with eczema. always something new to learn.
        Thanks again and you’re always welcome 🤍✨

        1. So true, so many things can trigger it. You’re very welcome 😊

  12. Love how your mum changed the dish by yelling about the extra coriander 😂
    Rice and beans is a staple part of Caribbean food.i don’t do much rice, so may replace it with quinoa or couscous. But Lentils are necessary for my protein source, since I’ve cut back on meat but time.
    Roasted eggplant is so good. 💙👏

    1. She changed it for the better- mums just know what’s best for you lol 😅

      I’ve tried it with quinoa and it’s really delicious that way too. Not so sure how it will taste with couscous. Yeah, if you don’t eat meat or as much meat you need to make sure you add other types of protein to your meals.💖

      1. I still love rice.. just since I started changing up my diet, I don’t seem to process it well… Along with milk and bread. It’s like my body just rejected all the good stuff 😜

        1. Yeah, when you start cutting things out that happens when you reintroduce them. Like I accidentally ate dairy once and my stomach hurt for like two days 🙃

          1. Lol… Yeah, I can’t touch certain foods anymore

  13. Your food always sounds delicious!!

    1. Thank you!

  14. I always love your posts, Pooja. Thank you for sharing it😊🥰🤗👌👌

    1. Thank you so much, that makes me so happy to hear 🤗🥰

      1. Always warmly welcome, Pooja😊🥰🤗💯💯

  15. I love your food posts, Pooja. I always learn something new. ❤️️

    1. Thanks so much 😊❤️

      1. You’re welcome, Pooja.

  16. Ooh that looks good ! I’ve been doing different varieties of tacos , salads , soup , oh and baked pie . A friend gave me some fresh apples and pumpkins .

    1. Oh nice, pumpkins and apples are in season so they must be delicious right now. I love tacos so much but it’s been ages since I’ve had them.

      1. I make them quite often , since all the ingredients are super fresh , I use lots of tomatoes, avocado, spinach and lettuce.
        And yes the apples were from an orchard as well as the pumpkin .

        1. Yeah, tacos are a great way to get in your veggies. Oh nice, so delicious.

  17. Looks delicious! I love rice and beans… a great foundation for a tasty meal.

    1. Thank you! Absolutely, I feel like it’s so simple but so filling and delicious.

      1. My pleasure!

  18. Loved them
    Even I love Rice🤝

    1. Thanks. Rice is always delicious 🍚

  19. meats your needs no doubt poojer

    1. Haha lol 😅

  20. same here, i used to hate beans too, only to learn they can be delicious.

    1. Yeah, when cooked the right way they can be so delicious.

  21. Wow delicious looking! Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you so much!

  22. These look so amazing 💔I’m ready for a bite now💕

    1. Thank you, everything was so delicious 💕

  23. I was talking today with a cardiac nurse about rice and beans. I don’t cook much and would like to find microwavable rice and beans, if that exists. Your food presentation is really well-done. Everything looks fresh and appealing.

    1. Thanks so much. I’m sure you could find a microwavable version of it. I think Amy’s has one.

  24. The beans and rice dish looks really good and tasty!

    1. It was really great!

  25. Yummy, I see lots of onions. I love onions!

    1. Same here, they add such a great flavour!

  26. 😍 all so very nice.

    How very annoying that your favourite fruit sometimes makes your eczema flair up. Kudos to you for still eating it.

    1. Thanks so much 😊

      Yeah, it’s super annoying but eating it once in a while doesn’t do anything so I keep eating it every few days lol 😅

    1. Thanks, it really was!

    1. Thanks 😊

  27. Yeah, now I’m definitely eating beans today lunchtime. Might add some egg salad too, sorry😣.
    I like the 2nd plate. Hope it was just as delicious. I’m really craving schumawicki. It’s been soooo long since I had it and it’s such a delicacy for me😫

    1. Lol, it’s fine eat whatever you like. Everything was as delicious as it looks 😋

      Ooh yes, I love sukuma wiki too, I think it’s time for me to have some as well 😀

  28. You eat so healthy! If I did a post it would be filled with a bunch of candy since Halloween lol. Loved your post.

    1. Thanks! I’m not eating sugar at the moment (doctors orders) otherwise mine would have a bunch of candy in it too lol!

  29. The dishes look delicious. Seeing the salads on your plate has reminded me to start eating salads more often.

    1. Thanks so much. Yes, salads are wonderful and you can get really creative with them.

  30. feeling the dishes and down with healthy eating. co sign, right on, peace and appreciate

    1. Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed the dishes.

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