Chandler Bing Quotes To Remember Matthew Perry By

Chandler Bing Quotes

25 Chandler Bing Quotes That'll Make You Say, "OMG This Is Me!" | Chandler bing quotes, Chandler friends, Friends quotes
Here Are 42 Of The All-Time Best Chandler Bing One-Liners
Here Are 42 Of The All-Time Best Chandler Bing One-Liners

I was genuinely shocked and saddened to hear about the passing of Matthew Perry. I’ve been watching Friends since I was a teenager and my favourite character was always Chandler which was played perfectly by Matthew Perry. I have watched that show several times and each time I enjoyed it and each time I laughed my heart out. Matthew Perry was still quite young so the news was unexpected to most of us. And I think many of us were in disbelief for a while.

The reason I decided to share these Chandler Bing quotes was because like I said, I am a huge fan of Friends. To me, it’s one of my favourite shows of all time. And Chandler Bing always really made me laugh. When I think of Matthew Perry, I think Chandler Bing even though I have seen him in many other roles in both movies and TV shows. He was an amazing actor in general but I think his role as Chandler was incredible.

I’ve seen a lot of Matthew Perry’s interviews especially when I was a teenager and first started watching Friends. He seemed like a truly kind, honest and funny person. I know he had his struggles but I’ve heard he recovered from it as best he could and remained sober. I hope that his soul is able to find peace. He will really truly be missed by so many of us fans. But his legacy will live on through his incredible work. RIP.

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62 responses to “Chandler Bing Quotes To Remember Matthew Perry By”

  1. so many things, he had the best and I think the most hoest smile and smirk, I know maybe it was acting, but it always seemed honest…..I didn’t know he was Canadian, his step dad was a news anchor, he went to school with our PM, and secretly, I think he loved Janice….

    1. He really did have the best smile. Yeah, he was Canadian and had some interesting stories from living in Canada. Haha I don’t know about Janice but you never know lol.

  2. That’s a very sad news.

    1. It really is, very tragic.

  3. Yes, very sad and shocking news. I only watched a few episodes of the show.

    1. Yes, I think most of us were shocked.

      1. It was nice fun watching them on TV. RIP.
        Thanks for the share.

        1. Yes, he was wonderful as an actor. Thanks.

  4. I was also shocked and saddened when I heard about Matthew Perry’s death. I love “Fools Rush In” and I was a huge Friends fan. May God have mercy on his soul. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.

    1. Yes, may he rest in peace. It was truly a tragic loss.

      1. Yes. It was.

  5. His loss is very sad indeed. Great quotes! Nice ways to remember the Chandler character.

    1. Yes, incredibly sad. Thanks and yes I think his character left such an impact on so many people.

  6. Your essay honoring Matthew Perry is thought and profound!

    1. Thanks so much.

      1. You are welcome much!

  7. It’s so sad. Nice article.

    1. It really is. I was so shocked. Thanks.

  8. He did a great job with the character.

    I’ve heard that often writer asked him for the jokes or lines and he was very impromptu.

    I was shocked when I first heard about it 😣

    1. Yes, he was so funny in real life too. It’s really such a sad loss. I was shocked too and in some ways I feel like I still haven’t come to terms with it.

      1. Yeah
        I saw a WhatsApp status of someone
        And I was puzzled. I had to search about it. I was shocked to learn the cause of death.

        This shows how unpredictable things could be.

        Thanks for creating this tribute post.

        1. I was shocked too. True, you never know what will happen in life.

    1. Really is.

  9. Thanks for the quotes. Brings back memories.

    1. Thank you. It brought back many memories for me too.

  10. Your heartfelt tribute to Matthew Perry is deeply touching. His comedic timing and unique delivery made Chandler Bing an unforgettable character, and Matthew Perry’s talent shone through in every episode. May his soul rest in peace.

    1. Thanks. Absolutely, his character will definitely live on.

  11. This is a sad news. Matthew Perry was an excellent artist. May his soul rest in peace🙏🙏🙏Thank you for sharing it, Pooja🙏

    1. Absolutely, I was so saddened to hear that. Thanks so much 🙏

  12. That’s a sad n tragic news…Mathew Perry was so young…an amazing actor…Chandler Bing truly made a huge impact…Friends is one of my favorite series…his soul is resting in peace…thank you for your sharing, Pooja ✨

    1. Yes, truly tragic news. He was a great actor and will truly be missed. RIP.

      1. ✨❤️💫

  13. Matthew Perry had what I term a contagious smile. I was saddened when I read that he died. An excellent talent gone too soon.😔

    1. I so agree and yes it’s such a sad loss. He will truly be missed 💔

  14. sad news… and lovely of you to share this, Pooja 🙏🤍

    1. Thank you and yes truly tragic 💔

    1. So true, death is inevitable 💔

      1. and quite shocking sometimes

        1. Yes, shocking and unexpected sometimes.

  15. This hurt to hear! Matthew’s character made so many happy over the years (me included). He was strong to share his story over the past few years and also likely helped so many in doing so. May he be at peace! ❤️

    1. I know, it was honestly so heartbreaking! RIP 🕊️

  16. Very sad news. May he rest in peace.

    1. Yes, really sad indeed.

  17. Friends will never be the same. Loved his character and the quick comebacks. May he rest in peace.

    1. I agree, his character was my favourite part of it and now when I watch Friends I’ll be sad that he’s no longer there. It was such a shocking death and so sad.

      1. I agree! I think I’ll play a few episodes as I write this morning so I can rip the band aid off.

        1. I was thinking of rewatching it too just so I can rip the band aid off too.

          1. We have too, and enjoy the guy we all knew and loved, Chandler Bing!

  18. People associated with movies, shows and music have the special privilege that they remain alive even after death through their work. May his soul rest in peace.

    1. Yes, their art lives on.

  19. Such a sad loss, Pooja. I didn’t watch friends much but my mom was a huge fan and she got my kids hooked on it too. Sooooo sad as he did so much for those around him helping with addiction. 💕

    1. True, he seemed like a genuinely wonderful person. A tragic loss indeed. 💔

      1. He really did! My client who never watched the show read his autobiography and LOVED it. 💕

        1. Wow, that’s amazing 💖

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