February Is Already Here

February Is Already Here

I can’t believe February is almost here. It feels like this year is both going too fast and too slow. I don’t know how to explain it.

For me, February isn’t off to a great start. Firstly, there was an explosion in Nairobi that killed multiple people and injured hundreds. My heart goes out to them and their family. May those that were injured recover quickly and fully.

My life has had some extreme highs and lows this year and it seems February will be no different. Although I’m still struggling to get some sleep, I have been sleeping a bit better more recently. Still, it’s not great.

As for my book, it’s off being edited. And therefore no longer my problem. Yay, lol! However, this doesn’t mean it’s over. Now, I need to work on the cover, plan how to market it and more. Who said publishing a book wasn’t fun??

Lastly, I want to end this post with some good news. I was to congratulate my dear blogging friend Cindy Georgakas for winning Spillword Press’s Author Of The Year. It is a well deserved victory as she is an incredible writer. You may know her from her wonderful book, Re-Create And Celebrate. Or her very popular blog, Unique Time With Cindy. She is one of the most amazing, selfless, kind and talented people I have met here. So again, congratulations to her. And to all those nominated, I read quite a few of their blogs and they are all a particularly talented group of writers.

Can you believe February is already here? Let me know!

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129 responses to “February Is Already Here”

  1. Yeah, ’24 isn’t slowing down from ’23’s headlong rush 🙁

    1. Not even a little, if anything it’s spending up 😕

  2. Congratulations to Cindy. I hope the year keeps on getting better.
    Sorry about the explosion. We didn’t get any news coverage of this sad event.

    1. I hope so too. Thanks, yeah it’s not well known worldwide but us Kenyans are quite devastated by it.

      1. I can understand how distressing it must be. Hugs

        1. Thanks so much.

          1. 🤗🤗🤗

  3. Ohh! A book! What’s the name of it? I love to read. Just finished Ashley Clark Huffman’s book and picked up the new Britney Spears one. I’d love to read yours.

    1. Thanks! It’s not out yet but will definitely let you know when it is. Ooh, I want to read the Britney Spears one too, that sounds really interesting.

      1. Thank you! Do let me know, and congrats again! I’m trying to get my book out there, but it’s driving me crazy. So far, I’m on chapter 4 of the Britney book, and it’s very interesting. I usually read pretty fast, and when I’m done with books, I just toss them in my drawer, so if you ever want the free copy, I don’t mind sending it to you once I’m done.

        1. You’re totally welcome! That’s so sweet of you but I don’t know if you want to send it all the way to Kenya lol. It can be a bit pricey to mail it here.

          1. Oh wow. I had no idea you were in Kenya. I have no idea about prices going there. lol I can check. It really is a good book so far, and I always feel like if someone wants to read a book I have and I no longer have a use for it, I’ll give it away for free. I love to read.

            1. No worries, if it’s too expensive to ship I’ll just buy it here. I’ve seen it in some stores. I know what you mean, once you’re done reading it the book just lies around somewhere in the house so it’s better to give it away.

              1. I’ll check it out tomorrow to see how much it is to ship it there. Otherwise, it’s going to sit in my drawer when I’m done to collect dust forever. lol Why pay for it if you can have it for free.

                1. Thanks so much. Haha I understand. Maybe you can donate it to a thrift book store or something?

                  1. It’s only $62 to send to you if you wanted it. If not, I can donate it. I’m in the middle of it already. Good book.

                    1. I’d love that as long as it’s no trouble for you.

                    2. Not at all. As soon as I’m finished, I just need the address to send it. You can send shoot me an email at Shelcarlene1982@gmail.com 🙂

                    3. Awesome, I’ll do that. Thanks so much again.

                    4. I got your email. 🙂 I plan to read more of it tonight and try to get it finished asap, so I can send it out. 🙂 Poor girl went through so much.

                    5. Thank you, really appreciate it 😊 Yeah, her life is honestly heartbreaking.

                    6. It is! She started off so normal, and to see where she has ended up, it’s sad and I hope in the future, she bounces back fully. <3

                    7. It really is sad and yeah I hope so too!

                    8. Almost done! 🙂 So, it will be coming your way soon.

                    9. Ooh, so excited!

                    10. I’m waiting to get to the Justin Timberlake part where supposedly – he didn’t want the baby. Everyone is talking about that.

                    11. Ooh yes, I heard that part is really interesting. I’ve heard a bit about it online too.

                    12. So, I got to that part today, and it broke my heart. I always say there’s “two sides to every story”, but hers – is sad. If it really went down the way she described it, he’s such a jerk!

                    13. That’s so sad! I don’t know, I’ve never gotten good vibes from Justin so I’m more inclined to believe Britney.

                    14. I agree! I don’t want to give it away, but you’ll read it and be like, “No, he didn’t!! What an ass!”. I felt so bad for her.

                    15. I feel so bad for her too, it’s like everyone in her life just used her. And the way the paparazzi treated her too was awful.

                    16. They really did use her, and I pray the guy she’s married to now, is good to her – because she’s been through a lot.

                    17. I hope so too. She seems happy with him and I hope she is.

                    18. Me too! I am done with the book and will be sending it out either later today or tomorrow morning. 🙂

                    19. Ooh, I’m excited to read it! 🙂

                    20. 🙂 Have you seen her Instagram posts lately? I feel like she’s still not okay, sadly.

                    21. True, I think so too. Just yesterday I was telling my sister someone needs to check on her because she seems a bit unstable and could need some mental help.

                    22. Yes, she does! Did you get the books? I was looking for your email and couldn’t find it for some reason. 🙂

                    23. No, I checked two days ago but nothing yet. Will check again and email you as soon as I get them!:)

  4. I saw reports of explosions in Kenya and I was wondering if that was close to you. Thoughts and prayers for those affected.

    January seemed like a blink of the eye.

    Congrats on getting your book to editing. Hope you get some good rest so you will be ready for the book tour.

    1. Yes, it was in my city. Really sad.

      Thanks so much, I slept like a baby last night. Didn’t even hear my alarm.

  5. I can believe it! I’m so hopeful that February will solve all of my problems lol and I am looking forward to events and celebrations in February, the fabulous 😍

    1. Lol, hope so too. Have a great February!

        1. You’re very welcome!

  6. January went by quickly. There was good news and bad news, but I think that is true everywhere. Congrats to Cindy!

    1. Yes, it really did. True, it unfortunately is always like that.

  7. I’m sorry for the explosion. I didn’t even know about it 😒
    Indian media is rather covering politics, I feel bad that many times I get cut off with news and events of world, as there’s no trustful source 😐

    C gorgeous! Offcourse yes she’s the best there is. Happy for her, well deserved. 😍

    Jan was fast and slow
    Fast because it felt like yesterday it was new years, and already the month has ended
    I made some plan, but failed in them. I couldn’t even manage 4 blog post as I thought I would 😶‍🌫️
    But then, feb I have some blog post( not written), some other ideas and yes I won’t be working for client unless pay is raised 😤
    So let’s aim for 4-5 blog posts for FGW ☺️

    1. Yeah, I don’t think it made worldwide news but it’s one of the worst things that have happened in Kenya recently so it was a big deal for us.

      Well, hopefully February will be better for us all 😊

      1. I hope those who are injured recovers well.
        And those who died, I hope god give strength to their families 😔.

        You know what I really hope?
        I want a happy, healthy and satisfying month for my favorite blogger 😌
        She’s taking a lot of stress, not sleeping properly. 💓

        1. I hope so too.

          Haha thanks, wishing the same for you this month 😊

  8. Really sorry to read about the tragedy there. Glad you are okay.

    1. Thanks so much, yes luckily it was not in the area I live in but in the same city.

      1. I read about it. Sounds like a terrible disaster, so many people affected.

        1. Yes, it was awful.

          1. My thoughts are with your fellow citizens. 🙏🏼

  9. First I heard of the explosion. Always sad to hear of things like this.
    I literally just told someone last night it’s already February, and pretty soon it’ll be “Damn, I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas.” 😄

    1. Yes, definitely very sad. True, the years have been going by so fast lately 🫣

      1. I try not to think about time too much, personally. I just try to go about my day and not overthink it if I can help it.

        1. I think that’s the best thing to do. If we think about it too much it gets depressing. Life suddenly seems very short.

          1. Indeed. Just go about your business and let the atomic clock worry about time lol

  10. I hope these people make a quick recovery, Pooja. 🙏🏻😭

    1. I hope so too 😰

  11. Congrats on getting your book to the editorial stage! 🙌🏻 And to Cindy for her accomplishments. 🎉 Very sad news from Nairobi.

    1. Thanks so much! 😊 Yes, very sad news indeed.

  12. Very hope post on many fronts, nice. Thanks.

    1. Thanks so much.

  13. hope the recovery is quick… prayers with them..

    Congrats to Cindy🎉
    and to you with the progress of your book… wishing you a better than best February and the months following, Pooja.

    1. I hope so too, all we can do is pray for them.

      Thanks so much, wishing you a wonderful February and rest of 2024 too 😊

      1. most welcome and thank you too 🤍✨

        1. You’re so welcome 😊

  14. Roll on summer!!

    1. We’re ready for it!

  15. lisatomlinson98 Avatar

    What a fab blog such interesting posts!! I am trying to learn the ropes of WordPress. Wanted to pm you but unsure how! Wanted to ask if you think it would help me grow my health blog by getting a pro involved to get it working better and attract more audience? Thank you L x

    1. Thanks so much! I would recommend getting a pro if possible just because they know what they’re doing. Sometimes when you try to do everything yourself you may end up messing things up with could permanently mess up your SEO etc. You can check out my services if you’re interested in any blogging services: https://lifesfinewhine.ca/2022/03/14/lifesfinewhine-services/

      And if you prefer to do it on your own I also have a lot of blogging advice posts that may help you with traffic and growing your blog: https://lifesfinewhine.ca/blogging-advice/

      1. Thank you for reply. Might take you up on that, didn’t realise you created websites and blogs for other people!
        At mo my traffic has increased but not likes,comments and subscriptions so doing something wrong!!

        1. You’re very welcome! Yeah, I do a lot of blog related stuff.
          That sounds like your content is getting out there but not to the right audience so they’re not liking or commenting. It’s totally fixable so don’t worry about it too much!

          1. lisatomlinson98 Avatar

            That’s what I thought! Thank you. ☺️

            1. You’re welcome and feel free to reach out via email (insomniacwithanaccent@gmail.com) if you have any other questions!

  16. Congratulations to you and Cindy ❤️💕❤️❤️

    1. Thanks so much 💕❤️

  17. time goes by gudka
    to be gupta
    you know all
    about daily records!

    1. It sure does fly!

      1. yois she do

      2. i was finally able to kill my linkedin accout. long over do, i had absolutely no business being on there.

        1. Well, that’s good.

          1. it was long overdue.

          2. the first word on the cd generation swine. vince screams desssssssssssssssssssssstroy! gotta find my way. this resonated to me as my life was in shambles. you know?

            1. Sometimes when we’re down music speaks to us even more.

              1. on a very powerful level.

  18. Yes, too fast, too slow. I think I’ve had the feeling, maybe for different reasons: hurry up, hurry up, I’m missing an opportunity if only I could work faster for my niche miracle. Even with the relatively mild Winter in the middle Northern Hemisphere there is the plague of worry about snow and catastrophe until even March when sometimes there is a snow storm either literally or figuratively. April is usually safe except for the onslaught of clichés about April showers and Spring flowers. February has an extra day and that weakens its reputation for being a short month. That shouldn’t matter anymore than that damn stupid business of pricing dollar things at $0.99. Yes, when I’m shopping, I have to remind myself that I’m effectively and emotionally spending a dollar, and damn I have to think $1 to calculate in my head. I hate tricks: it’s not cheap. I have privileges for a website but I haven’t posted yet with my new identity. That’s slow and uncertain: who am I really?

    1. Yes, time seems to go both fast and slowly. It’s interesting really. Good luck with your site.

      A lot of stores do that these days, they add .50 or .99 to confuse people. It’s annoying.

  19. Congrats on the progress with your book, Pooja. I heard about the explosions and my heart goes out to those involved and their families.

    I sent my congrats to Cindy for her wll-deserved win, and she is over the moon.

    1. Thanks so much. Yes, it was a very sad occurrence.

      Yes, she’s so happy as she should be about the win.

      1. You’re welcome, Pooja.

  20. I know. February is flying by in a blink!
    I can’t believe it is the 3rd today already!

    1. I know, February will be over before we know it!

  21. I am so sorry to hear about all of the bad things going on and hope things get better. And that is so amazing to hear you’re publishing a book!! Congratulations and good luck with your next steps in publishing!

    1. Yes, I hope so too. Thanks so much. I’m very excited about it!

  22. I feel like I blinked and it’s February. 😐

    I honestly can’t wait for your book release. ✨

    1. For real 🤯

      Thanks so much 😊

  23. Do you miss the winters of Canada in February?

    1. Yes, very much so. Although I don’t miss waiting for the bus while freezing my fingers off lol.

  24. I’m sorry about the explosions, Pooja. It’s so very sad. What is your book about?

    1. Yes, very sad indeed.

      It’s a poetry book and has 100 original poems in it.

  25. Yes, February is here, and it has not been good for me. This year started off wrong, but I hope things will turn around for the better for me and for everyone who’s going through something this month. Congrats on your book. I can’t wait to read it.

    1. Sorry to hear that but I really hope that things look up for you soon. Thanks so much.

  26. I feel the same like you…seems like time is going fast and slow.
    Congratulations on getting your book off to get edited! You’re making great progress on publishing your book. Yay!

    1. It really is going both fast and slow. It’s so off. Thanks so much, I’m very excited for it!

      1. Excited for you too! You’re off to a great start this new year.

  27. February is always the month that goes fastest, even in Leap Year!

    1. Haha true!

  28. So excited foe the book 🙊💓 and wow i didnt hear about the explosion in Nairobi 💔

    1. Thanks so much 😊

      Yeah, the explosion was pretty bad and I just hope everyone recovers 😰

  29. Writing is a pleasure. Editing seems endless and marketing the book from what I observe with my author friends is a stressful health destroying period.

    1. Yes, I think that’s painfully accurate actually.

  30. First off, I didn’t hear this tragic news, Pooja.. soooo horrible. I ditto the where is the time going. I HATE to say but I see xmas already so I’ll retract that this minute. lol. Stay in the now. I’m soooo excited about your book!!! Awwww , I am soooo honored and touched by your kind shout out. Thank you so very much for your appreciation which touches me deeply. I can see it had that affect on others in your comments.. Yawnnnnn lol. Hugs and love to you💓🤗

    1. Haha I know what you mean, I refuse to think of how it’ll be Christmas before we know it 🫣

      You’re so welcome and thank you! 🤗

      1. Good for you.. stay in the moment, breath, look at the day and do it again💕

        1. 😊❤️

  31. A & J PEI Treasures/E Jean Simpson, BEd, BA, MA Avatar
    A & J PEI Treasures/E Jean Simpson, BEd, BA, MA

    Sorry to hear about the explosions. Traumatic.

    1. Yes, it was a very unfortunate event.

  32. Prayers to the people in Nairobi. I hope that this year starts to get better for you Pooj. First of all, try and get some sleep. Lack of sleep makes everything seem worse. But I am looking forward to your book. Stay strong girl, you got this.

    1. Thank you. I’ve been feeling better recently with sleep and hopefully it’ll get even better.

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