Six Word Story #209

Bliss | Six Word Story

Six Word Story:

Bliss, the best friend of contentment.

About This Six Word Story:

This week’s six word story was inspired by Eugi’s prompt for the week. The prompt word this week was “bliss” and  it make me think of contentment. Recently, I shared a SWS about happiness and it got me thinking about contentment. Mostly thanks to the wonderful comments I received on that post.

I think a lot of people chase happiness even though it is so incredibly fleeting. But chasing contentment is a much safer option. When you learn to be content with what you have, you’ll automatically be a happier person because you’ll appreciate what you have and be grateful for it. Instead of always looking for more, you’ll be happy with where you are in life and what you have.

When I was living in Canada, we visited my dad’s friend’s house and his father was there too. We talked with him and he was such an incredible person. He told us that a few years ago, he decided to be content with what he had no matter what. And since then, he’s felt so happy and free. He’s partially blind and deaf but so incredibly grateful and content. It was quite inspiring. He’s also really intelligent since he used to be an English professor. But anyway, talking to him made me realise the importance of contentment and I feel true contentment can bring us bliss.

What are you thoughts on contentment, happiness and bliss? Let me know in the comments section below. And do share your own six word story/stories in the comments below that goes with this theme. Or just share a totally random SWS because why not! Or simply stop by and say hi!

For more six word stories please click here.

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84 responses to “Six Word Story #209”

  1. Well said. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

    1. Thanks so much 😊

      1. You’re welcome ☺️

  2. My contribution;

    Apocryphal of others isn’t my concern.

    1. It’s best to mind our own business. Thanks for sharing the six word story.

  3. Happiness will always be priceless … always.

    1. Always, love that six word story 😊

      1. 💙💜❤️

  4. Great observation, so succinctly put. Contentment…I think…is a spiritual discipline and must be sought.

    1. Thanks so much. I think so too, it’s a spiritual discipline the way I see it. It’s not easy to find but I think over the years with enough practice it’s achievable.

  5. What a wonderful story Pooja! As in a train journey where less luggage would mean more comfort, less desires would mean more happiness in life.

    1. Thanks so much! That’s a very accurate way of putting it.

  6. It’s nice to hear about your time in Canada, Pooja. Chasing contentment is a better choice!

    1. Thanks so much and I think so too!

      1. ❤️❤️❤️

  7. In today’s time, people can’t be content 🤷🏻

    It’s hard to find it, those who have discovered it are at true peace

    1. Yes, contentment has become rare these days.

  8. It took me decades to find contentment.

    1. It takes most people a very long time to find contentment and some never find it.

  9. I think your spot on Pooja! Being content with what we have, that is where true happiness lies, great SWS!

    1. Thank you and I think so too!

  10. Happiness is indeed fleeting. I prefer to look for joy. Contentment, however, sounds awesome!

    1. Joy is a good thing too, embrace the small things and find your happiness!

  11. I have levels of comtentness but I’m not happy and that’s good enough for me.

    1. I think many of us feel that way. I do as well. I’m trying to find happiness through contentment but of course it’s easier said than done.

  12. I came across the concept of “glimmers” somewhere last year. The moments of awe and wonder in our lives are glimmers and the more we recognise them, the richer our lives become.

    1. That’s a great way of looking at it, if we show gratitude for the little things and try to be consciously appreciative of them life becomes more positive.

  13. “It’s not having what you want, It’s wanting what you’ve got” – Sheryl Crow

    The funny thing is, when you stop chasing and stop wanting, that’s usually when stuff comes to you.

    Great SWS, Pooja. And great lesson. 😊

    1. That is so true and I love that quote you shared. I’ve noticed that when we stop fighting our destiny and just go with it, things get a lot better.

      Thanks so much ☺️

  14. At first bliss, second bullet hit.

    I liked Wayne Dyer’s take on happiness; “there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way”. I listened to a few of his you tube talks again and they made me realize I tend to get feeling down when things are not going my way and it sometimes spirals.

    I think the key to get out of the spiral is to focus on silence and gratitude for what is no matter how bad things may seem. It is like the old adage; “someday we will look back on this and laugh, so why not laugh now?”

    Thanks for the reminder. Many blessings to you.

    1. Really like your six word story share.

      I’m like that too. Even when small things go wrong, I get really depressed about it and it sucks. But gratitude definitely helps and so does a more positive attitude in general.

      Thanks so much, have a great weekend.

  15. well said and beautifully so, Pooja 🤍

    1. Thank you so much 💓

      1. pleasure always 🤍

  16. Together as one they discovered euphoria

    1. That’s a great six word story share!

  17. A & J PEI Treasures/E Jean Simpson, BEd, BA, MA Avatar
    A & J PEI Treasures/E Jean Simpson, BEd, BA, MA


  18. What a beautiful post, Pooja! I feel if we focus on the good things in life, we will find bliss. Perhaps, easier said than done, but the end result is rewarding. I added your link to Mr. Linky. 💕

    1. Thank you! That’s so true, I think the key is to focus on the good and let go of the bad. Definitely not easy to do but not impossible either.

      1. You’re welcome, Pooja!

  19. In response, we need such words. (Sneaking a seventh word, Thanks!)

    1. I love that story and thank you too!

  20. There’s nothing like bliss/contentment. I’m pretty much there right now. It’s only taken a lifetime.

    1. I think it’s worth chasing even for a lifetime. I’m so glad you’re there. I feel like I have a hard time focusing on the good so it’s something I want to work on.

  21. This is so true:

    “But chasing contentment is a much safer option. When you learn to be content with what you have, you’ll automatically be a happier person because you’ll appreciate what you have and be grateful for it. Instead of always looking for more, you’ll be happy with where you are in life and what you have.”

    1. Thanks, so glad you agree!

  22. Great post! I think being content is akin to to being at peace.You accept things for what they are,and don’t get caught up in chasing fleeting moments.

    1. Thank you! I think so too. When you stop trying to control everything and accept life as it is you end up feeling so much more peaceful.

  23. Oh, I agree totally!! Contentment brings peace and better sleep at night 😊.

    1. Thank you and yes I think so too! ☺️

  24. Contentment is chemistry in our brain,
    We chase and chase it for the gain,
    At times we are getting sick and tired
    Until our satisfaction slowly mired

    1. So true, if we keep chasing we’ll only end up burnt out and unsatisfied.

      1. Most probably yes

  25. Contentment is the cornerstone of life!!!❣️

    1. It is! I think it’s the only way to truly be at peace 😊

  26. My Psych-girl emphasizes contentment. However, when I suggested to her that contentment and boredom were right next to each on the hierarchy of emotions – she appeared perplexed.
    Blaise Pascal has an oft quoted axiom – “All man’s problems stem from his inability to sit quietly in a room.” However, if that were the case? we’d still be in Plato’s cave. 🙂

    1. I think there needs to be a good mix of ambitious and content. When we’re ambitious but grateful for our achievements I think we tend to be happier overall.

  27. Totally reminds me of the song … “What I am” (Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians, but thought it was Cheryl Crow somehow) lol Love the story and found it tranquil … another close companion to bliss and contentment. In my search for happiness, I have found many treasures along the way … (Music moves blissfully within my soul) <3

    1. Ooh, I’ll check out the song. That’s so interesting!

  28. Great SWS! I agree, it’s far better to seek contentment, as it’s not fleeting like happy moments.

    1. Thanks so much and yes I think contentment is much more long-term.

      1. My pleasure!

  29. I agree with you that we should become content with ourselves at some point in life as there is no end to desires.

    1. Exactly, if we give in to our desires we’ll just want more and more and never be satisfied. Contentment helps us feel more gratitude.

  30. So true, PujaG.

    1. Thanks so much.

  31. […] Pooja G12. Susi – I Write Her13. I. V. Greco14. Noah Sweet15. Suzette Benjamin16. Destiny17. […]

  32. Bliss, contentment, and happiness are good. When you are content, you are free to be happy and filled with joy and peace.

    1. I think so too, when you learn how to be content you experience life in a much more positive way.

  33. Mrs. Bliss was my driving instructor.
    I don’t know if she was content or not but she had a stern face 🤣😎🙃

    1. Perhaps she should have been called Mrs. Stern 😅

      1. Maybe she was Stern and married into Bliss 🤣😎🙃

        1. Perhaps so 😅

  34. Happiness is blissfully aware it’s enjoyable

    1. Yes, it very much is. Great six word story.

      1. Thank you 😊

        1. You’re very welcome ☺️

  35. Great SWS and wise words, too. Contentment generally occurs inwardly while people usually look for happiness outwardly.

    1. Thanks so much and yes that’s very true. It’s more about internal happiness rather than material happiness.

      1. Definitely. You can be content with a lot, or little, but it’s internal either way. You can be miserable with a little or a lot, also.

        1. Yeah, your mindset is the biggest thing when it comes to contentment in my opinion.

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