Tiny Reasons Why Your Blog Isn’t Taking Off

why you should never buy followers Tiny Reasons Why Your Blog Isn't Taking Off | Advice For New Bloggers

Tiny Reasons Why Your Blog Isn’t Taking Off

There are so many tiny mistakes that one can make that may stop them from getting the followers/traffic their blog deserves. Here are some tiny reasons why your blog isn’t taking off:

You’re spamming WordPress

If you’re putting out one post after the other WordPress a lot of people may think you’re spamming them and decide to not follow you or unfollow you. Furthermore, WordPress may stop putting your posts on the tags section because it will categorize you as spam. This will put a huge dent on your traffic/follows so try not to post too often- especially not all at once.

You aren’t being active

Like I say in like every advice post WordPress is definitely a two way street and if you aren’t being active on other blogs you can’t expect them to be active on yours. Make sure to like, follow, share and comment on other blogs to increase activity on yours.


Make sure you use the right amount of tags. If you use too many WordPress will assume it’s spam and if you use too few you will lose potential traffic and follow. To figure out the perfect way and amount of tags to use click here.

You need to organise better

If your blog is too confusing and the reader can’t find what they are looking for easily it’s likely that they will leave your site without following it or returning again. I would suggest using tags and categories so that the reader can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.


A lot of readers decide whether they’re going to click on the post just by reading the title. You need to have a title that’s catchy but not clickbait. To find out how to get the perfect title click here.

For similar posts click here.
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125 responses to “Tiny Reasons Why Your Blog Isn’t Taking Off”

  1. Great tips! I have to work on my tags.

    1. Thank you and good luck with that!!

  2. Good tips! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you!

  3. I really like the post about spamming wordpress, I have a couple of blogs I follow that post several times a day and it has gotten to the point I just don’t bother reading most of the posts, so it is self defeating to do that.

    1. Yes…I usually respond the same way, yet I’ve been guilty of the same thing over the last month, as I’m posting a lot of things therapeutically. A lot of them are short poems, so it’s not the same as posting several lengthy things.
      But there’s a few people who follow me who do read everything, and encouraged me to keep writing when I mentioned that I felt weird about it. My main aims are just to help other people and have therapeutic interaction for my own issues. So I guess I SHOULD worry about this kind of thing, as if I want to help people the most, then avoiding self-defeating things which will reduce the reach of what I write, makes sense.
      Anyways, your input has been helpful, so thanks 🙂.

    2. Yeah I feel the exact same way especially when someone posts one post after the other in a span of a few minutes.

  4. I have the same issue. Some of the blogs I follow put up several posts a day. It makes it hard to scroll through the Reader and find others you follow.

    1. Yeah it’s frustrating to always see them at the top of your Reader.

  5. Another great post! Thank you for the tips!

    1. Thanks hope they help!

  6. Thank you, this was a helpful post. How much do you think I’ve been spamming over the last month or so? Since about Christmas I’ve been posting a lot more. I think I should learn a bit more restraint, and also get my life busier again— increased isolation was part of the reason I ended up posting more.
    If I save stuff to drafts it just accumulates quickly and I end up not posting them— I forget about them or decide not to post them— or maybe this is the key here, lol. A few months ago I deliberately limited myself to 3 day, maybe I should do that again.
    I didn’t even start using tags until 6 weeks ago, and I’ve been guilty of over-using them, partly out of over-compensating! So this was a helpful wake-up call for that, too. Thanks! 💙🤗

    1. This feels like why I stopped using social media several years ago— I found myself just getting addicted to it without realising. I think I fall into addictions quite easily in general. I think a hard limit of number of posts would be good for me 🙂.

    2. I’m spamming your comments now— but my posting has become a bit of an anxiety response. I should spend more energies on interacting with other people on their blogs— I definitely used to spend more time doing this, and it was extremely therapeutic.

      1. That’s okay feel free to spam my comments if it helps! Yeah interacting with other bloggers definitely helps.

        1. Thanks PoojaG! 🙂🤗.

          1. You’re very welcome!

    3. I don’t think you’ve necessarily been spamming. Let’s just say I’ve seen much worse. Like at least you’re writing actual posts.
      Maybe instead of just saving stuff schedule it so it definitely gets posted. That way you’re not constantly posting but instead posting maybe every half an hour/every hour.
      Over using tags is something most bloggers including myself have suffered with. It’s hard to get the perfect amount but think I’ve found the perfect amount to be about 5-8.

      1. Thanks so much for the honest feedback 🙂.
        I do sometimes schedule stuff actually. Yeah, you’re right I should do that more :). 3 posts spread throughout the day isn’t gunna be bad. Thank you.
        That’s good to know it wasn’t just me with the tags! I really agree with you on 5-8, that’s what I’m doing now.

        1. You’re totally welcome!

    1. Thank you!

  7. I have unfollowed people who do multiple posts a day.

    1. 2 a day is okay but when someone does 5, 10 etc it is too much and crowds my reader feed

      1. You definitely would’ve unfollowed me then xD. I am learning restraint!

      2. Yeah and some post like 4-5 in like 5 minutes that’s what annoys me the most.

  8. I am sharing your post in my blog

    1. Thank you!

      1. You’re welcome

  9. […] A blogger I follow, lifesfinewhine.com , shared a post tonight with some good advice. She has thousands of followers, so it is worth reading her post. The post is 5 Tiny Mistakes That May Be The Reason You’re Blog Isn’t Taking Off. […]

  10. These are helpful……thank you!

    1. Happy to hear that!

  11. So much great advice here — especially about the tags, I never knew that! Thanks for sharing love, totally saving this one for future reference.

    1. Thank you hope it helps!

  12. Great advice on activity.
    Bloggers sometimes go dormant to unwind. How can the blog be kept ticking during that time?

    1. I don’t think anything’s going to happen during a break. Nobody will unfollow for not posting. I think it would just be a positive thing :).

    2. Keep interacting with other bloggers even if you aren’t posting would be my advice.

  13. I’m trying to increase the number of posts I do every week. What do you consider too much?

    1. I would say 1 post a day is good but if you want to post more frequently maybe 2-3 posts a day. Anything more than 5 posts a day would probably be too much.

      1. Wow. I will be happy if I manage 1 per day. I tend to run 750-1000 words per post, though. If I were to post more often, I would certainly have to go shorter. Lol. Thanks for the input!

        1. You’re welcome!

  14. Thank you for these great tips ! 👌

    1. Hope they help!

      1. Yes, they are so helpful, PoojaG ! I still need some improvement … !😌

        1. It’s never too late to improve!

  15. I also think slug is a big deal. Some bloggers really overlook this and do the auto slugs, something like this 5-tiny-mistakes-that-may-be bla bla bla instead of top-blogging-mistakes-that-affect-traffic
    I personally think that this way, Google understands your blog more and ranks you higher in searches.
    It worked for me!

    1. That’s a really interesting point I’m horrible at the whole SEO thing so I didn’t even know that. Thanks for sharing that advice!

  16. Neat stuff, Pooj!

    1. Thank you!

  17. Very simple and easy, but certainly relevant suggestions and tips. Thanks for posting.

    1. Thank you hope they help!

  18. Really Helpful! Thanks for posting, I will definitely look into improving my blogging!! cheers

    1. Thank you!!

  19. I’m definitely guilty of a couple of these… great post as usual! : )

    1. Thank you so much and it’s never to late to make changes!

  20. All these things are true. I will add though that they way we are active on other blogs is important. Some people want to leave links to their blog with every comment they make, and that is also a no-no. Nowadays, I only leave links if I am confident that the link is relevant to their post and they feel they would get something out of their post. I also tend to avoid comments like “nice post” because you don’t add anything by just saying “nice post” (well, at least, I don’t think you add anything by saying that).

    1. *the way, not they way
      Typos can be a small mistake that hurts your blog, as well.

    2. Those are absolutely frustrating and definitely spamming. I get so many people just leaving a random links, no comment no nothing, and I just delete them because it’s so unethical and rude. I don’t mind if the link they leave is relevant in fact I really like that because it means you read the post but random links is definitely a no-no.

  21. Thanks for the info, I am trying to be consistent on 2 posts a week, but have not figured the best days yet. I do agree with the title being a grabber. I always mull over titles.

      1. Thanks, will check them out.

        1. Hope they help!

  22. Hi Pooja, Super post again with good basic tips. Wasn’t sure about the ‘spam’ though – is it when you post so much it becomes like receiving spam emails? Enjoyed comments from your readers too. Thanks everyone.
    You were easing up a bit last week because Uni stuff pretty heavy. Hope you’re out the other side and can enjoy a chill weekend.
    Take care. x

    1. Thank you so much! Yeah it’s when someone posts so often they’re always at the top of your reader and it’s frustrating.
      I feel like it’s not going to get more chilled any time soon the work just keeps piling up lol!

  23. Great help..especially for new bloggers..in my first blog posts i completely overlooked the tags part of the post and didn’t have any tags until i recently edited all my posts. anyways thanks for your helpful posts.

    1. Thanks and I totally did that too and didn’t use tags and than I started using too many tags which was a bad idea too but I’ve figured it out now!

  24. I started my blog yesterday, this post is helps! Thanks.

    1. Happy to hear that!

  25. Awesome post as usual! I have come across a blog that posted over 10 posts in a day. It actually gave me anxiety… I had to unfollow. ):

    1. Thank you and yes it can be super anxiety inducing for some reason. I’ve had to unfollow a couple of blogs for doing that for sure!

      1. Its so consuming!!!

        1. Agreed it can be!

  26. Greta tips! 👍🏾

    1. Thank you!!

  27. Christina @ The Bookshelf Corner Avatar
    Christina @ The Bookshelf Corner

    Agreed! I need to work on being active, lessening the number of tags on a post, and spicing up my titles.

    1. It really helps a lot!

  28. Thanks for sharing this is really good, still learning I really enjoy reading some of your blog
    Thanks you

    1. Thanks glad you enjoyed it!

      1. thanks again

  29. thanks for sharing – like everyone else the commented – still learning and its nice to hear from a pro!:)

    1. Hope it helps!

  30. Amazing post, thanks for the tips. I can use all the help I can get 🙂

    1. Thank you!

  31. […] 11. Share the link of your post which people liked the most. This is my most popular post this week so I’ll just share this one https://lifesfinewhine.com/2020/02/07/5-tiny-mistakes-that-may-be-the-reason-your-blog-isnt-taking-o… […]

  32. Very useful thanks!

    1. Thank you!

  33. Thanks for the advice 🙂

    1. Hope it helps!

  34. I honestly had to unfollow someone because they were spamming with too many posts… my ENTIRE feed was filled with only this particular blogger’s posts and it made me feel so overwhelmed 😬

    1. It’s very frustrating and I’ve had to do that too which is very sad!

  35. Seriously good tip for my blog

  36. Very helpful.

  37. These tips are brilliant. They definitely got me thinking.
    Especially tags. I haven’t been using these. I probably should. Thanks for sharing.

    Love Alexa,

    1. So glad to hear that and hope they help!!

  38. betterthangoodenough123 Avatar

    This is all excellent advice. Thanks for the helpful reminders!!
    My Best Friend Adeline

    1. Glad to hear that!

  39. Some sound tips, i had no clue about the spam traffic issue 😮

    1. Thank you and yes it’s definitely a big problem on WordPress.

  40. Thanks! I didn’t know that its best to have a certain amt of tags. I also didn’t think about the fact that your participation on other blogger sites can affect your own.

    1. You’re welcome hope the information helps!

  41. Hello Pooja! First of all, thank you for checking out my first post. I really appreciate it especially when it’s someone as big as you. Second, thank you for this blogging advice post. I’ve checked out your other similar posts on blogging and I’m grateful that you have given new bloggers like me some tips on this topic. You did me a huge favour by writing about it! Wish you all the best with your blog ♡

    1. You’re very welcome I’m so glad you found it helpful!

  42. thanks Pooja. Useful tips 🙂

    1. Glad to hear that you found them helpful!

  43. Super helpful, thanks!

    1. Glad to hear that!

  44. Yeah – I do all that Pooj. I work on whim.
    I’ll have to do better!

    1. It’s never too late!!

  45. This is a great advice.I’ll make sure to watch out for these mistakes.

    1. Thanks hope it helps!

  46. Excellent advice! I run into problems while sharing posts of others that have responded to my prompts. I try to spread them out so it doesn’t overwhelm but still give them the credit they deserve.

    1. Thank you and that’s so much better then posting it all at once that’s what I find really annoying.

  47. Good stuff. I definitely need to work on my tags and reply more on others blogs.

    1. Thanks and hope it helps!

  48. Thanks, following you

      1. What you wrote really helped me and I saw you have more great content.

        1. So glad to hear you found it helpful!

  49. Brief but helpful tips PoojaG.👍
    Thank you 😊

    1. Thanks hope they help!

  50. […] people liked the most. This is my most popular post this week so I’ll just share this one https://lifesfinewhine.ca/2020/02/07/5-tiny-mistakes-that-may-be-the-reason-your-blog-isnt-taking-of… My Nominees Anyone who wants to do this award please feel free to and use the same questions I […]

  51. […] 1. How can education change the life of a person? Education is most definitely life changing. Although I feel as though just by educating yourself in a  school/higher education organisation is not enough. I think the best way to educate yourself is to go to these educational organisations but also do your own research and learn more broadly. This can not only improve your life but really change the world for the better. I believe that a lot of the problems we are facing today is because of a lack of proper education. 2. Have you ever helped someone unknown? If yes, how? Yes I have. 3. What is the one thing you do to save the environment? I’m vegan, I try to cut my water and paper usage to a minimum, I use public transport and I try to use ethically sourced/made products. 4. Have you any tree or plant in your home? If yes, name it. No, I don’t at the moment but I plan on growing one. 5. What do you do in spare time? Read, listen to music, watch TV shows/movies. 6. What is your favorite time of a day and why? Late at night because everything is quiet and peaceful. 7. What type of movies do you like to watch? It really depends on my mood. I’m a big fan of comedy, crime, drama and horror. 8. Who is your favorite singer? There are so many I can’t name just one! I really like John Lennon, Phil Ochs, The Dixie Chicks, Miranda Lambert and Cardi B at the moment. 9. Who is your favorite comedian? Again there are so many! I really like Trevor Noah, Daniel Tosh, Pete Davidson and like a million others! 10. What do you like the most, sweet or spicy? Spicy for sure. I’m not a fan of sweet foods I eat like two bites and feel gross so I definitely prefer spicy foods. I really like food that is sweet and spicy together too. 11. Share the link of your post which people liked the most. This is my most popular post this week so I’ll just share this one https://lifesfinewhine.ca/2020/02/07/5-tiny-mistakes-that-may-be-the-reason-your-blog-isnt-taking-of… […]

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