Reasons Your Blog Stopped Growing

Reasons Your Blog Stopped Growing | Why Your Blog Is Not Growing

Reasons Your Blog Stopped Growing

If your blog has stopped growing it could be for a number of reasons- most of which are likely easily solvable. These are the reasons your blog stopped growing and how you can fix that:

You’re leaving spam comments

This is one of the easiest ways to stop people from following your blog. If you aren’t sure what a spam comment is it’s leaving your link on random blogs comments section, leaving a vague comment with your link on random blogs or trying to force/guilt/bully other bloggers to check out your blog. It’s one of those things that are really a pet peeve for bloggers and I usually delete these kinds of comments or ignore them as do most bloggers. A lot of people also block these blogs and leaving these sort of comments can get your blog unfollowed/blocked pretty fast. If you’re not sure about the do’s and don’t’s of commenting click here.

Your posts are spamming your readers

If you are constantly posting especially if you are posting one post after the other in a span of a few minutes it can be a very frustrating for your followers. A lot of people will end up not following your blog or unfollow your blog due to this. If you want to reduce this effect make sure not to post every few minutes. Instead try to post every hour at the most.

Your posts aren’t scheduled

A lot of people may want to read your posts but aren’t sure when they’ll be up if you post randomly. A lot of people may not follow you if they aren’t sure if you’re still posting or if they assume you post randomly. Posting regularly and scheduling your posts to go up at the same time every week/day can really boost your following. If you aren’t sure how to find the optimum time to schedule your post click here.

You aren’t active in responding to your readers

I think socializing with other bloggers is the backbone of WordPress and ignoring your comments/not responding is a pretty easy way to lose readers and potential followers. People want to follow a blog they can be part of with a blogger they can talk to and being active on the comments section is another great way to increase your following.

You aren’t marketing yourself properly

A lot of growing your blog is about marketing yourself and your blog. It may feel weird at first but you need to kind of be your biggest fan and market yourself whenever possible- without spamming others of course. If you aren’t sure how to market your blog then click here for tips on how to do so.

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69 responses to “Reasons Your Blog Stopped Growing”

  1. So true. Will try to adopt a pattern of posting. Right now I do it as per convenience

    1. Thanks hope it helps!

  2. Very helpful and inspiring

    1. Glad to hear that!

  3. Hey!! it’s a Awesome content!
    Great read, as always

  4. The globe is a ball and times differ. How do I aim at Osaka, Oslo and Oshkosh in one breath?
    Your posts aren’t scheduled- A lot of people may want to read your posts but aren’t sure when they’ll be up if you post randomly. A lot of people may not follow you if they aren’t sure if you’re still posting or if they assume you post randomly. Posting regularly and scheduling your posts to go up at the same time every week/day can really boost your following. If you aren’t sure how to find the optimum time to schedule your post click here.

    1. What I did was try out a bunch of different times until I found the time when I got the optimum views and stuck with that timing.

      1. I need to do that!

  5. Wise words!

    1. Thank you!

  6. Agreed on all counts! Beautiful summary. :))

    1. Thank you!

  7. Very nicely written. Very helpful. I loved it.

    1. Thank you!

  8. Great stuff Pooj – once again you highlight all my faults.

    1. Haha thanks!

  9. This is so helpful,thanks for this 🙏🏾🌷

    1. You’re welcome!

  10. Great advice, thank you!

    1. Thanks hope it helps!

  11. Quite insightful! This is great advice.

    1. Thank you!

  12. You give tough love and good advice!

    1. Thanks hope it helps!

  13. Thank you for this post. I will keep it in mind and improve my schedules!

    1. Hope it helps!

  14. Ugh spam comments are the worst – they aren’t only annoying …. they are rude! I once likened them to deciding to stand up and read your own book at an author’s public reading.

    1. That’s the perfect description for them tbh!

  15. Great post. I learned a lot. I once had 54 emails in a matter of about fifteen minutes from one blogger. Needless to say I unfollowed as the spamming never stopped. Crazy. Thanks for the tips. I’m going to try and implement them now.

    1. Thanks! Yeah a lot of bloggers end up publishing way too many posts in a day and it can really turn into spam. I’ve had to unfollow some people because of that too. I hope the tips help!

  16. This is great info..I feel like I wish people would tell me how my blog looks but they don’t so then I’m trying to figure everything out. It’s frustrating.

    1. Yeah I understand your frustration but I would suggest just writing a post and asking people what they like and what they think you should change. I’ve tried that and the feedback is really helpful!

      1. Thank you. That is helpful! 😊

        1. You’re welcome!!

  17. Great post as always. Thanks for the checks we need to put into place. Blessings and peace.

    1. Thank you so much!!

  18. I need to get better at scheduling; I post something every day, but the times are always a little different. I also need to get better at responding to comments. Thanks for the advice!

    1. Hope it helps!

  19. Ah! Spam comments are the worst.
    That’s why I like akismet!
    Thanks for sharing PoojaG.

    1. They are so annoying! Glad you enjoyed the post!

    1. Hope it helps!

  20. Thank you for your helpful insight. The points you shared are worth noting and I will definitely take them into consideration. 😊☕️

    1. Hope they help!

  21. Thanks! I learned something new.

    1. You’re welcome and hope it helps!

      1. yes it did, alot!

  22. It is really helpful. Thank you.
    I am gonna follow your blog!!

    1. Thank you so much I really appreciate it!

  23. Great post! Part of me felt really guilty for unfollowing bloggers that spammed my inbox. I felt like if they wanted to share 30 images each on 30 separate posts for the day, there’s other platforms that are more suited for that like Instagram or Flickr.

    1. Honestly I’ve had to unfollow some too and I agree there are better platforms if you want to post multiple images a day.

  24. Great information, I will surely try out your tips!

    1. Thanks hope they help!

  25. Always a great post!

  26. Thanks for this! I’m having a hard time marketing my blog because i’m a bit insecure but then again I have to remind myself that my happiness on gaining a reader is much more important than my insecurity. Here’s to growing our blogs as well as ourselves!

    1. Yeah it can feel weird to kind of sell your own blog and be your biggest fan but like you said it’s worth it!

  27. Thanks for the tips, Pooja!

    1. Hope they help!

  28. Great read and helpful advise! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much!

  29. Thank you! I have definitely had a problem with consistency when it comes to posting on my blog. I have never used the scheduling feature so I’m excited to try it!

    1. The scheduling feature is a total game changer and I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me!

  30. So good!!… this would really help

    1. Glad to hear that!

  31. Great advice, really appreciate finding your blog. Thank you Bob

    1. Thank you I’m so happy to hear that!!

  32. This is amazing 🐬 on that note please check my IG and share your feedback, I would be really glad ✨

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