Ways To Remain Calm

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Ways To Remain Calm

It can be difficult to stay calm with everything going on and it’s natural to be worried. But remaining calm and doing your best will be much more helpful to you and everyone around you and these techniques can help you to remain calm:

Yoga/meditation- Yoga and meditation can be very relaxing especially when you do it after waking up because it helps you throughout the day. Try taking some time- even if it’s fifteen minutes- to do some yoga and meditation at the beginning of the day. Over time you end up learning how to stay relaxed and calm in stressful situations which can be very helpful.

Breathing techniques- Breathing techniques can really help you stay calm and relaxed. Learning breathing techniques that work for you can really help you out.

Online meditation apps- It can be difficult for people to meditate on their own especially when they’re starting out and that’s totally okay. Since this isn’t the best time to go to meditation classes in person meditation apps can be a great substitute. To find  the perfect meditation app for you click here.

Surround yourself with positivity- Even though it’s not the easiest thing to be surrounded by positive news right now it can help to take a break from reading the news and read something positive for a while even if it’s just some positive quotes or a pictures of cute animals.

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64 responses to “Ways To Remain Calm”

  1. Great advice and the only way to go. I have a yoga routine that I do every morning. To me its like brushing my teeth.

    1. That’s great! Yoga is so helpful!

  2. The Japanese have a word, shinrin-yoku, meaning “forest bathing.” Gotta wait a month or so in our part of the world to practice shinrin-yoku but it’s worth a try, Pooja.

    1. Can’t wait to do some shinrin-yoku once all this is over!

      1. that makes two of us…and many more, I believe

  3. Super hard to stay clam. I’m generally pretty chill, but I’ve been really tense these past few days. Thanks for this.

    1. Yeah I think most people are quite tense and stressed out at the moment. Hope this helps!

  4. I play loud music and go for walks in nature!

  5. Great advice!
    I’ll add “Train like a monster” to the list.
    INTENSE physical activity can help you blow off steam and as a byproduct help you remain calm, pair it with Yoga\meditation and you’ll become a freakin’ monk! 😀

    1. Thanks! Yeah physical activity and working out helps a lot of people with stress and anxiety.

  6. Positivity on a 100% nowadays. No to Corona.

    1. Hope it helps!

  7. Thank you so much for this post! I’m staying positive, and continuing with my yoga. The situation just hasn’t hit me yet, and there’s no point urging it to fall on me like a ton of bricks! Though everything’s so not normal, I still feel quite peaceful and I’m taking every day as it comes. Hope you’re safe!

    1. I kind of feel like it hasn’t hit me yet either but I’m just taking everything one day at a time.

      1. It’s a good way to live, Pooja. Every second as it comes, and every day in the same way.

  8. These are right on the money and extremely important right now! Ive been saying for ages now that I want to start yoga but I never get the time.

    1. Yoga is definitely so beneficial you should try it out when you’re able to!

  9. I love yoga and meditation. It always helps,nailAlways feels good. I’ve been doing both since I was in my 20s. Yeah, that’s been a little while ago. LOL

    1. Yoga and meditation are definitely so helpful!

  10. It finally hit me yesterday when watching a music class what relaxation truly means and how to achieve it. Usually when I think I’m relaxed I’m really just slightly less stressed, haha! That feeling of obsessive self control and wanting to avoid embarrassment is still ever-present and that’s really counter-productive when you’re trying to write music (or create any art, I imagine). The only time I feel truly “out of control” (in a good way) is when I’m writing, so I’m trying to carry that feeling into other aspects of my life.
    Great tips as usual. I’m going to give meditation and yoga another try. I know I always say meditation didn’t work for me but maybe I’m in a better frame of mind now.

    1. I totally get how you feel I used to have that a lot where I’m not actually calm just less stressed.
      Thanks and yeah I would definitely give them another go. They tend to work better over time.

  11. Great tips Pooja. I really would to see more people trying out these skills, cos that what they are. Practice them often and they’ll help you quickly when you need them. This time is giving a great opportunity for people to try even one new thing. Caz x

    1. Thank you and I hope more people learn these skills too!

  12. I couldn’t agree more that breathing techniques, especially deep breathing are so helpful and relaxing for your body and your mind, not to mention its good for your lungs!!!

    1. Breathing techniques are incredibly helpful!

  13. I don’t know if watching a horror series counts as positivity. But I’m assembling one

    1. It definitely counts!

  14. great suggestions; by the way, your link for meditation apps is not active, but there is link to a previous blog you wrote about 4 meditation apps at the end of your post…

    1. Thank you I added it!

  15. Thank you for this!

    1. Hope it helps!

  16. Love these ideas!! I’ve just recently got into yoga and I can’t believe how it centers me and makes me feel so good. I wish I would have discovered it earlier!! 🙂

    1. Thanks and yes yoga is so amazing! I felt the same way when I first started!

  17. Very informative and inspiring

    1. Thank you!!

      1. You’re welcome

  18. Great advice! Needed one, thankyouu girl🌸

    1. Thank you so much!

    1. Hope it helps!

  19. Awesome thank you

    1. Hope it helps!

  20. Thank you, these are good tips!

    1. Hope they help!

  21. Reblogged this on CoffeeMamma.

    1. Thank you!!

  22. I am not skilled enough to do yoga, but working on breathing techniques and stretching has been a helpful way to stay calm!

    1. Yeah those make a big difference too!

  23. This is very helpful, can I have your email address? I enjoy your posts, thanks.

  24. […] Ways To Remain Calm — lifesfinewhine […]

  25. I’ve actually been doing ok with this quarantine…
    I say that yet I was sad just a few days ago lol!!
    It’s okay to have those sad moments tho.. I guess.
    This is really helpful though, I’m trying to explain to my husband to not spread too much negative news to me lol or to his family.
    WE KNOW it’s crazy, you don’t gotta mention how many people are hurt cause.. we know. It’s just good to breathe sometimes and do YOUR best.
    So i like that point about surrounding yourself with positive vibezz hehe

    1. I’m glad you’re doing okay and yes it’s totally normal to feel sad sometimes because it is a sad situation. I think the important thing is to remain positive. Staying away from negative news is actually a good idea- I’ve been doing that too.

  26. Breathing techniques work quick!

  27. Great advice !!!💯

    1. Thank you!

  28. Most energetic post ever

    1. Thanks

  29. Meditation is an amazing tool! I wrote a little guide for beginners on my blog http://pursueyou.org/2018/03/07/meditation-myths-and-tips-for-starting-out/

    1. Thanks for sharing that!

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