I Think I Messed Up Today

You know how I wrote that whole post about sticking to a schedule and that good stuff? Yeah. It’s been like week one and I already messed up lol. I was supposed to make sure I post blogging advice today but I randomly got on a call with a really awesome friend and didn’t have time to write. To be honest, I don’t feel bad about it because I hadn’t talked to this friend in a while and I really enjoyed catching up. I’ll plan better in the future I guess but obviously as much as I love blogging my real life is important too.

Let me know in the comments how your day was and what you did today because I’m in a chatty mood today and I want to chat with all of you amazing souls!

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111 responses to “I Think I Messed Up Today”

  1. sometimes we have to prioritize our life outside of blogging and that’s completely fine! glad you could catch up with a friend. 🙂
    today i worked on some posts & also decorated my blogging office. a post of that with photos should be going up next week. i’m excited to have a proper place to write / brainstorm.

    hope you have a great rest of your week!

    1. Wow that’s great- now you’ll have a place to work on blogging! Thanks and have a great rest of your week too 😊

  2. I don’t think your readers will be upset with you, including me. I like to say that our ‘real’ lives always come first, Pooja. No worries! ❤️

    1. Thanks and I totally agree- our real lives come first!

  3. Life happens. Blogs won’t explode if you take a break ☺

    1. Haha yes mine seems to be intact so far!

  4. It is perfectly ok to have a life outside of blogging on a schedule.

    1. Thanks and I think so too.

  5. 🙂 One good trick is to always have an extra blog post scheduled ahead of time (It comes in very handy for when life gets in the way).

    Also, I do not think that your viewing audience will be angry at you for messing up.

    Hey, you are human after all!

    1. Yup I will definitely be keeping a couple of blog posts ready in advance just in case!


      1. 🙂 You are most welcome, Pooja G.

  6. Never apologize for doing you! <3 I get how you feel though but I'm glad you were able to catch up with your friend. 🙂 It's always nice to connect and we all probably need to do a bit more of it perhaps. I had a good day today thank you for asking! I got some blogging done yes, managed to get in a 5 min podcast (lol still trying). Oh, and I went out for a burger and icecream with my husband because we're really high maintenance and…I decided to not use my pseudonym anymore and as of today/tonight I guess now, write under my real name so you may be confused or maybe not but just in case, I'm "Veronica" or should I say was lol. Glad you had a good day connecting! 🙂

    1. Thank you!

      Ooh that’s great- I’m glad you were able to get some stuff done 😀 Yum a burger and ice cream sounds great!

  7. My day was pretty good! I had volleyball for 3 hours this morning. Then I came home freshened up and had some lunch. I also sprained my ankle at volleyball and it was quite painful, but I iced it for a while and it’s a lot better. Anyway, I rested for about 2 hours and right now I’m responding to comments, commenting and going through my email.🙃🙃

    1. Wow you had a long but interesting day! Hope your ankle is healed very soon 😊

  8. There’s more to life than just blogging and feeling the need to stick to a schedule.

    Today I slept in, bought a 64oz water bottle, 2 iced coffees because it was so hot outside, and a cucumber. I also started watching desperate housewives, which is still a good show almost 20 years later. I’m trying to get my husband to watch it with me and he fell asleep 😂

    My attempts to drink 1 gallon of water a day quickly faded after a few days so I’m determined to get back on track. And cucumber water sounds fancy, so I figured I would try it. I’m still meaning to write a blog post about drinking more water but at the same time, I need to practice what I preach.

    1. You’re right- there are more priorities than blogging!

      Lol my sister watched the whole of Desperate Housewives a while back and told me so much about it I feel like I watched it too 😂

      I look forward to your post about water because I’ve been trying more too. I add some lemon slices in my bottle sometimes to feel fancy lol 😂

  9. I respect people who make a schedule and stick to it, bit I’m not one of them! I think it’s important to give ourselves permission to take care of other priorities which come up in life! Instead of getting down on myself for what I DON’T do, I’ve been teaching myself to feel good about the things I DO accomplish! It’s very empowering! 😉😊

    1. I think that’s a great way of looking at your day- thinking of what you did accomplish instead of beating yourself up about what you didn’t do!

      1. I used to quite an expert at beating myself up, so when o heard Mike Dooley talking about flipping the script, I gave it a try! It’s made a huge difference for me! 😉

        1. That’s so great- glad you no longer do that!

          1. Right?! Me too! 😄😄

  10. Posting on a schedule is so difficult!!!! Its been a whole year and I still haven’t been able to do it. I’d rather just enjoy blogging minus all the pressure of a schedule. 🙂

    1. Lol I totally get that- it’s exactly why I don’t plan to always stick to the schedule lol!

  11. Real lives always come before blogging. 🥰

  12. Crap happens don’t sweat it Life is good
    Laugh! It just makes sense

    1. Yup it does lol!

  13. Meh, schedules! I hate them personally. Too much pressure

    1. Yup they’re annoying but they keep me productive- I’m not too strict about it though!

  14. I’m sharing a tip:

    “Find X problem” to blog about.

    Check all your favourite social media, hear what people are saying. Here we’re working for solution of X problem for our friends. This way, you can blog-worthy.

    1. That’s a good tip thanks!

  15. Don’t worry, Pooja. These things happen at times. We’ll be here for you. Always. I had a very bad day myself. I am feeling much better now. I always find that scheduling posts in advance helps me a lot.

    1. Thanks! Glad you’re feeling better and yes scheduling does help but for some reason today is the one day my post wasn’t ready for- literally the rest of the weeks posts are ready to publish. Lol the universe is being annoying!

      1. Oh I know that. It happens to me at times too. It can be really frustrating. But don’t worry, we’ll never hold that against you ❤️

        1. Thanks and yeah it’s just a bit annoying but life goes on lol!

          1. Absolutely. You’re very welcome 🙂

  16. Life has a tendency to upset our best intentions.

    1. Unfortunately that’s very true.

  17. As a ‘whatever’ blogger , I’m in AWE of your productivity. But I’m even more impressed by this little post, which shows that you have your priorities straight. Well done, as always.

    Oh and today we’re in a wonderful old semi-restored chateau outside Calais. We’ve been here a couple of days as we (hopefully) ✔️ the endless boxes necessary to bring us, our hugely overloaded car, and geriatric dog back into the UK after our year in Italy. Fingers-crossed we’ll be on the Eurotunnel shuttle train in a few hours and heading for Scotland.

    1. Thanks that really means a lot!

      Oh wow that’s great- hope you had a wonderful time in Italy!

  18. It’s always okay to bunk our schedule if the work isn’t official.
    And I can surely say that you’re handling too much workload.

    I can barely move my fingers while writing a scheduled blog post. lol…

    Thanks, Pooja. For reminding everyone to take a forced break.

    1. Lol thanks and yeah forced breaks are very necessary sometimes!

  19. Best laid plans, and all that. Sometimes I think we shouldn’t make plans, for the minute you do, someone or something will stamp all over them…

    1. True- my plans generally tend to fall through at the last minute lol…

      1. Something we can almost rely on around here, too…

  20. The same is happening with me, I have my exams in a week. I have been studying for that and don’t have time to post blogs. It’s vital to prioritise your tasks and it’s no harm if you give more importance to yourself, so yea you didn’t mess up.

    1. Thanks and best of luck with your exams!

  21. Don’t fret it! I was halfway through writing a NSFW post yesterday when I got a call from my mother, so yeah, that definitely put me off of my stride lol. Life is never perfect, it will always throw curveballs at you. I’m glad you had a nice catch-up with your friend thought 🙂

    1. Lol I can see how that may have been distracting!

      Thanks and yeah life always has its ups and downs so schedules these days are more of a guide for me than something set in stone.

      1. Just a bit! Haha.

        Well I was encouraged by you to write one of my own so hopefully I’ll do a bit better at sticking to mine ;P

        1. Oh yay good luck with yours!

          1. Thank you!

  22. thta was no problem if you didn’t blogged as sometimes we can do other things and it was good to talk to a old friend blogging can be done any other time

    1. Thanks and yeah my friends are definitely my priority!

  23. Pay it no mind my friend. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Life can be hard enough without our help.

    1. Very true- I need to learn the little things slide.

  24. chatting with a friend seems much more enjoyable than writing a blog post!

    1. I must admit it was!

  25. Can I give you an honest advice?…….. Life never goes according to a plan its happened with me a billion times. 😂🤪 You go with the flow of blogging it doesn’t work.😅

    1. Lol so true!!

  26. I used to be great about sitting down a couple times a month and getting two weeks of content scheduled. Now, I’m working the day before – life has been crazy. Hopefully it will calm down soon.

    1. I feel the same way- I don’t know how I changed so much but yeah life gets crazy sometimes. Hopefully it will!

  27. Don’t be sorry, this actually makes me relate to you even more 😊

    1. Aww thanks!

  28. It makes sense, perfectly. Writing is great but sometimes, straying away from the routine isn’t bad, especially if there are friends involved!

    1. Yeah I absolutely agree!

  29. Oh it’s a very very valid reason! I’d totally do the same. I think this in itself is a great blogging advise 😉😉 know when to blog and when to not 🙂

    1. Haha thanks and yeah I guess this is technically an advice post lol!

  30. Even Jedis make mistakes 🙂

    1. And Jedi’s need some rest and time to catch up too haha!

      1. Yes they do 🙂

  31. My day has been pretty cool! All my stories on Kindle Vella on Amazon launched today. 🙂 I’m pretty excited about it.

  32. a little late to the discussion but i’m glad you tried to stick to your schedule! it’s never a bad thing to prioritize your personal life !

    i had a pretty interesting day today but i wasn’t as productive as i hoped. there’s always tomorrow though !!

  33. I don’t understand why people apologise over having to deal with real life and friends, it’s expected and should absolutely be prioritised over anything else. I hope you had a nice day with them, and I’m looking forward to the blogging advice regardless of when it drops!

    1. Thank you and you’re right we all have our real life priorities and that’s okay!

  34. Well, it’s okay to mess up. I also messed up a blogging schedule because I’m seeing a lot of parks right now

    1. As long as you’re having fun seeing parks 😊

      1. I have been yes!

  35. Yes, me too. I love those long talks between old friends and can’t live with it. Now social media and zoom have made it so convenient that often I have to really discipline myself to restrict my “social” time. Life is an uphill battle even if one is enjoying oneself. LOL.

    1. Lol true- I find myself spending too much time talking to friends and family but it’s so much fun I don’t want to stop lol.

  36. I am glad you talk to your friend, just talking to someone you haven’t talk in long just refreshes you. I am a new blogger and just start blogging day after yesterday and it is going great. Happy that my hardwork is paying off. Hope your day went good as well.😊

    1. Thanks and yeah it was super refreshing! Glad you’re enjoying blogging so far 😀

  37. Great choice, it is good to talk to our friends and share them thru a blog. Great sharing!

  38. In my opinion, sticking to a schedule is tiring work. It seems like we are forcing ourselves to think and write which may affect our writing or work. You should write whenever you want to write.

  39. Hey my Jedi friend… if you need a blogging topic I mentioned you in my post last week on Monday I think called Reeling… hoping you’ll write about how you schedule reading posts cuz you know I’m struggling keeping up.. I think you finally might be too with this many followers and I’m a light weight. xo💖💖

  40. Our real lives sure matters. I love this post

    1. Yup real life comes first- thank you!

  41. Hello! Don’t feel bad! We are all human! I blog on train rides and when I have snatches of limited time in bus queues haha…I started my blog again because I now have some interesting menus for clean eating which I have been on the last 3 months….and I have about 8 short posts lined up…when I have the time I polish them….have a great day!

    1. Thanks and it’s great you use your free time during the day to blog even if it’s just a few minutes!

  42. Maintaing real friends is equally important or somewhat more important than virtual connection so that was so nice of you to catch up your friend. I had spent my whole day with my grandparents and it was all so amazing.👏👏👏👏

  43. Hi. I’m new here. Love your style. Short, light-hearted, and honest. Today was the 1st day of Eid here (I’m Muslim) so we went to Eid prayer, then to my grandmother for special Eid bagels, then I went home as I wasn’t feeling well (GI problems for 3 days). Then I went to my in-laws for lunch and stayed there. I couldn’t even eat my favorite stuffed grape leaves (made special for Eid) and had spaghetti with yogurt instead. But on the bright side, we took many pictures and my son was amicable today (he is 6). I’m home now resting.

    1. Thanks and hope you had a good first day of Eid!

  44. […] I Messed Up […]

  45. Life is about balance, and being really good and juggling lol. Life will always end up being messy and out of sorts. Due to other people that you have to interact with such as waiting on them there 30 mins late now you have to finish your task with then and alter your schedule. Making things even more strenuous, other people who are on time are asking you why you are late. Of course you say the reason but it still leads to other things. In sort no matter how much you plan ahead. There will always be someone something to help 🆘 turn your well planned day in to chaos.

  46. Good going

    1. Thanks 🙂

  47. Sticking to a schedule is hardwork! You’re doing great!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  48. Omg I have not posted like all summer. I have been terrible!!!! I just saw my “traffic is up compared to an average of zero views!”

    1. Ouch WP is really rubbing it in lol! That’s okay to take a break and hope you get into a good posting routine now!

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