This Week On Lifesfinewhine

Life Update

This Week On Lifesfinewhine

I just wanted to share a post with a bunch of information about Lifesfinewhine this week. I feel like January has just had so much going on. I know I’ve been sharing a lot of these sort of updates post but I kind of have to. I want to keep my Lifesfinewhiners in the loop.

The Story Behind Lifesfinewhine

Recently, I had the absolute pleasure of sharing my story on another site. I have talked about Lifesfinewhine and my blogging journey on here before. But that was quite a while back and a lot has happened since then. I mean, it’s literally been like years since shared my blogging journey posts, lol.

So anyway, I share a more updated version of my blogging journey. And how it led to me becoming a writer and freelancer. I also share some of the challenges to expect when it comes to blogging and some blogging advice. You can read the full article using this link:

Schedule For The Week

As most of you know by now, I have a lot going on this month. With the poetry anthology I’m part of coming out, working on my own books, my cousins wedding and much more I don’t have much time. Now that I am working full time, I need to prioritise. And blogging is unfortunately not always my number one priority. So, I will be taking some days off in January. This will be my last post until Friday. So there will be no post on Thursday this week. Apologies and don’t miss me too much, lol.

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69 responses to “This Week On Lifesfinewhine”

  1. Thank you for telling us, Pooja. No worries. I dislike the feeling of worrying whenever you can’t post or just merely desire to take a break. It’s totally fine and definitely necessary to refill our creative wells 🙂

    1. Thanks so much and yes breaks are good 🙂

  2. Take the time you need! ❤️

    1. Thank you! 😊

  3. That article is amazing! I am so happy for all the good things happening for you right now!

    1. Thank you so much!

  4. All the best.

    1. Thanks so much.

  5. Sometimes when people say they have a lot going on, it’s like “uh oh.” But you have a lot of happy, positive things going on, and that’s great! Yes, definitely prioritize! And have fun! See you when you get back 😊

    1. Yes, I’m glad it’s all happy things too. Thanks! 😊

  6. Busy schedule Pooja… But lovely and lively too… You will be missed 😋🤗🤍

    1. Thanks so much, I’ll miss everyone too 😊

  7. You’ve given us enough content to last us till you come back. We love you Pooj❤❤❤

    1. Glad to hear that, thanks so much 😊❤️

  8. Oh, but we will miss you 🙂 Good luck!

    1. Haha I’ll be back Saturday don’t worry! Thanks!

  9. We will most certainly miss you. We will be alright though. Take all of the time you need. Congratulations on all of the happiness you are having. We know you will fill us in when you come back. Just enjoy yourself. Thanks for telling us. Have a great break.

    1. Thanks but hopefully I’ll be back Saturday. Thanks so much.

      1. You’re welcome.

  10. Have a great time, Pooja!

    1. Thanks so much!

  11. It’s nice that you’re happily busy.

    1. It’s definitely something I’m grateful for.

  12. That was a great article at the acoustics post. Good to know about your journey as a blogger! And we will definitely miss your blog post on Thursday.

    1. Thank you so much!

  13. Come back whenever you can. It would be good to hear from you when you are all well and rested.

    1. Thanks, hope to be back Friday or Saturday.

  14. Time to read your older blogs to stay entertained…
    Will give you tons of notifications.
    Take care, give time to rest and stay healthy.

    1. Haha I look forward to the notifications.

  15. We’ll miss you, but you have to take care of yourself!

    1. Thanks, will do!

  16. You have loads of your many informative posts to get through while your away and I look forward to when you return. All the best for the busy month ahead!

    1. Thank you so much, appreciate that.

  17. It’s impressive that even with so much going on you’re able to keep your blog readers updated so consistently. You’re a superhuman!

    1. Thanks so much, lol of course I’m only human 😅

  18. Enjoy the busy month! Hugs, C

    1. Thanks so much!

  19. We will miss you, but that’s indeed a pretty busy schedule.

    1. Thanks so much, yes it’s a very busy month.

  20. I’m looking forward to seeing everything you’re working on!
    It’s a packed month for you!

    1. Thanks so much, yes it’s such a busy month!

  21. I hope you will be back soon with full energy. Big Hugs dear. I’ll miss your writings and offcourse interacting with you virtually in comment section. Take care. Hope you have great time.

    1. I’ll be posting in a few hours. I just needed one day off. Thanks so much.

  22. Enjoy your break! I’m taking a break too, so I get it

    1. Thanks and enjoy your too!

  23. It’s Friday and I missed this.. have a good “break”. whatever that means.. 😺🤣

    1. Haha thanks, it was a fun day hanging out with family! 😬

  24. As I think I have said before, so important to take the time you need and yes I will miss your posts but your priorities are more important. I will check out that “career as a freelancer”, as it will be interesting to explore your journey in more detail. I wish you well with your poetry, books and “kind of crazy” weddings 🙂

    1. I agree, some days you just need off to have fun in real life. Thanks so much.

      1. Very welcome 🙂

  25. That’s really a busy life and take some rest once a while. And I will miss you very much, especially your insightful comments. However I know taking time off is important for all of us. Wish you enjoy your cousin’s wedding.. I am just imagining how beautiful it will be…

    1. Thanks so much, I’m back now. But I’ll be taking more time off next week too. Will be missing your posts and comments as well.

  26. Always enjoy your needed informational posts. Social media breaks are good.
    Enjoy the time.

    1. Thanks so much.

  27. Hi pooja! first of all I also had some time off from freelancing and blogging because of the new job. Now I’m sort of getting back together and sort of ready to continue on blogging. Anyways gonna miss your musing ofc

    1. Glad you’re back and thanks, I’m excited to read new posts from you too!

  28. Well, It’s already the end of the week so I hope you had a great one. As you say, a busy life needs prioritising, and it’s great that you are already doing that to prevent feeling too overwhelmed and burned out in the weeks. Take care!

    1. I did and hope you had a great one too! Thank you!

  29. I don’t know how you handle blogging with such a busy schedule… a break is always good. 👍

    1. Haha a lot of scheduling ahead of time helps. Thanks 🙂

  30. That’s true. 🙂

  31. Really hope the poetry anthology and the books come along nicely. Look forward to reading your next post when you get back ! Don’t work too hard 🙂

    1. Update, just seen the date on this post. Ignore the second sentence.

    2. Thank you so much! 🙂

      1. Welcome 🙂

  32. Working full time is a blessing. I cant wait for the book!

    1. Thank you so much!

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