How To Increase Your Following

Increasing Your Following

Although a lot of people blog as a hobby or just as a way to practice writing/put out their work a lot of people also want to grow their following. And many eventually want to transition into full-time blogging. Whether you just want to have a larger audience, earn an income from blogging or market other services of products you offer like books it is quite beneficial to have a large number of followers. Of course, it is not necessary in any way to have more followers. The most important part of blogging should be being able to put out your posts and interact with other people. However, if you are looking to grow your blog, this is how you can increase your following:

Be Active

If you want to grow your blog one of the most important things is to be active. Firstly, you need to figure out your optimum time so that you can schedule your post accordingly to get the optimum number of views and follows. If you’re not sure what your optimum time to post is and want to learn how to find it in order to grow your blog click here. Once you have have figured out your optimum time make sure to actively and consistently post on a regular basis.

People generally prefer to follow blogs that they know will publish posts consistently because it makes it easier for them.If you post at random timings people may not have time to read some of your posts and may eventually stop reading your blog altogether as they are not sure whether or not you are still posting and when you will post. Just being regular with posts makes a huge difference in both traffic and following- not only will you gain more traffic and followers but you will gain loyal traffic and followers which is very important.

After you start posting regularly you need to start being active on other blogs. WordPress is a two way street and you can not expect people to support your blog if you do not support theirs so make sure to support other blogs by regularly leaving likes and comments and even sharing posts you find particularly interesting. 

Explore Other Blogs

In a world with literally thousands of blogs it is rare that someone will randomly stumble across your blog and like it enough to follow you. You need to be the one to reach out to other blogs and make sure people are very aware of your blog. It’s great to support blogs that support you but don’t forget to explore outside your reader and find blogs that don’t follow you. This will help bring awareness to your blog and is a great way to grow your following.

I would recommend finding 5 posts you like by 5 bloggers that don’t follow your blog and leaving a comment on their post every day if you have the time to do so. Just to be very clear please leave a genuine comment about their post not a spam comment trying to force them to follow you. Spam comments will do much more harm to your blog and image than good.  

Market Yourself

Marketing yourself is a huge part of growing your blog. I know it may sound weird but you need to be your biggest cheerleader when it comes to growing your blog. Market yourself on social media and WordPress as much as possible in order to bring awareness to your blog and your posts. It’s a great way to increase traffic and increased traffic will consequently mean an increased following. There are a number of ways to market yourself. You can market you blog on your social media pages. Or you can participate in awards/challenges/tags. You can write guest posts for larger blogs. Or you can find blogs that offer share and promote pages and leave your link there. For more details on how to market your blog click here. 

Put Out High Quality Posts

At the end of the day the most important part of blogging is your posts. That’s what makes people visit your blog and that is what will make people decide whether or not to follow your blog. If you write posts that you are passionate about, topics you are personally interested in and make sure to keep it real readers will appreciate your content. And want to follow your blog for other similar content.

If you are a multi-niche blog I would recommend taking a survey every few months. Ask your readers what they want to see. So that you can see what topics/posts are most popular among your readers. This helps you keep in touch with what your audience wants and your audience feels heard. This will decrease your unfollows and increase your followers.

The quality of your posts are very important too- truth be told no one wants to read a low quality post when there are thousands of high quality ones on the Internet. Typos and grammatical errors are quite common. Having one or two once in a while is completely okay. But having a large number of typos and grammatical errors on every single post can turn off readers. This can happen if you are writing in a language that is not your first language, have a problem with grammar/typos in general, write quickly without paying full attention to the post, etc.

I would highly recommend editing your posts if you are prone to such errors. And if need be use services like Grammarly that will help you find errors. However, the problem with services like that is that it may not always be accurate. And may leave out some actual errors while pointing out errors that aren’t there. If you are having this problem reach out to people who help edit posts manually- lifesfinewhine does offer this. 

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Are you trying to increase your following or audience? Do you struggle with increasing your followers/audience? What are some of the ways you use to increase followers? Do you use any of the methods I mentioned? If so have these methods helped you increase your following? Let me know in the comments below I would love to hear your thoughts. 

For similar posts click here.

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237 responses to “How To Increase Your Following”

  1. Thank you for these tips! As a new blogger I find them very helpful!

    1. So glad you found them helpful!

    2. Thank you so much. This is so insightful.

      1. My pleasure!

  2. I really appreciate this post because I find it very very helpful, especially for those who are novice to the art of blogging. 👍👍

    1. I’m so glad to hear that you found it helpful!

  3. Sierra R. Childs Avatar
    Sierra R. Childs

    Thank you for writing this article! I am new to blogging but I already absolutely love it! Thank you for the help of how to encourage me to reach as many people as possible. I hope you have a wonderful day😁

    1. Thank you so much- I’m so glad it’s helpful!

  4. […] How To Easily And Instantly Increase Your Following […]

  5. I don’t post often but I make sure whatever I publish is high-quality and something I am actually proud of… it takes a while and I don’t have as many followers as I could have if I posted more often. However, high-quality blog posts are important to me. I refuse to publish something if I know it could be better! This can be problematic sometimes, because I suffer from something called Analysis by Paralysis LOL Good tips, for both novice and pro bloggers.

    1. Yeah quality is so important!! Lol I used to have the same problem but over time I was like no I can’t keep editing like this- I need to let it go and just post.

  6. Ah thanks for the recommendations PoojaG. But how do you find random blogs to comment on. Whenever I go to WordPress Discover it’s usually an endless abyss that never ends.

    1. I would recommend the tags section on the Reader- the Discover can be a bit useless in that way.

      1. Thanks PoojaG! I’ll check that right away.

        1. Hope it helps! I would recommend searching relevant tags like “travel” or “travelling” to help find similar posts/blogs.

          1. Thank you so so much!!!

            1. You’re very welcome!

      2. Yes this is such a game changer that I have only realised 🙈

    2. I’m keen to hear her response on this too, but try searching for key words in the search not on discover. You’ll find posts with those words and a list of bloggers that either have that in their name or in their description.

      1. Yes that’s a really good way to find new blog! You can search keywords like “travel” and find posts and sites related to the keyword. Thanks for that Shelly!

      2. Oh thanks this helps.

  7. All of your points are great for newbies.

    1. Thanks- glad they’re helpful!

  8. this is a really helpful post! I’ve noticed that posting regularly helps a LOT. Once I started posting at the same time(~7:30 pm) on specific days of the week, I started getting much more consistent traffic. Also, I have discovered that if I spend time browsing WordPress keywords and following new blogs, it leads to more random people finding mine (maybe browsing helps with the algorithm?)

    1. Consistency is super important for sure. Browsing definitely helps- it lets WordPress know that your blog is active and helps direct traffic to your blog.

  9. Thanks much for sharing. I find it useful

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  10. Some great advice! Now that I have finally figured out a weekly schedule, I am hoping to get the consistency part nailed. Though, at some point, I do have to get non-blog writing done! This is just more fun…lol.

    1. Haha yes blogging can be a bit distracting!

  11. Great advice! I’ve also found that finding people who have similar interests helps a lot in gaining friends and followers online.

    1. Yes finding similar blogs/bloggers definitely increases the chances of them following you!

  12. Wow, this is such a helpful post, Pooja! And I admit that, like I mentioned before, I lack much confidence in marketing but I know it will really help my blog so little by little, I try to expand and maybe reach out to others too. I really look forward to it! Thanks for this, Pooja!

    1. So glad the post was helpful! It took me 4 years to be confident enough to market so I totally get how you feel but it is so worth it!

  13. Very helpful post thank you for sharing your advice to someone new at this!

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  14. It’s helpful ! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Glad to hear that!

  15. It’s really is helpful to me !!! Thanks a lot for the posts ❤

    1. Thank you- so glad it’s helpful!

  16. Pooja, great post! I didn’t realize I was already following these steps but they definitely have been working. Blogging is an outlet for me, something I’m doing part time right now but looking to get into full time. You’re absolutely right about engaging other bloggers. What I’ve found (and you mentioned in your blogging journey post) is that people don’t have much time to be reading through every post, especially if you don’t do the same. I think it’s easier to skim through a grammatically correct post than one full of errors. I personally struggle to sit and try to make out what a person is trying to say.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes I agree having a well written post will help readers who skim through pick up keywords and comment accordingly.

  17. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful information. I am actually writing here because its my hobby but I am interested as well on how to grow my followers. These tips are so great!

    1. Thank you- I’m so glad you found the post helpful and best of luck growing your blog!

  18. Thank you Pooja. Quite a helpful post👍

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  19. Quality content not quantity of posts. Goes without saying… Awesome tips! I learned something I should improve on… Using tags and participating in awards. Also the 5 new blog post a day. Thank you so much.

    1. Thanks and glad you found it helpful!

  20. Thank yoy for this tips! I only just started my blog and WordPress can be a little confusing sometimes so this was really helpful!

    1. So glad this is helpful!

  21. Hi Pooja! Thank you for this post, it really boost my confidence that I’m on a right track!
    I’ve been doing 1K blog marathon, and I’m just getting started (currently on my 27th day). I know I have a long way to go, but at least I get the courage to push that “Publish” button and get out of my comfort zone. Thanks again!

    1. I’m so glad this post had that effect and all the very best with your 1K blog marathon!!

  22. Really useful tips! ☺️

    1. Thank you!

  23. Thank you so much as I’m a new to blogging this is very helpful.❤️✌️

    1. So glad to hear that!

    1. Thank you!

  24. Good ideas Pooj.

    1. Thanks Opher!

  25. Thank you, very helpful!

    1. That’s great to hear!

  26. This is so helpful, thank you! <3

    1. So glad to hear that!

  27. Thank you for these tips! They’re really helpful, I’ll definitely try it!

    1. So glad they’re helpful!

  28. Thank you Miss Pooja for such helpful tips.

    1. So glad they’re helpful!

  29. Always adding value to the community. Well done.

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. You really are booming as a blogger, well done. Your an inspiration to thousands of people.

        1. Wow that’s so lovely of you to say- I’m honoured that you think so!

  30. Great advice as always!

    1. Thank you so much!

  31. Great tips babe! Thank you

    1. Thank you so much!

  32. Great advice at usual, Pooja ♥️

    1. Thank you so much!

  33. Great tips, Pooja! Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  34. Thanks for this. It’s really helpful!

    1. So glad to hear that!!

  35. Thanks for sharing this! I need to start becoming more active on WordPress and I’m trying it recently so hopefully my blog will grow more!

    1. Thank you and good luck with that!!

  36. Market yourself works very well with social media. I was in a Facebook in a group, which I posted a comment, could have been better, but it was in alignment with marketing yourself. Thanks for the smart tips!

    1. Thanks! Yeah marketing is really great and social media is one of the best ways to market yourself.

  37. […] How To Easily And Instantly Increase Your Following […]

  38. You always have the best tips! Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much!!

  39. Thank you for sharing with us 🙂

    1. Hope it helps!

  40. Always Great tips! Everytime I read your post I get a little more of an understanding but it seeps in slowly. It’s a weird insidious thing because I write to write and I’m not a social media person. However, somehow I have become one; Covid? Assuming as much. I move in my work and the sitting of writing is tedious yet fulfilling. . I’m still in evaluation and do love the game of figuring out what the heck I’m doing and growing. Time will tell and I will figure it out and absorb more of what you’re saying. I do write a monthly newsletter to my clients and all sorts of things in my journal. I think it might be like Zoom as it’s another learning platform and once I get it… I will be good. Thanks!

    1. I’m so glad you’re finding my posts helpful! Haha I am definitely not a social person in general but Covid has been reaching out to people I haven’t talked to in years. It takes a while to understand everything and figure everything out- it took me like two years to get the hang of blogging- but I definitely think it’s worth the effort.

      1. I so much do and your empathy and willingness to support others on their journey and path. My son helped me tonight and we worked together seamlessly and he got to understand my frustration first hand. I decided just to follow people in reader instead of receiving emails. Now maybe I can get back to writing instead of plowing through emails. 🤞it works!

        1. I’m glad you decided to stick with the reader- the emails get very overwhelming for sure!

          1. Thanks so much. I felt so much better this morning not having so much bombardment. I appreciate your support and input. If I miss something, so be it❣️

            1. Yeah I think it sometimes it just gets too much and it can turn into an obsession to check every notification. That’s how I was in my first year of blogging but now I just let some stuff go.

              1. hallelujah!!! My mantra will be 1 year even though I started and stopped a few years ago.

  41. […] How To Easily And Instantly Increase Your Following […]

  42. Some great advice as always!! You should consider writing a blogging for beginners guidebook xxx I’m trying to increase my following and what I’m trying out now is doing more networking and being more active in the blogging world rather than simply increasing my posts (because I know I can’t sustain it). I’m looking into how I can market my blog better on social media but I’m not quite so sure yet (I’m also contemplating adding a better mailing list and additional bonuses for those who email subscribe but I’m still working out all the details!). Thanks for the great advice xxx

    1. Thank you so much! I’ve always wanted to write a book so maybe someday!
      Networking is so important when it comes to growing your blog. Of course being active and consistent on your own blog is great but people won’t really know or care about your blog unless you take the time to look at theirs. Social media and mailing lists are also a great way to grow your blog too!

      1. Yes I remember you saying that in one of your other posts so I think you should definitely consider it!! Exactly what I’m finding is people are more likely to read and respond to your blog if you take the time to show you’ve done the same. Thanks for the advice – you really have been so helpful to me and my blog xx

        1. Yeah I agree when they see that you use your own advice and it’s been successful for you they are way more likely to listen to your advice.

          1. I completely agree – practice what you preach and all 🙂 xx

  43. I am always happy to increase my following! Very helpful post 🥰

    1. So glad you found it helpful!!

  44. getting more followers is a constant struggle, but being active with other bloggers seems to have worked best for me. And I am a big fan of Grammarly…

    1. Yeah being active makes a huge difference! Grammarly is great but some people have a bit of trouble with it sometimes.

      1. Grammarly can be a bit picky sometimes…

        1. Yeah especially the free version- it’s not great.

          1. and that’s the one I use!

  45. Excellent suggestions for new bloggers 🙂
    I will share this post later tonight

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate it!

      1. You’re welcome

  46. This is definitely something that I struggle with – I have steady growth month over month, but its not at the level that I’d hoped it would be. I think in my case, it could be due to my niche.
    For a while, I did try interacting with blogs that were new to me, but I never really saw a lot of interaction back. I’m curious, how long did it take for you to see that method really grow your network?

    1. Yeah makeup/beauty is a more difficult niche to grow. Do you usually interact with other bloggers through the search or tags section of your reader? That method worked almost instantly for me.

  47. These are great tips, Pooja! I’ve done some of them, and it worked. I also agree with Grammarly. I don’t know for the premium version, but for the free version, it really helps with checking spellings but not much for the grammar. 😅

    1. Thank you! Yes for the free version you need to have pretty good grammar and English in general. It’s more of a spell check/check for typos.

  48. […] How To Easily And Instantly Increase Your Following — lifesfinewhine […]

  49. It’s so helpful and educative

    1. Thank you so much!

      1. U are welcome

  50. […] Hi guys, I’m back writing with Pooja from lifesfinewhine. […]

  51. For starters like me, this is really helpful. Thankyou so much.

    1. So glad to hear that!

  52. Thanks For Tips! Much Appreciated

    1. My pleasure!

  53. Thanks for the tips! There’s so much to learn in blogging, this is helpful.

    1. So glad this was helpful!

  54. These are all great tips. One thing I have noticed though is that high quality posts don’t matter as much. People prefer interesting content over quality

    1. Thanks! I agree interesting content is important but I personally don’t think people will read your content if the grammar is completely off and your post has multiple typos. I have seen some posts that are barely coherent and was not able to finish reading them even though I initially found them interesting.

      1. I am the same way when reading posts

  55. Nice post…. I like reading other blogs…. Some posts makes me happy, inspires me…. So it is a nice feeling…. I like making new good friends…. I don’t know whether I am stupid to trust people but I am like that…. I love all my good friends from my heart…. For me, my blog is an exciting world of happiness…. Something that heals the broken heart…. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thanks! No you’re not stupid- it’s good to keep your heart open and not see everyone as a threat. I love meeting new people online and making new friends as well.

  56. Hi Pooja, I do agree that one should try and post frequently. Especially as a lot of people follow and read multiple blogs, if you don’t post for a while then there is a risk that people forget about your blog. I also agree that high quality posts are so important!

    1. Yes exactly- people assume you stopped blogging or forget that your blog exists. It’s a good way to stay relevant.

  57. Very helpful post! I agree that it is very important to make sure that they’re aren’t grammatical errors and typos in your posts. Avoiding these little mistakes goes a long way with showing readers that you put effort into your writing!

    1. Thank you so much! I totally agree the small things make a huge difference!

  58. Yes your strategy works for sure. My first year of blogging was terribly slow but my second year has been going a lot better.

    1. I’m glad you’re doing better in your second year!

      1. Thank you!

        1. You’re very welcome!

  59. As a new blogger,I find this really helpful and informative. thank you

    1. Thank you so glad you found it helpful!

  60. This is really helpful.. thanks for sharing 😊

    1. Glad to hear that!

  61. Thank you so much for sharing! These are very helpful tips! (:

    1. Thank you- I’m so glad you found them helpful!

  62. I found your post very helpful and reminded me to get back to basics. Be consistent. Thank you!

    1. Thank you and hope it helps!

  63. This is really great advice! I never really thought about blogging as a time sensitive thing! Will be sure to check out your related article on posting times. Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much and hope they help!

  64. Thanks for sharing these tips Pooja. 🤗

    1. My pleasure!

  65. Thanks Pooja! I just started blogging and it’s really awesome to have some good guidance.

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  66. Thank you very much for showing me the way.

    1. Hope this helps!

  67. Your posts are intriguing
    Keep up the good work
    Notes taken carefully 😃😃😃

    1. Thank you so much!!

  68. Thank you so much! A lot of great tips here!

    1. Thanks and hope they help!

  69. This was incredibly helpful. Will certainly work on applying these.
    Thank you so much !

    1. Hope it helps!

  70. Great tips and beautiful post. Thank you for reading “Outlander”. Excellent book by the way. I can certainly recommend it to you. Take care. Bob

    1. Thank you! I will be sure to check it out!

  71. Nice post and great tips.

    1. Thank you!

  72. Thank you for these tips! They’re really helpful (:

    1. So glad you found it helpful!

  73. Great tips. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you so much!

  74. As a new comer to blogging world this is really insightful. Looking forward to use the tricks and get some followere 🙃.
    Thanks for the post. @poojaG

    1. So glad you found the post helpful!

  75. Thank you .. really helpful

    1. Thanks- so glad it was helpful!

  76. Thanks for the tips 💕

    1. Hope they help!

  77. Great post, really appreciate you sharing such detail post.

    1. Thank you!

  78. […] your niche and what direction to take your blog in, how to grow your blog and get more traffic and following or you may simply be confused about how to create blogs that are SEO friendly that use all the […]

  79. Thank you for sharing. I think I need to be more active and do more marketing, but I haven’t been able to do it. LOL. Although I profess that I want to change, I am usually too lazy to make changes to my blogging behaviors. Anyway, to your list, I also like to add that writing can be very therapeutically. I’ve discovered my hidden bitterness through blogging and have done something to alleviate that; I have written about past friendships and had discovered subtle signs that I missed at the time; I have talked about narcissism in my blog, which has helped me defend myself. Just last week, when somebody tried to blame others for a missed step in a document, I stepped in and stopped such a behavior in a joking manner. It was quite successful. I know this sounded like a very small thing, but for a victim of narcissism, it is not the easiest thing to do.

    1. It’s fine you still have time lol. I know it’s annoying making these changes and sometimes I get lazy to make them too but it’s worth it.
      Yes, I agree. Writing can be therapeutic and allow us to heal. I’m so glad you stepped in and are learning to stand up against others. That’s definitely progress.

  80. Thank you for the tips, I can say that I have used more than one of them and they all work.

    Yes I struggle with increasing my audience most especially the non- bloggers.
    So I do my best to market my blogs outside wordpress.

    1. I’m so glad to hear that. Marketing outside WordPress and working on your SEO is the best way to get a larger audience of non-bloggers.

  81. Thank you, Pooja, for these tips. I’ve been posting as and when I like. I have a few people who regularly check my blog because we’ve built a relationship over the years, but like you said, the comments are far and few in number. Thank you again for this.

    1. Yes, it’s better to post more regularly so your audience knows when to check your blog. Thanks and I hope this helps.

  82. Great tips Pooja.

    1. Thanks so much.

  83. I am still trying to write regularly to schedule my post and connect to more bloggers. Thanks for great tips, Pooja.

    1. Yes, having a regular and consistent schedule will help with that. Although it’s not always realistically possible. Thanks.

  84. Great information. Thank you for sharing. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks and have a great week too.

  85. I always learn something when I read your posts to help me to be a better writer.

    1. Happy to hear that.

  86. Great advice as always, Pooja,

    1. Thank you so much.

  87. Mine’s decreasing!! But never mind!

    1. Try some of the tips I mentioned, they may help!

  88. I guess it depends on the blogger. at first I thought making it instructional, but transitioned into be about me rebuilding me. after a decade of kind of being lost, after a lot of years as a runner, biking, swimming, triathloning and doing lots to not really not wanting to do anything….falling on and fracturing my head four years ago, yeah, this became about me trying getting back to me being me…that’s a lot of me….and if following me doing that inspires others so be it….I guess the blog became a virtual someone to lean on

    1. That’s wonderful, I think your journey could be inspiring for many. I know I always really like reading your posts.

  89. I think most of my likes, comments and followers are due to your taking an interest in my blog. Thank you so much. You have been such a great help with your posts and suggestions. You should be nominated for an MBE or the Kenyan equivalent.🙂

    Grammarly has been a huge help for me too. It can be a double edged sword when it comes to editing. I find it tends to strip away the voice if you rely on it too much. Not unexpected because it is an AI tool, of course. I am sure it will continue to get better.

    My day job schedule has been a dog’s breakfast lately so it makes it hard to pick a regular time. I have been thinking of using scheduled posts instead, but not sure how the menu will be affected.

    I also think my focus needs some fine tuning. (I still laugh at the acronym)

    Thanks again for all you do.

    1. You’re very welcome, I’m always happy to support your blog since I genuinely enjoy your posts.

      Yeah, Grammarly is a great starting point but like you said it’s best not to overuse it when it comes to editing and it takes away your voice and makes the post more robotic.

      Scheduled posts help a lot with consistency. Would definitely recommend it.

      Thanks for always supporting my blog too, it really means a lot.

  90. Hi Pooja. I enjoyed your blog very much. Are you really an insomniac? I’ve thought about looking into a cpap machine.

    1. Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I struggle a lot with falling asleep although more so before. It’s gotten a little better these days after I started taking some herbal supplements. I’ve heard the cpap machine is helpful for sleep apnea but not sure if it helps for insomnia. If you do decide to get it I hope it helps.

  91. Hmmmm interesting!!

    But the thing is
    I can’t post daily
    This month ( jan 2024)
    I have posted twice, for some reason I’ve lost the zeal for a while. I’m planning to write 2 before the month ends 😁

    Should I visit different bloggers daily and comment? Should I repeat them? Should I follow them as well before they can follow me?

    Btw Hi from future.
    I won’t be saying much to you otherwise it can effect your future.

    But 2 things

    You’ll be finest blogger soon
    Trust the process and keep thriving.

    If you see me in 2021, I may sound weird. In fact I’ll unfollow you because I might not understand what to expect
    But you keep interacting because we will be great blogging friends someday.

    1. I understand, we all have ups and downs with blogging. I haven’t posted much this month either as I’ve been busy. I want to do better next month.

      I would recommend visiting different bloggers and liking + commenting but not following unless you genuinely enjoy their content and would like to follow them.

      Haha glad you decided to refollow me, where would I be without FGW. Life would be boring without your comments 😅

      1. Okay I will try that. I generally see how active people are in their own comments section. If they respond to other comments, then they would care further.

        I don’t know if that’s sarcasm or what 😜

        1. That’s true. And people who care often get more comments in general.

          1. I don’t ❌

            You do ✅ 😍

            There are things one can learn from you by observing you, but even then there are stuff that’s special and exclusive to you. 💕

            1. Still, you have a pretty decent amount of activity on your posts. There are people with like thousands of followers and two or three comments per post.

              1. Yes
                Again it’s how people respond to activity
                I think people understand that if it’s worth it to drop comments or not.

                I appreciate comments rather than likes
                Comments shows interaction and interest

                1. Yeah, I feel the same way. It shows that people actually care enough about the post to comment.

                  1. Yes 😀
                    As per your suggestion I find some people/post to interact with

                    However, they have good following and likes, but they weren’t responding to the comments in their own post.

                    I even saw many of your comments, you somehow manage time, that’s commendable. But, again, you have a limit as well, your comments were not there on all of their latest post, means you can see they don’t care to give back?

                    1. Yeah, it depends for me. I don’t like leaving comments if I’m constantly not getting responses so either they stopped responding to comments or stopped interacting with my blog.

                    2. Okay…. Learning lessson for me.

                      I’ll do the same. However, what I actually do is not to be said here, haha.

                      But thanks PG

                    3. Haha no worries.

  92. Very true and helpful indeed, thanks.

    1. Thanks so much, glad you found the post helpful.

  93. I am grateful for these tips.Thanks

    1. Happy to share them, thanks so much.

  94. Really helpful post. I’ve been implementing these tips for a while now. It has helped a lot. Thanks a ton.

    1. That’s great, so glad the tips helped.

  95. Thanks Pooja for the awesome tips to grow your audience for your Blog!

    1. My pleasure and hope the tips help!

  96. Thank you for the tips. I will definitely implement them.

    1. Thanks, hope they help.

  97. Very informative

    1. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

  98. An excellent post packed with timeless tips!

    1. Thank you so much!

  99. Thank you for always posting information that’s helpful to all of us. Even though some of us have been blogging for years, it’s always good to learn something new.

    1. Glad the post was informative. Thanks so much.

      1. You’re welcome.

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