5 Ways To Deal With Back To School Anxiety

Ways To Deal With Back To School Anxiety

Ways To Deal With Back To School Anxiety

As you guys know my online classes started yesterday. And after reading your posts or some of your comments I know that a lot of you guys are back to school too. I haven’t made a post about mental health recently so I thought that I write one today. Here are five ways to deal with back to school anxiety:


Ways To Deal With Back To School Anxiety
I have talked about the benefits of CBD oil previous posts. But I wanted to mention it again on this one. Because out of everything I have ever tried for anxiety I think CBD oil has been one of the main things that have made a significant difference when it comes to anxiety.

Originally, I began taking CBD oil for insomnia as I had a hard time falling asleep and was a very light sleeper. CBD oil helped me sleep a lot better but it also really helped me with my anxiety and depression as well. For those of you who may not have read any of my previous posts I do suffer from anxiety so I was really relieved and happy when I began taking CBD oil.

For those of you students who are able to get CBD oil in your area I would really recommend giving it a try. I personally have found it extremely beneficial for anxiety and I feel a lot more calm about things now. It also helps with concentration which I think is quite helpful as well if you’re a student.

I would like to keep this unbiased so I will also add that CBD oil can be expensive especially if you’re a student. Because I know that as a student we can have a pretty tight budget most of the time.

I know that most of you have also probably heard about CBD oil all over social media which is super annoying to me. I think CBD oil is actually beneficial. But influencers are being paid to advertise it as some kind of miracle cure for everything. It doesn’t work like that plus seeing it advertised makes people more skeptical about using it. Like I mentioned it is very beneficial for some people but it may not work for everyone because it also depends on other factors like what is causing your anxiety, your lifestyle etc.

For more on my personal experience with CBD oil click here.   


Meditation is also extremely beneficial for anxiety. It helps you relax and it helps you better control your mind and your thoughts. I personally think the best time to meditate is every morning and evening. That way you have a clear mind throughout the day. And go to sleep with a clear mind. However, I understand that may not be possible because of your class/work schedule. So, even if you can fit some meditation in at random times do so.

Meditation is also great in the long run not just for back to school anxiety because it does help to decrease anxiety in general as well. Like CBD oil it also helps with concentration which is great if you’re a student.

I know that meditation can be difficult for a lot of people especially people who have anxiety because our brain literally never shuts up. It does take some time and practice to get used to meditation but it is really worth it when you do. If you are having trouble meditating on your own I would recommend trying out meditation apps that guide you- that way you won’t be able to tune out.
For my review of different meditation apps click here.

Yoga/Breathing Exercises

Ways To Deal With Back To School Anxiety
Yoga and breathing exercises can also be very beneficial when it comes to anxiety. Yoga helps you to center your body and mind and if you have ever done yoga you know that calm feeling that washes over you as you do yoga. It’s like all your worries kind of melt away.

I think yoga is a great way for students to get some exercise in if you have online classes as well. And more importantly it will help you to reduce your stress and anxiety.

Breathing exercises can also be really helpful for reducing anxiety. There are a lot of breathing exercises out there so I would recommend trying some out and figuring out which ones work best for you. Some breathing exercises can stop panic attacks and even instantly decrease your anxiety completely if done correctly.

Be Prepared

One thing that really personally helps me reduce my anxiety when it comes to university is being prepared. A lot of times I tend to worry even more when I leave things till the last minute and I know a lot of people feel the same way. Instead of leaving things till the last minute be prepared.

Check that your laptop camera is working if you are studying online or check that you have everything you need if you are studying in class. Double check everything if you have to. Read your syllabus and be prepared for your classes. This can really help reduce anxiety.

Seek Help

The last thing I want to mention is that if you are feeling super overwhelmed and like nothing else is working for you please seek professional help. A lot of times anxiety can get a lot worse if not dealt with correctly. And instead of making yourself feel worse try to treat the symptoms as early as possible.

Most schools/colleges/universities also offer counselling and other services for people who are suffering from mental health problems. So, please take advantage of these resources and talk to someone. You can also find both online and in-person therapy sessions in most areas too.

I know it sounds scary to have to see a professional but it’s really not that scary. And definitely not something to be ashamed of.


So, are some ways to deal with back to school anxiety. Have your classes started again? Do you have online or in-school classes? Do you suffer from anxiety? If so, what are some ways you deal with back to school anxiety? Are you anxious about school starting again? Are you excited to have classes again? Let me know in the comments below or simply stop by and say hi!

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96 responses to “5 Ways To Deal With Back To School Anxiety”

  1. […] 5 Ways To Deal With Back To School Anxiety […]

  2. You know it’s been 2 months I’m attending online classes. Actually It was fun in the starting days but now I’m really missing my school very much. There is a big difference between taking online classes and studying in school.
    By the way, thanks for this post Pooja, I will share this to my friends and I hope they’ll like it too.

    1. Yeah I feel like it’s just not the same as in-school classes unfortunately. Thanks so much for sharing the post with your friends I truly appreciate it!

  3. Great tips! School can for sure bring a lot of unwanted (and unnecessary at times) stress! Anxiety is something I struggle with day to day , so thank you so much for sharing that 🙂 💖 Good luck in school !

    1. Thank you and I totally agree!!

  4. Oh boy! That was the life! It’s almost weird not starting classes though after a long time in school. I also use doTerra oils to help me with anxiety! They’re awesome!

    1. I’ve never used doTerra but I will definitely look into them. Oils can be super helpful for anxiety!

      1. You should! I got my Mom into them this year. I recommend getting their Family Essentials Kit to start with

        1. I’ll check the Family Essentials Kit out thanks for the recommendation!

          1. You’re welcome! That kit actually helps you with deciding what you like and don’t like and whether you want others outside the collection

            1. Yeah I think trying them out is a good idea that way I can see what works for me and get those in the future.

              1. Yeah. And you can form a good judgement about other oils too. I mean, there is one my Mom wants for migraines that isn’t in the kit, but she tried the others too for migraines, so she asked me for that for Christmas and I’m happy to get that for her

                1. Yeah that’s true. Hope it helps her with her migraines!

  5. This is nice! Although, I decided not to go back to school this semester since my life at home and in school are different in many ways. But I really think one should be prepared for this, have a planner to write or jot down the things you need to do.

    1. Thank you! Sometimes taking a break from school for a while is helpful. Being prepared is definitely very important.

  6. Good ideas here and glad to hear you are enjoying some aspects. My daughter is having a tough time with the double up time, more students and teacher meetings and the state which is all on line.. lots of work!!! ❤️ Cindy

    1. Thank you! Yeah I can imagine that it’s a lot more difficult and time consuming to do online. Good luck to her with her teaching!

      1. You’re so welcome! Yeah totally! Thanks I’ll let her know!

  7. These are good tips. I started school last week and it can get really hectic especially when assignments start piling.

    1. Thank you! Yeah it does get very hectic and stressful especially after the first two or three weeks.

  8. Great tips, Pooja! Getting back to a structured routine does get difficult for the best of us. Though it has been a couple of weeks since online classes opened up for us, I’m still quite unable to get up on time and sit for class. Often I eat breakfast while attending class. I find that frequent breaks does me good- our profs record the classes anyway (you can ask your teachers to do that too) and I can always get back to them later. Also listening to those lectures twice or thrice lets me remember the, easier – and that’s less work before exam week. All the best to you for school!

    1. Thank you! Yeah I am finding it difficult to get up for early classes and I had breakfast after the class. It does take a while to get back into the school routine for sure. All the best for school too!

  9. I haven’t attended any online class yet, I kind of feel like I have moved on with my life, and I don’t want to go back to school…🌚 thank you for these tips, I am going to practice them. I love your writings❤️

    1. Yeah I definitely felt like I wasn’t a student anymore so it was weird attending classes again lol. Thank you so much and good luck with your online classes!

  10. Very nice tips , anxiety enters in our life with small reason .

    1. Thanks! Yes, the smallest things can trigger anxiety sometimes.

      1. If our ego hurts we will use anxiety.

  11. Excellent – I would just add exercise too. That was what I personally found most useful in handling stress.

    1. Thanks and yes exercising does help a lot!

  12. My online classes can be taken all year round, and I don’t take a break. Some are more difficult than others, and I tend to stress. But it gets really bad when can’t stop thinking about it and I dream about it. Ugh, not good. I may try the CBD oil, because I need to sleep all night. My daughter has tried melatonin and that works for her. Thanks for the advice.

    1. I completely relate to this. For me, making a schedule for myself and keeping to it was really helpful because writing down what I had to do allowed me to step away from it and stop worrying. It can feel like everything is piling on you, but breaking it up into small pieces makes it less overwhelming! I hope you can sleep better!

    2. Yeah I get really bad nightmares when I’m stressed out too but CBD oil has helped reduce those. I would definitely recommend giving it a try it may help.

  13. great tips! I am going to have a look at the oil, I never tried it!

    1. Thank you and yeah definitely give it a try- I have found it very beneficial!

  14. I had so much anxiety starting college for the first time. It gets better! I completely agree that being prepared is so important. To me, telling my teachers I had anxiety was also helpful, and I like to tell my students, now that I’m a teacher, that I had anxiety so that they know they can talk to me. I also let them know that our university offers free counseling services (I believe most do).

    1. It definitely does get better! Being open about it and letting your teachers know does help a lot. I’m so glad you talk to your students about it because it’s super important to let them know that they can talk to you and that you know what they’re going through.

  15. Counselling sessions are actually extremely helpful. I myself have been through them and they helped me. The points have helped me a lot thank you so much and all the best for your online sessions.

    1. Thank you and yes counselling is very helpful for most people!

  16. These are really great tips! I know how stressful it used to be for me when I was in uni. I have to get my hands on some CBD oil!

    1. Yeah it can get super stressful. CBD oil is such a lifesaver you should definitely try it out!

      1. I definitely will. Thank you!

        1. You’re welcome and hope it helps!

  17. great suggestions, and as an added bonus most of them are free or low cost

    1. Thanks and yeah I tried to keep them affordable because I know how hard it can be as a student!

      1. or teacher 🙂

        1. Yeah teacher too!

  18. CBD oil is great for me to help me sleep. If I sleep better it helps in other ways too 🙂

    1. Yeah for me as well- when I don’t get enough sleep I feel more anxious and stressed out.

  19. Hey,
    No, my classes haven’t started yet but will be starting very soon through online mode. And it very difficult to be active all the time during online classes. I think in online classes, there is an increased work load for students which can make them anxious. But these tips will be really helpful during this time.

    1. Yes I feel like it’s much more difficult to be active and that the work load is more as well. Good luck with your classes!

  20. Awesome post and great points

  21. This is a brilliant post Pooja. While I was aware of the other techniques, I got to know about the benefits of CBD oil from your post today. I wanted to gift it to my friend who suffers from anxiety and gets overwhelmed too often. Alas, it itsn’t easily available in India (quiet expensive as well). I’m trying to find a good blend of calming oils for her. I’d also add one more technique that was very effective for me, Journalling. It helped me pen down my thoughts, gain clarity over them, understand the flow of my thoughts and bring my attention to the present. Without this I’d be either stuck in the past or fearful about my future.

    1. Thank you! Yeah CBD oil is not easy to find everywhere and I think it’s quite expensive everywhere.
      Journalling is a really good one- expressing yourself really does help a lot! Thanks for sharing that.

  22. I second CBD oil. That stuff is potent and effective!

    1. I know it’s so effective- it has helped me so much over the last few months!

      1. I won’t lie, I thought it was just weed in an oil form, but after looking into it I was pleasantly surprised! Glad it’s helping you 😊

        1. Lol I did too but it’s actually not which is awesome!

  23. It sounds like you have some good strategies in place. Tonight, I’m trying CBD oil for the first time in an attempt to combat my ongoing insomnia issues experienced since March. I’ll have to look up your posts about it. Hope all is going well at University 🙂

    1. Ooh good luck with the CBD oil I hope it helps! Let me know if it helped you with your sleep at all. Yes university is going well so far thank you!

      1. That’s great university is going well. I slept for 7 hours straight 😊 I’d only been getting 4 hours for months. I don’t know if this was a placebo effect, but I’m just so relieved to have had a full night’s sleep. Hopefully this will continue🤞

        1. That’s amazing- I had the same experience so hopefully it’s more than just the placebo effect. I hope it keeps working for you!

          1. Thank you. I got 8 hours last night, so it’s going well so far 😃

            1. That’s great I’m glad it’s working for you!

  24. Amazing tips..I’m having a tough time figuring and managing my assignments…could relate totally!!

    1. Thank you and best of luck with your assignments!

  25. In-school classes resumed in my state I think this week and students were anticipating the resumption so much that they clogged the gates before official opening. There would be a lot of anxiety for sure particularly for those who care about their health and that’s were wearing fave mask, maintaining social distancing and keeping good personal hygiene come to play. Like you said, be prepared!
    I’ve always wondered about the full meaning of CBD? What does it stand for?

    1. Yeah it can definitely be stressful so being prepared is very important.
      CBD oil stands for cannabidiol oil. It has a lot of omega and stuff like that so it’s very beneficial for people who have anxiety or insomnia.

      1. Thank you for the great information Pooja.

        1. My pleasure!

  26. Great suggestions I’ll keep in mind when my kiddos go back.

    1. Thanks and hope they help!

  27. I take all my classes online full-time right now and writing is my side gig. Thanks for these suggestions. I really do need to get back into yoga.

    1. Thanks and yeah yoga is super helpful!

  28. I am enjoying school so far!

    1. That’s great!

  29. Not being prepared sucks. Because then you start to worry about not been prepared. Then you start worrying about you worrying and it just becomes chaos in your mindspace. You can’t focus. So yes I really value early preparation because it saves time, gives good results, avoids anxiety💚💚

    1. Yes exactly- that’s why I like being prepared for everything in advance!

  30. Just an observation, I would recommend that people talk to their physician before they go CBD oil. If they are already on a medication, it might cause issues. They should not switch from treatments they are receiving currently. I always find it really scary to recommend any type of medication without a doctor say so. Just my thing. Also, remember you are not a doctor and can’t make medical recommendations and this has potential to create issues. It’s just my personal feeling that CBD oil isn’t necessarily the first thing to recommend. Meditation, relaxation exercises, healthy diet, exercise, getting help. CBD oil is a option to discuss with your doctor or referral to a doctor from a mental health therapis and determine if it might be a fit. I get a little nervous of people who aren’t doctors trying to tell people what to use. Of course we’ve already discussed that doctors are also capable of prescribing it and that can save money if the doctor deems it appropriate. This also would take care of concerns about purity etc which exist in the field of naturals. Anyway, just another viewpoint. I’m not saying anything against CBD oil, there are just other variables that figure in which makes it a little iffy.

    1. Sorry also important is that the doctor can rule out medical conditions that can mimic other stuff. Reason not to self medicate without doctor involvement. Hope this helps. Guess it’s a reblog anyway.👍

  31. It’s been one and half year that I am attending my online classes of my university and one more to go for my graduation. Exciting 🥲 My whole University graduation is going to be online and it’s so boring and there is literally no fun left to study.

    1. Yeah mine will be online too which sucks but I’m just happy to graduate to be honest.

      1. Same! I want to graduate as fast as I can😩🤣

  32. those are great tips Pooja!!💖💖💖

  33. I didn’t experience school anxiety growing up since school was rather a relief for me to escape my toxic family even though most of what we learned was terribly boring. However for those people who have a wonderful family and who enjoy their summer time at home or somewhere else, I understand their unwillingness to come back to the classrooms.

    1. Yeah I understand that. I think a lot of people who aren’t happy at home see school as an escape from their family.

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