How To Instantly Get More Traffic

An Unexpected Opportunity | How To Instantly Get More Traffic

How To Instantly Get More Traffic

The most frequently asked questions I get are “How can I increase my following” and “How can I increase my traffic”. Although both are a process and take a while there are some ways to also instantly give your following and traffic an instant boost.

For today’s post I decided to focus on how to increase your traffic because I have already written multiple posts about how to increase your following. The methods I have listed below will not only increase your traffic instantly but will also increase your traffic in the long run.

Having a large audience or a a lot of traffic on your posts is very beneficial for bloggers especially if you are looking to earn money through your blog. Here are some ways through which you can gain more traffic on your blog if followed correctly:

Social Media

I am not a huge fan of social media if I am being completely honest and I have even written a post about why I prefer to use WordPress rather than social media platforms. However, I will admit that social media is a fantastic way to increase your traffic and especially if you are looking to diversify your traffic and get views from people outside of WordPress.

I used to avoid social media before but over the last few months I have been a bit more active and have seen very satisfying results. Surprisingly, I got the best results from Pinterest where it seems extremely easy to get views if you post regularly and link your posts.

Social media is also a really good way to remind fellow bloggers when a new post is up. You can post on your story or feed every time you post something on your blog and this will help refer readers back to your blog. From my research I have seen that most people agree that Facebook and Pinterest are the best social media platforms for referring people to your blog however if use correctly other platforms like Instagram and Twitter can also be quite useful.

However, the downside of using social media to market your blog is that it can get quite time consuming.

For my full post about how you can use social media to grow your blog click here.

Marketing And SEO

Both marketing and SEO are absolutely vital if you are looking to increase your traffic- especially if you are trying to make blogging your full time job or career.

Marketing your blog is a great way to increase traffic from both WordPress as well as outside sources. It may feel a little awkward at first because you sort of have to be your biggest fan and just talk about how great your site is. You need to remind people about your site, the topics you cover as well as how they can access your blog if they are not part of the WordPress community.

For more details on how to market your blog click here.

Social media is a great way to market your blog. Other great ways to market your blog are to do collaboration posts. When you collaborate with other bloggers you get your blog out their to their audience and vice versa. It’s a win-win for both of you. Another really great way to market your blog is to do guest posts for larger blogs. This means that you will get your blog out to a much larger audience and to a specific audience that is already interested in blogs/the topic you are covering. It’s one of the fastest ways to increase your traffic/audience long term as many of them will come over and follow your blog as well.

SEO is a great way to increase traffic from outside of WordPress and in particular from Search Engines. This can help potential readers, subscribers and even potential sponsors find you blog easily and quickly. You don’t need to be a pro at technology or SEO to make your blog SEO friendly. I have a two part post which you can check out which will give you tips on how you can easily make your blog more SEO friendly. Check out Part 1 and Part 2. 

Be Active

Being active is one of the most important parts of blogging if you want to grow your blog. I mention this one a lot but only because it is extremely important. There are two ways through which you can stay active on WordPress.

First, you need to be active on your own blog. Posts at scheduled times instead of randomly. A lot of people want to support your blog but they will find it very difficult to do so if they don’t know when you’re going to post next or if you’re even going to post again. I mean this in the nicest way possible- there are literally thousands of blogs out there and most people are not going to stick around and check your blog every day hoping you post something.

For more on how to schedule your post for the optimum number of traffic and following click here. 

The second way to be active is to be active on other blogs. As I mentioned above there are thousands of blogs out there and you need to make sure yours get noticed. The best way to get other bloggers to come over to your blog is to make sure you also visit theirs. And leave a like and/or comment. However, please do not spam them with “follow my blog/check out my blog” comments because this will achieve the opposite of what you are attempting to do. Most bloggers I know either delete such comments or block the blog.

Free Features

WordPress offers so many amazing features even if you are on the free plan. Even though you will get more features and things with the upgraded plans like plugins there are still some features you can take advantage of if you don’t want to upgrade yet.

One of the most useful features that your blog has is your tags section. Tags allow readers to find your posts when they search for certain topics. For example, if I have used the correct tags for this post then this post will come up when some searches “how to get more traffic” on their WordPress reader.

Tags also allow search engines to find your posts as well as to figure out what your keywords/niche for the post is. This means that your post will show up when people search for certain topics. It is of course very difficult to get to the top search pages but it’s not impossible if you use the correct tags and make your posts SEO friendly.

If you don’t think tags are important let me share a little personal story with you guys. You know I normally use tags and all that. But a few months back before the pandemic when I still had in-school classes I got super busy. And forgot to add any tags to one of my posts. I realised in about half an hour and instantly added the tags but the damage was done to an extent. I got significantly less views, likes and comments even though this post was in a category that is the most popular on my blog.

You can check out my post on how to use tags properly by clicking here.

Other features include things like media. Posts that have images, gifs etc are much more fun to read and will keep your audiences attention. Take advantage of the free images and gifs that WordPress offers and use these for your posts.


Interacting with fellow bloggers is also an essential part of blogging. Again by interact I do not mean spam their comments section. I can not emphasize enough how incredibly annoying this is. There are multiple other ways you can interact with other bloggers.

You can interact with bloggers on your own blog posts when they leave comments. I think your comments section is one of the most important parts of your blog. When you interact positively with other bloggers on your comments section they feel as though their opinion is valued. And that you care about what they have to say- which you should! This will make sure that they become loyal readers and loyal followers rather than dormant readers/followers that visit your posts once in a blue moon.

You should also try to make your blog posts more interactive. Try to do some fun activities once in a while, some tags that they can be a part of, take a survey to see what they have to say or simply ask them how they are doing. I have noticed that a lot of people on WordPress really enjoy socialising with one another and one of the best parts of WordPress is how social everyone is. So embrace this and socialise as much as possible with your readers and subscribers.

Another way to interact is on their posts. This is probably the fastest way to grow your traffic and following in my opinion. And the best part is you can actually make a connection with people and end up becoming friends. Which has happened to me with quite a few bloggers. And I am so grateful for that! Leave a like or comment on their post. Make sure the comment is relevant and also open ended so you can have a little conversation in their comments section. This is super fun but can be time consuming sometimes.

You can also interact with bloggers on other online platforms. I think social media is great for connecting with other bloggers. It’s also a great way to support one another apart from supporting each other on WordPress. Having someone share your blog on their social media pages can really help increase your traffic. You can also join online groups for bloggers. Some people create groups for bloggers where people share tips, posts etc. Sharing your posts on such groups can help you increase your traffic too.

However, this again can be time consuming and from my experience sometimes these groups turn into people just sharing their posts non-stop without actually looking at other peoples posts. It can also be a bit annoying to keep receiving messages from the group.

Be Genuine

No matter what you do, do it in a genuine manner. Write genuine posts that you actually have an interest. Do not force yourself to write a post just because the topic is popular. Write about things you care about and your audience will appreciate that your writing is authentic and genuine.

Also, be genuine when you interact with other bloggers. Don’t leave cliche “great post” comments. Comment something about the post or about what the post discusses. You can also ask them a question or tell them what you found interesting about the post.


What are some of the ways through which you get more traffic? Have you used any of the tips I mentioned above to gain traffic and if so has it worked? Do you know how to use all your features properly? Do you market your blog? What is the best way you have found to increase your traffic? Do you use social media to help gain traffic on your blog/to market you blog?

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171 responses to “How To Instantly Get More Traffic”

  1. Nice tip on Pinterest. I hadn’t really thought of that.

    1. Yeah I was definitely surprised by that too. I didn’t even know how to use Pinterest properly till like a few months ago.

      1. I’ve used it for a couple things, but not much. Have you done any Pinterest advice posts? That would be interesting.

        1. Not yet- I think I need to a lot more research on Pinterest and then I can make the post. Thanks for the idea!

  2. Thanks for the tips! I find social media can be weird too unfortunately

    1. Thank you! I find it weird and also like ironically not very social lol. People just comment something basic for a like/follow not because they care or want to talk to you.

      1. Yep. That among other things

      2. Also, IG has been restricting my activity on my blog account. I can’t like, follow or comment on things and haven’t been able to for a while. Also, they changed their algorithms and it’s detrimental to creators! Great! 🙄

        1. Urghh yes IG does that a lot- it’s honestly so sensitive. It restricts genuine users and does nothing about spam. IG is probably my least favourite social media platform.

          1. I know! Fb is my least favorite. At least IG has some cool photos and videos and less trash than Fb

            1. I rarely use FB so it doesn’t annoy me but I hate how fake IG is- it just really pisses me off lol.

              1. Same here! It’s like Fb is the blatant bad guy and IG is the slippery bad guy

                1. Yeah exactly- IG is like the guy everyone knows is bad but doesn’t talk about enough.

                  1. Or the innocent flower with the serpent under it

  3. Thank you for the great advice. I’lol definitely start using Pinterest more!

    1. You’re totally welcome and yes you should it’s quite helpful!

  4. […] How To Instantly Get More Traffic — Lifesfinewhine […]

  5. Nice advice !! …

  6. Thank you for your continued advices on Blogging and your support ❤️

    1. Hope it helps!

      1. It helps everytime 😊

  7. Great advice Pooja

  8. This is really informative 😊 it will help alot
    Thank you for sharing

    1. Thank you so much!

  9. I am new user and your posts always help me alot and this one too of course. Thank you for posting such helpful posts for us.👌🙂

    1. I’m so glad you find them helpful!

  10. Wow, thank u so much for this post

    1. My pleasure!

  11. Some of these things (to do those tags and events and Q&As I usually find annoying on other blogs) feel very counterintuitive for myself though I recognize their truth.
    Guess I’ll just stick to that ‘be genuine’ bullet and do my thingie xD

    1. It can be a bit annoying. Being genuine goes a long way!

  12. justcalmwildness Avatar

    Great Tips. I didn’t know that Facebook is better for a blog.

    1. I didn’t either and I was quite surprised to find that out.

  13. Thanks for this post Pooja. I’m still figuring out how to use Pinterest for my blog but this was really informative.

    1. I’m glad you found this helpful and after some research I’ll be doing a post on using Pinterest to get more traffic too!

      1. Totally looking forward to it. ❤️

  14. My August really sucked. I had everything planned but then we had an internet connection problem and I couldn’t write on WordPress because I only used a phone. and so I had to find ways to be able to grow my traffic (at least for my past blog posts) so that my website wouldn’t be stagnant. And then I focused on twitter and the facebook community I was in), and it really helped my traffic! I increased my followers on twitter and a lot were interacting on my posts, and my post shares went from like 17 to 30+ plus shares! I was so happy. I made time to focus on other things despite the disadvantage that I’m in. I also continued writing blog drafts, and pitching guest post and now I have four guest posts coming in this September! I also made friends outside WordPress, so I thought, August wasn’t really bad after all. And social media is a great way to build your identity in the blogging community and connect with other bloggers too. <3

    1. Wow that is amazing! I only have Pinterest and recently got tumblr, which isn’t popular. I mean I dont know anyone that has it! Twitter sounds worth it!

      1. My Pinterest needs a little working too haha Yes, you should try titter for your blog. There are so many other bloggers there too. 🙂 Cheers!

        1. Thanks Elle! I will have to try it!

    2. Yeah I can imagine how much of a bummer that must have been but it’s so awesome that you took the negative and turned it into a positive! I have also realised over the last few months that social media is super helpful and a great way to increase engagement on your blog. I’m glad you were able to gain more traffic!

  15. Wow! My head is spinning! Thanks for all the great tips. I really need to focus on the steady posting thing. Sometimes I have so much to say and sometimes I’m too overwhelmed by life to say anything. I would like to post three times a week, but am having a difficult time doing so. What do you suggest? Is two too little?

  16. Great stuff Pooj!

  17. I love your take on this! Driving traffics is what I’ve been on for the past two weeks. This is really helpful❤

    1. Thanks and hope this helps!

  18. Thank you for sharing these tips. It’s a great read for a new blogger to get some insight onto how to increased your following x

    1. I’m happy to share them!

  19. Thanks for the tip..

    1. Hope they help!

      1. Sure did thank you

        1. You’re very welcome!

  20. I need some SEO help Pooja 🙏🏾🌷

    1. I would definitely recommend getting an SEO audit and making changes accordingly- it really helps!

      1. Thank you Pooja

  21. I’m going to delve into this and try a few things in the upcoming weeks.

    1. Hope it helps!

  22. Thank you so much for sharing this Pooja. I loved all the tips. But SEO is one thing that I really need to understand well as that’s a bit confusing for me.😅😊

    1. Thank you! Yes SEO can definitely be very difficult to understand. It took me a while too.

      1. Welcome dear! Ohh alright thanks a lot. Will try to get a hang on it. 😀🤗

  23. Pooja thanks for always helping us bloggers! I have Pinterest, which helps get pins and clicks on the blog. Yet, I haven’t noticed follows. I did get a tumblr but it’s not a fun social media platform 😆 SEO is definitely helpful and interacting with other bloggers. It’s actually fun getting to know them and I feel like I have a community of friends. I absolutely love it! Thanks again for the tips I have not thought off! 💕

    1. Thank you! Yeah I think Pinterest is good for views but not great for follows. Lol I stopped using Tumblr a few years ago because I literally just could not 🤦‍♀️ Yeah it’s super fun interacting with others!

      1. 😂 i know tumbr is different I must say. And yes its nice having the community and interacting 😄

  24. Great advice, Pooja!

    1. Thank you!

  25. Great TIPS… 🙂 <3
    Spirituality Awakening

      1. Most Welcome 🙂

  26. Thanks for the great tips as this is what I really need! I would love you to visit my blog as well 🙂

    1. Hope they help!

  27. Fantastic advice Pooja. Thank you 🙏

    1. Thanks and hope it helps!

  28. Really helpful😊

  29. I think socialising is one of the best way to connect with new bloggers. Also, adding tags too. These ways have really helped me to increase traffic on my blog posts.

    1. I absolutely agree socialising is such a win-win for everyone. And tags definitely help a lot too.

  30. This is a great post and super helpful. I’ve been trying to get traffic through Pinterest but I seem to be stuck on getting followers! Facebook is a really great way, I agree! Just like you I am not the biggest fan of social media.

    1. Thank you! Yeah social media in general is not great but it is helpful for traffic. I’m trying to figure Pinterest out too but so far I’ve been getting good results on there.

      1. I look forward to a possible Pinterest for dummies post in the future… because I am that dummy 🤣

        1. Lol trust me I’m a dummy when it comes to Pinterest too- and most social media!

  31. Your advice is so helpful. Thanks so much 🙂

    1. I’m so glad it’s helpful!

  32. Thank you so much for this awesome post

    1. Hope it helps!

  33. Oh great read Pooja !! 💕

  34. Buy a ton of clickbaitey Facebook ads. Might not be consistent traffic but you’ll get some clicks. Haha

    1. Lol! Those ads are just for short-term traffic but you can get quite a bit of long-term traffic if you start a page- that’s what I’ve heard not sure how true it is.

  35. Very helpful, will apply on my

  36. I like this! I took a course on blogging back in May and this was one of the bigger things that was talked about! SEO with tags, using social media (I use Twitter myself) and being more active (I need to get better at that haha) great post!
    I also will be interacting more w other bloggers such as yourself you always have good stuff Pooja!

    1. Ooh interesting- yeah these are the main way to grow your blog. Hope interacting more helps and thank you so much!!

  37. Nothing new, but these tips are something worth of going through once in a while, even if you already read similar or same things. It’s nice to be reminded, thank you for that Pooja. 🙂

    1. Thanks 😊

  38. I had to save this post and read it later without any distraction. Coz I knew it would contain a wealth of info and strategies. And it was better than I hoped. Love the way how you look at things meticulously and give precise points😊

    1. Thank you so much- so glad you found it helpful!

  39. Thanks for this. It will really help me out.

    1. Glad to hear that!

  40. great advice…

  41. Very informative! I normally comment and follow other people’s blogs to get more traffic, but I don’t follow them just to get more traffic, also because I enjoy reading their posts. Proper tags have also helped to gain traffic on my blog!👍👍

    1. Thank you! Yes commenting/following blogs you enjoy really does help a lot and so does using tags correctly.

  42. Educative and helpful post, love this

  43. Interacting, social media and being genuine works for me too and in that way we also meet new friends

    1. Yes absolutely!

  44. thank you so much for all these amazing posts to help the other bloggers!

    1. I’m happy to help!

  45. Very nice tips!! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thank you so much!

  46. Great tips as always Pooja!!! ❤️👏

    1. Thank you so much!!

  47. As always, totally agree with you here. Pinterest is still a struggle for me but one day I’ll really commit to using it! 😂😂

    1. Lol same- I honestly also don’t know how Pinterest actually even works lol…

  48. Informative post..thank you for sharing here✌️

    1. Thank you so much!

  49. How do you collaborate with other blogs?

    1. Most people reach out to them privately and discuss writing a collaboration post.

  50. I’m not really a social media person so that’s my flaw. Staying consistent is a struggle but I’m trying. Staying active however I do my best at because even if I don’t post I try to interact with other bloggers in their comments section.
    Being genuine… that’s like the best advice! It’s basically a life advice, and totally needed for blog growing too💚

    1. I’m not great at social media too but I’ve been trying to be more active these days because it does help with traffic. Interacting with others on their posts definitely counts as staying active as well. You’re right being genuine is so important even in life!

      1. Will do my best with social media, hopefully. As to whether I’ll get time to move through all the platforms is another problem.
        Time will tell😊

  51. Great tips!! Hadn’t really thought about all these way 😂😊👍

    1. Thank you so much!!

  52. Some great tips. I always find if I spend more time on one social media platform I abandon the rest of them. I think I will work on my pinterest as twitter gets me some traffic but I get nothing from instagram. I guess it is all done to consistency as I am only consistent on my blog. Thank you

    1. Yeah it can get a bit distracting for sure. Good luck with the Pinterest and twitter!

        1. You’re welcome!

  53. Thank you for taking the time to write this up! great info like always

    1. Thank you so much!

  54. I’ve used all of the tips you mentioned but social media seems to be the toughest for me because of the much effort and little results. It’s better because of automatic tools tho.

    1. Yeah social media is tough for me too but automatic tools help a lot.

  55. Very informative !

  56. Such wonderful advice. Thank you for all the good information. Appreciated.

    1. Thank you so much!

  57. […] How To Instantly Get More Traffic […]

  58. I’ve tried using WhatsApp and Instagram to show my posts, works quite well, maybe I’ll check out Pinterest. Nice write up btw, it’s clear to the Lay-man 😉❤

    1. Thank you- I tried to keep it simple and yes definitely try Pinterest it’s quite useful!

  59. Plus I guess I need to work on being a lil bit more steady on my postings, coming up with topics can be a lil work💆‍♂️

    1. Yeah it can be a bit difficult to come up with new ideas.

      1. Yeah…thanks for the info again ❤ man’s been motivated to get some work done❤

        1. I’m glad you’re more motivated and you’re very welcome!

  60. Thanks for liking my site titled “”! I too wasn’t aware that I could use Pinterest and like that idea. I did (at the suggestion of my daughter who has a Travel Blog Site of her own, earning money along the way), create a Facebook Blogger Site linking it to my Site. When creating the FB Blogger Site, I was informed that the number of people that my interested in having visit that site and then be re-directed to my Site, could be as high as 65,000,000 (Million) Individuals (Retired and Active Duty Military Personnel). So, just in the past two weeks, I have received quite a few hits and hope this will be an upward trend. (NOTE: I am not so much into making money on my Site, as I am elderly and, love helping Retired Military Veterans, achieve their goals
    As for your article, it was well thought of and nicely put together.
    Best of luck to you always.

    1. Thank you so much and best of luck to you as well!

  61. Thanks for sharing this marvelous post. I m very pleased to read this article .I enjoy this site – its so useful and helpful.
    Keep it up dear!

    1. Thank you so much!

  62. Sad the amount of times one has to tell people, don’t spam someone’s blog. It amazes me the amount of spam out there. It’s an epidemic of sorts and can wreck reputations and lives when your own work is used as spam bait. Speaking from experience. It feels terrible. Hope that you don’t have a lot of spam to contend with.

    1. Thanks and yes it’s gotten less now!

  63. Years ago I got invited by a local Chick-fil-A for a blogging social. They had 6 other local bloggers on a variety of genres. We got a free meal, a book, plus we each got to share about our blogs to the social. Those help get word out too. Hand out business cards with a link to your blog helps too. Thank you for sharing.

  64. Hi – these are all great ways to get more traffic. I especially agree with your comments about being active and presenting a genuine self. Visiting other blogs is time consuming but it’s a great way to get interaction. I use social media a lot to promote my blog, but I try to have unique content on each platform, so it’s not just a repeat of what’s happening on my blog. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!

  65. To remain active in blogging is important for the blog. I think the WordPress algorithm also push forward blogs whose bloggers remain active more.

  66. Thank you for all the tips. I’ve been working on interacting and I have noticed an increase in engagement. But I have found the benefit is more than numbers. I feel I’m making friends.

  67. Pooja, I just love it when you post things like this because it’s so affirming that I’m doing it all right lol. It’s been super crazy for me as of late (thank you, Christmas!) but I’ve been trying to make sure I haven’t neglected my blog, and thankfully that seems to have paid off. I too was thinking about social media earlier, whether I really should be doing more. I think sometimes there’s no right or wrong answer, we just sort of have to take a shot into the dark and hope we don’t miss every possible target. Thank you for sharing as always.

  68. Hi Pooja I tried to click on the “click here” links on most of your blogs and the always give “page not found”. I hoping this comment helps. I read your blog for advice and I moving from post to post learning from you. I hope you can have a look or maybe it’s an issue on my side.

    If anyone else is having this problem please let me know?

    1. Hi, sorry for the inconvenience. Some of my links got messed up when I changed my domain. Please change the url from .com to .ca and it should work.

  69. Hi Pooja, what a great summary of the main key points, it’s very motivating. I definitely have to read your post ‘SEO for Dummies’! Thank you.

    Keep going! 🙂

    1. So glad you think so and hope you like that post and find it helpful too!

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