Why Mental Health Is Important

Why Mental Health Is Important

I feel like I haven’t talked about mental health in a while. Well, I talk about it in real life all the time. I just mean I haven’t posted about it much. So today, I wanted to take some time to talk about why mental health is important. At least to me.

Mental And Physical Health Are Interconnected

This is something I can talk about from my own experiences. Mental health and physical health are very much connected. Physical health can affect your mental wellbeing and vice versa. However, we tend to very much focus on our physical health without realising that the root of someone of our physical health issues can be due to mental health problems left unaddressed.

It’s vital to take care of our mental health the same way we do with our physical health if we want to be healthy overall.

Suicide Is One Of The Biggest Killers

Suicide is one of the main reasons why mental health is important. Suicide rates have increased a lot since 2000 and particularly in the youth. However, suicide is preventable and can be prevented. By giving more importance to mental health not just as individuals but as a society we can literally save lives. Although we have a lot more resources and information readily available we still have a long way to go. Especially with decreasing the stigma around mental health and seeking help for it.

Mental Health Problems Are Largely Treatable And Manageable

Most mental problems or disorders/illnesses are treatable these days. And even if they aren’t always curable they are mostly manageable. Psychology has come a long way these last few decades. However, many peoples mindsets haven’t evolved as much. And seeking help for psychological issues is still difficult due to stigma as well as not enough resources being available compared to physical healthcare. That’s why we need to understand the importance of mental wellness and health and teach everyone around us that too.


These are the main reasons why mental health is important in my opinion. Before, I end this post I want to encourage anyone who may be struggling to seek professional help. I know it can be scary but mental health professionals are trained to correctly asses the problem and help you. And if you are unable to talk to a professional in person there are online sites with professionals that can help. If professionals are not available where you are do try online resources. I know that unfortunately professional mental health services are not available to everyone around the world and in some places cost too much for everyone to afford.

Why is mental health important to you/in your opinion? Let me know in the comments below.

If you would like to read more posts about mental health please click here.

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152 responses to “Why Mental Health Is Important”

  1. I’m glad I don’t have any issues like those mentioned. Letting you know Pooja that my site is down. I know how to fix it but can’t access the C-Panel. I’ve sent an email to Jetpack. I hope they can fox it. Gaaahh!

    1. Wow sorry to hear that, that’s awful. Hope it gets fixed quickly! 🤞🏽

      1. It did, I mentioned it in the latest post. Oops!

  2. Pooja, I can understand very well. Mental health is the most serious health issue. My daughter has a mental health issue regarding an eating disorder, etc. I have been facing all these problems with her for 5 years. I can understand your pain. But I know that you are a strong girl and will face these problems well. God bless you, girl. Be happy, stay healthy😊🥰👍👍👍👍

    1. Thank you so much. I’m so sorry about your daughter, eating disorders are very complicated and often last long periods of time or a lifetime. I really hope she recovers 💕

      1. Thanks Pooja for your kind words. I hope she will recover from this sickness soon🙏🙏🙏.You also take care of yourself too.

        1. I hope so too 🙏

          1. Thank you for always supporting me 😊🙏🙏

            1. Always a pleasure 😊

              1. 😊🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. Mental health has always been important to me. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for years. Now I see it (and worse) in my children. I try my hardest to be there and be supportive. It’s difficult, but worth it. Thankfully, we have more resources today than in my dad’s and grandparents’ generations. The stigma is still somewhat there, but lessening.

    1. Sorry to hear that, I suffer from depression and anxiety myself and it’s really hard. Especially when your symptoms flair up. I’m glad your kids have your support, not all kids are that lucky. And yes, thankfully we have a lot more resources and help available now.

  4. I stopped posting and, for the most part, talking about my mental health due to backlash. I have little left in the way of support on the regular except from my care team. I am intimately familiar with every point you address, stretched out over 47 years. As I know what it’s like, just know that I am here if needed, my friend.

    1. Sorry to hear about the backlash but unfortunately it’s not uncommon for those who write about mental health. I really appreciate that offer and I’m here too if you ever need any help or just want to talk.

    2. Same here I used to be a lot more public and vocal about it, but in recent years I’ve become more private.

  5. What I find most interesting is that the majority of those who write about MH on this platform are women, men just don’t want to either talk about it or admit they have MH challenges.
    To me it’s essential, not just my wellbeing for me, but for my immediate family. I compare it to being on a plane when the oxygen masks are needed; we’re told to put ours on first and then help others. I’m often told I can be selfish, putting myself first. But if I don’t prioritise my wellbeing then the family unit suffers.

    1. Unfortunately, suicide rates are much higher for men and yet the highest number of people that seek help are often women as well as talking about MH in general. I’m glad you’re open about MH and I think it’s vital for us as a society to normalise both men and women having mental health issues as well as just emotions in general because men are often expected to hold everything in. When it comes to mental health, we do have to put ourselves first and take care of ourselves. Because like you said, if we don’t we suffer as well as those we love.

    2. Seems like men don’t care about each other. Men care about women (kinda) and women care enough about women, women care about men, but men don’t care about men and having that happen, they’re not going to help each other out. When have you seen a man listen to a woman about advice about being a man?

      And if a man doesn’t care about another man falling apart because it’s not masculine to help and they rather would compete, then this happens.

      As well, mental issues are isolating. They’re not going to help each other.

  6. Yes, death by suicide is on the rise among the youth population, and also the elderly. Did you know, however, that the suicide rate is highest among 50-something year old white men?

    I’m a 50-something year old white man, and I get it. There’s a host of reasons, but I get it.

    No…I’m not at all thinking of taking my own life. But still…

    I appreciate you taking on tough subjects.

    1. Yes, I also read that single white man over 50 are more likely to suffer from depression which is probably the reason for the high suicide rates.

      It’s tough out there and we all have reasons that bring us down but just know that life is always worth living. There’s always another option other than suicide.

      Thanks so much.

  7. Why is it important? Because we are only here a finite time and there is so much beauty, art, nature, music, food, love and fun to be had (along with the sad stuff, too, sometimes). Nice post! You’re very diligent in getting out the mental health message and reminders for people to seek help.

    1. I absolutely agree, there’s so much good out there too. And there’s always other options than suicide. Thank you, as someone who has suffered from depression and anxiety for a long time I know how important it is to get your voice out there when it comes to mental health.

  8. Mental health issues range from depression, anxiety to more serious issues. None of them should be ignored or taken lightly. The most important thing is to remove the stigma attached in many cultures about getting treated for it.

    1. I very much agree, I think there’s so much stigma still out there when it comes to mental health but it’s so vital to get help if we need it. Just like with physical problems, it’s much easier to deal with mental issues if diagnosed and treated early.

      1. Indeed. And we aren’t shy about going to a doctor so why do we hesitate when going to a therapist?

        1. Exactly, our brain is an organ too. Sometimes we need help with it.

          1. Absolutely right

  9. Thank you for your astute take on the subject of mental and physical health going hand and hand Pooja! It’s so intertwined and being able to tease them apart and see what is creating the issues help to get to the bottom of it. The body never lies even when the mind tries to. I really appreciate your optimism while pointing out the dire stats and encouraging people to get help.
    Great post my friend❣️

    1. Very very important subject. 🙏 and great post by PoojaG

    2. Thanks so much. I agree, physical and mental health are so connected. And sometimes our mind is in denial but our body will show the symptoms. Thanks 💖

  10. Mental health is so crucial to wellbeing. And personality disorders. I think all politicians should be tested for sociopathy, psychopathy and narcissism. All our mental health would dramatically improve if we removed the mentally ill from power. As it is they go untreated!

    1. I couldn’t agree more! I think I read somewhere that politicians all shows signs of narcissism and that’s what attracts them to politics to begin with.

  11. “By giving more importance to mental health not just as individuals but as a society we can literally save lives”

    Earlier someone mentioned that it seems that only women are confident enough to post about their mental health struggles. And it so true, that toxic masculinity deters many of us fellas from owning up and divulging our struggles.
    I suffer with depression.. I can go many days just surviving the funk, and swimming in the darkness.
    Running helps a lot. Eating healthy lifts the mood, and without a doubt, reaching out to my counselor when it’s heavy is a big help.
    Ain’t nothing macho about drowning your sorrows. Yeah, we still have to get up and grind through it, choosing to live on the edge…I’m a high functioning depressive.. but I’ve seen many friends over the edge, so I have chosen not to live on that edge. I found help.
    No shame in asking for help guys.
    Great post Pooja G. 💙💪👏🙏

    1. It’s very true. I think from what I’ve read men make up a huge chunk of the suicide rates and mental health rates in general but are least likely to seek help. And that’s a big problem. There’s absolutely nothing masculine about pretending to be okay when you’re not. We all have issues and men are human too. They’re allowed to have emotions and problems. And need to seek help when necessary.
      I’m so glad you understand. I hope more men do as well. 💖

      1. Thanks PoojaG..so do I. So do I. 💙

    2. Suicide prevention is probably number one reason to get educated on that. I know that as a teacher you can go for a two day training to get certified. I would love to do that someday

      1. I would encourage you to do it as soon as time permits in your schedule. In your line of work with young people, you are most likely the first person who would be able to intervene, offer assistance and make a difference.
        Teachers do it all. 😊

        1. Thank you! I haven’t heard about it until last Friday

  12. I grew up in the Caribbean and there is a heavy stigma about mental health, mental health illness, and anything that would deem you to be ‘odd’. But I’ve experienced firsthand how seeking intervention, acknowledging you need help, and getting help can save your life. When my dad died I went into a really dark place. Because I sought out professional help, I got a diagnosis, a name for what I was dealing with, treatment, and I developed healthy coping mechanisms along the way.

    1. In Kenya there’s a lot of stigma too. It’s difficult to find affordable help for mental health issues. But it’s getting better. I agree, accepting you need help and seeking help can save your life. The professionals can help a lot more since they can assess your issues and help you understand how best to deal with symptoms.

  13. Working in the healthcare system I can confirm that the stigma still very much exists.
    Especially in developing countries.
    Even till today I still come across a lot of people who think that mental health is a cover up for “the devil’s work.”

    1. Yes, unfortunately so. A lot of people do that or try to seek religious help because they don’t realise it’s a medical issue.

  14. I had read in the morning but wanted to read over after your comments were in.
    Through your words and those of your comments… so much shared. From experiences to advise, all words of wisdom too.
    a really great share, Pooja 🤍🙏

    1. Yes, I always get amazing and helpful comments on my mental health related posts. And even in general. Thanks so much 😊

  15. […] September 16, 2023 ~ Glenn D. Grace Why Mental Health Is Important […]

  16. One thing is, I live in a small town and wish they had a support group here so you could relate some of your problems dealing with your depression to others and learn how they have learned to cope with it. And just to have someone to speak to about it would be so helpful. Just taking a pill isn’t enough.

    1. Yeah, I think this is one of the issues with living in a small town. Sometimes medication helps but we also need to talk about our thoughts. I’ve been in therapy recently and it’s helped. If you ever need to talk don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m not a professional but I’m a good listener.

      1. Thanks so much Pooja. I’ll defiantly keep that in mind.

        1. You’re very welcome.

  17. You’re right about connection. Mental health and physical and spiritual–they’re all connected. And should be attended to, especially when one is off. In our society, we’re conditioned to deal with the physcal, talking about that as real and often not talking about the others at all, though with or without the talk adverse things might happen, anyway. We are made, things happen, we react–there are all kinds of reasons for losing the center. I’ve benefitted greatly, I believe, through medication and therapy as well as living on as best I may. Learning new, benefitial ways as I go–connectedly, I hope.

    Your words are practical and wise as well as (because they are) holisitc.

    1. I agree, we give our physical health so much attention but rarely do the same with our mental health. It’s very sad. Everything is connected and one thing being off effects every aspect of our life.
      Therapy has been very helpful for me too.

      Thank you so much and thanks for sharing your experiences too.

  18. Very good post about mental health. You are right there a lot of resources available. But, I find it can be scary taking that first step. Suicides have increased over the years which is sad.

    1. Thanks so much. I agree, the first step is the hardest but the most vital.

  19. Mental health also is something that requires a lot of patience and effort. You can’t just seek therapy and expect to be better. You have to talk around, take out therapist (not violently) out of your life when they do not fit what you need or work with you in the way you want.

    Knowing that, wellness consists of multitudes of things, including mental and emotional stability.

    My stomach has been hurting recently because my mental health is faltering and I keep getting checkups because I feel terrible, but nothing is improving and I’m having the same problem.

    1. The thing with mental health is that it takes years for the traumas to form and affect us but we expect it to go away instantly after popping a pill or doing one therapy session. It’s not that easy. Most mental health illnesses are longterm and need longterm care.

      I get acid reflux due to anxiety. Mental health affects digestion a lot. Try drinking a glass of milk (nondairy is okay) with a bit of cinnamon powder, nutmeg and sweetener. It helps calm the stomach and may help get rid of the pain.

      1. Thanks! I’ll try that!

        1. No problem, hope it helps because it really helps me!

  20. Absolutely. Yes! It (mental & physical) is all connected. You’re doing great! Keep it up. 🙂

    1. Yup, they’re both very much connected. More so than we realise. Thanks!

  21. A very timely post. This was something I was thinking about yesterday. An issue I am faced with is how to suggest to someone that they may need help when they get very angry and aggressive when the subject is even hinted at.
    I don’t want to be an ass pointing out spelling, but I noticed your assess is lacking an s in the conclusion. 🙂

    1. Thanks so much. The issue with that is that it’s hard to help someone who doesn’t realise they need help. Appreciate that, will edit it, thanks:)

  22. Mental health is something that you can improve with your actions. Keeping yourself active by walking or the gym, eating the right foods, being a good person and smiling. Mental illness is something that you can’t control and it’s something that has to be under control for a person to even contemplate addressing their mental health. Neglecting your mental health can and does lead to the onset of mental illness in some cases. It’s not something that you would welcome into your life and the possibility of it being there is deterrent enough for maintaining your mental health. I’ll stand testament to that.

    1. I absolutely agree. A lot of things help with mental health. It’s not something we can control but we can better our symptoms through multiple things.

      1. Absolutely 🙌 I have found some solace in reading and learning about my illness. I’m trying to become an expert in myself. I’m living with it after all so I’m getting the best insight of what it is. I have accepted it too which I think is important. You accept your imperfections in order to be yourself. That’s what I think anyway

        1. I agree, we must accept ourselves as we are including the bad. Doing some research and learning about your illness can definitely be helpful in managing it.

      2. And your 6 word stories! I’m missing them

        1. I haven’t done those in so long, I think I need to share one soon!

          1. Six Word Story: “Something is absent, but never forgotten”

            1. Love that six word story. Just like my SWS that are absent for now but not forgotten.

              1. Exactly 😉

              2. No I hope you don’t mind but I have drafted a blog post with a six word story in a bid to get them resurrected 😂 I’m not sure how to imbed a link to your site. I have managed to get the link embedded to the six word story section of your site. If you are ok with me doing this I’ll post it once you have checked it out. We can build the anticipation for the next six word story to fever point

                1. Haha no problem at all. That’s so funny because I’m posting a six word story today too. Sure feel free to use that link on your post.

                  1. I’m already anticipating your post 🙌

  23. Mental health issues have definitely increased, as I also have dealt with it and dealt with thoughts of suicide as well. I think many of us did not know how tough mental health issues would be, until dealing with such issues. It is important because too many of us suffer in silence, part of the reason being people cant afford services if they are considering professional help, but breaking free from the silence is how we can help each other. Taking it one step at time and learning to have patience, because healing does take time, as there will be challenges along the way. Sometimes we can experience traumas earlier in life, but didnt have the ability to understand so. But as we age we come to realize and understand how our past affects us now in the present. But it is manageable and by learning to deal with it, our physical health improves as well.

    1. I very much agree with you and what you said is consistent with my experiences with mental health too. I think if more people were open about it and looked for help we would have more affordable mental health services. And yes, our early traumas can have an impact on our future and we only realise that as adults.

  24. Being a Psychology student, I feel so happy to see this post. Thanks a lot Pooj for writing this. Mental health is something very very important that should be discussed. What you said is very true – though psychology has advanced much, many people should be ready to change their mindset towards the field.

    1. Thanks so much. I studied psychology for a few years too and it was very interesting. Yes, I think it’s time as a society we learn more about mental health and get rid of the negative mindset towards it.

  25. Mental health is probably most important when it comes to the happiness level of humanity. We should pay attention to mental health improvement so that we could be happier

    1. I very much agree. I think if we prioritised mental health people would definitely be a lot happier.

      1. I don’t know why I always think of happiness engineers every time this topic comes up. Really and truly, there should be a term to describe those miracle workers

        1. True, they do so much work.

  26. Mental health is very important. If it is not addressed, it can ruin a person’s life. Stress, depression, and anxiety are the number one factors that caused some to commit suicide. I am glad that there are professionals who can help with those kind of mental health problems. I have suffered from stress, depression, and anxiety all of my life and it drains you, and robs you of your joy and happiness. It causes you not to want to do the things that you once enjoyed. It is hard just getting your day started, and even harder to get out of bed. I know that there may never be a complete cure for it, but we who struggle with it cannot stop fighting to take care of our mental health as hard as it may be.

    1. I couldn’t agree more. I think the longer it goes unaddressed the worse the symptoms can get. It can definitely make you feel drained and numb. Getting help when needed is best.

  27. We neglect mental health while prioritizing physical health, unaware that they significantly influence each other. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I completely agree. I think there needs to be a balance if we want to be healthy overall.

  28. I just talked with a woman who considered suicide several times but couldn’t go through it. She said her family and her relatives don’t understand her at all, either brushing her off as making a big fuss over nothing or treating like a lunatic. It is their way of prevent her from talking about the issue.

    1. That’s so sad. But unfortunately it happens a lot. People don’t understand mental health or take it as seriously as they should. Many people brush it off or brush it under the rug instead of addressing the issues.

  29. Pooja I totally agree with you on this point – the root of some of our physical health issues can be due to mental health problems left unaddressed. Taking care of ourselves is so important and physical and mental health are interconnected.

    1. Thanks so much. Absolutely, a lot of people have stress or mental health related issues that manifest as physical issues but they don’t realise it’s due to mental health.

  30. Absolutely agree, mental health is crucial! It’s great that you’re raising awareness about its importance. 🌟 #Mental_Health_Matters

    1. Thanks so much. Absolutely, we need to pay a lot more attention to our mental health.

  31. I pay more attention to my mental well-being these days. Though busy, sometimes I feel and indulge the need to drop everything and just do something seemingly useless.
    Interestingly, I was doing the short morning workout the other day and found that I was so much more relaxed and focused afterwards. I’d missed almost a whole week of meditations but had been working out. I googled ; is exercise a form of meditation? Because I was feeling all the meditation effects from the workouts. The answers were very interesting and encouraging.
    But I do agree with you. Mind and body both need to be cared for. Mind more so, though where mind is struggling, a good, brief workout routine can lead directly to jumpstarting mind care as well.🙏🏾🪷

    1. We all need some time to do absolutely nothing productive. It really helps.

      That’s really great. I do yoga each morning and that’s been amazing. I think any form of exercise can be like meditation depending on your dopamine/serotonin levels. I always say, exercise is wonderful for mental health. Even if it’s just a short workout.

  32. Thanks for your attention to this important topic.

    1. Happy to write about it and share the things I’ve learnt and experienced over the years.

  33. A good mental health is important to me because I have been in the dark deep hole struggling to get out. I have tried to end my life and still sometimes think death would be better. But I did seek professional help in the past which helped some but I also learned about myself through psychology classes. I learned that there are many good things for me here while I’m alive. And I learned how to manage my emotions better. Of course I still have some down days but nothing as bad as before. And I prefer to be happier than sad all the time.

    1. Same here, it’s tough feeling like that constantly. I’m so glad you chose to seek help and learn through psychology classes. That’s actually exactly what I did too. And yes, there are so many reasons for you to stay alive and there are people here who care about you. The darkness never truly goes away, we just have to keep fighting it each day and eventually it becomes weaker.

      1. You nailed it exactly. That’s all any of us can do is take one day at a time and keep fighting.

        1. Absolutely, it’s a daily fight. We just have to keep doing our best.

  34. It was well written Pg!
    With taking care of the seriousness of the topic.

    Mental health matters a lot, but many people don’t know much about it. They are ashamed to talk about it, they are afraid that it’s a bad thing.

    But, we need more awareness like this, to educate people about mental/emotional health.

    1. I’ve read 3 blog posts of yours back to back

      And I noticed how different they were.
      Such a wonderful writer you are my friend. 👏🏻👏🏻

      1. Thanks so much. I have the personality of several writers in one lol 😅

        1. I can see!!!

          You are a Pandora box.

    2. Thanks so much. I very much agree. Even though mental health affects every aspect of our life we don’t talk about it openly and have so much taboo surrounding it.

      1. How are you feeling?

        1. I’m good, actually this month has been productive health wise.

          1. Wah, new and surprising

  35. An alarming number of people (who are predominantly late teens early 20s) are saying they have mental problems and they see the GP to be referred to Mental Health Professionals and they are found to not have any mental illnesses or issues. This is taking up valuable resources and time. I’m just astounded that impressionable demographics are claiming to have mental issues. You seen it in the press and celebrities stories about how it is that are censored and romancing it in way that they can say they feel like that and they make a call to the health professionals that have to offer an appointment to see the person.

    1. Yeah, I think a big part of that is due to social media and “influencers” often romanticising and having mental health problems. It’s so messed up.

      1. Especially when it’s not a visible ailment. I’m astounded by the fact people are wanting to be with mental issues. Personally I think they need to put a program on bbc1 or a main channel at prime time viewing and then give a no holds barred account and explanation of Bipolar one week, schizophrenia the next, then other illnesses that are not understood. It will give people an insight into how it is and learning more about it from general public will maybe breakdown the stigma related to mental illness and mental health issues as if people aren’t understanding they are predominantly dismissive of it

        1. Yeah, mental issues turned into some weird trend and it’s so pathetic considering people who actually have mental health issues don’t always get the help needed. Yes, I think a program like that would be very informative and at least people would get accurate information instead of what they see on social media.

  36. Yeah, fully agreed. Mental health and physical health are indeed very much connected.

    1. Absolutely, it definitely is.

  37. Your post inspired my next post. Currently working on a stage play that dealt with the other side of mental health disorders. Hope to publish tomorrow.

    1. Thanks and that’s wonderful. Do share the link when it’s published as I would love to read it.

        1. Great, will check it out thanks.

  38. Great piece as always! I agree that mental health does affect our physical health. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, absolutely it does.

  39. Love your website!!

    1. Thanks so much!

  40. Interesting points 😊☘️

    1. Thanks so much 😊

  41. Mental health is a topic close to my heart, and it’s crucial that we continue discussing it openly. Taking a moment to reflect on its significance, I believe mental health deserves our attention and support. Let’s prioritize our well-being and foster a culture that encourages conversations around this essential aspect of our lives. #MentalHealthMatters

    1. Thank you and I appreciate that you understand the importance of mental health. It definitely needs to be prioritised and those that need help should be able to get it freely.

  42. Great article! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much!

  43. Venting publicly is a sign of bravery. Pooja you are strong and a warrior too. Nothing negative will stay in your path. You are a lioness

    1. Thank you so much, really appreciate your kind words.

  44. Taking care of our mental health is vital! I always say in practice that mental and physical health are so interconnected that they can become a vicious cycle impacting one another.

    1. I couldn’t agree more!

  45. Thanks for this post! We should give more importance to mental health. These days people have a lot of difficulties negotiating emotions and the fast-changing world trends. More awareness is needed at different levels.

    1. Thanks so much and I could not agree more. The world is a difficult place and many people definitely have issues properly processing emotions and especially negative ones.

  46. Great post and some great tips

    1. Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed the post.

  47. I suffer from bipolar disorder, and used to have a mental health blog in the past. In recent years I’ve stopped being so vocal about mental health due to backlash and being stalked online. But I missed my blog, so I started a new one. I share others posts as well as my own.

    1. I’m so sorry you received backlash but there is still so much taboo and stigma surrounding mental health so I can’t say I’m surprised. Glad you came back though.

    2. I just started my blog. Good to know!

  48. […] Why Mental Health Is Important […]

  49. […] to travel, but who mentally need a boost to embrace their dreams. Even in the travel industry, mental health should be […]

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